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  1. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from Flt. Lt. Space Bugs in Gnat 2.0 - The deadly gnat!   
    teach me how to logic
  2. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey reacted to ElectronicDrug in Official Zeus Petition   
    Good thread.
  3. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey reacted to Jiyeon in Gnat 2.0 - The deadly gnat!   
    Who are you and why are you still talking?
  4. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey reacted to Timeassassin103 in [ARCHIVE] Warcraft 3 Bug and Issue Reports   
    not sure if posted yet but Master Sniper is 25% invis not 75%. also if you shoot someone, the invis doesnt go away.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey reacted to thorgot in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
    It wouldn't increase server load beyond a slightly longer download time.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey reacted to centran in Gnat 2.0 - The deadly gnat!   
    And nothing of value was lost... Why don't you offer some creative criticism instead of just bitching and saying something should be removed.
    Gnat 2.0 was the direct result of peoples idea to improve the race. I didn't think it was needed but was up to try something different based on the communities input since it is such a controversial race.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey reacted to Ika in Some thoughts in light of recent race additions   
    fuckin ant lion whores
  8. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from Flt. Lt. Space Bugs in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
    Everyone enjoys hearing the female screaming "god-like"  so why not add the option to the server already?
    I found the link for quake sounds ( It includes the female and male set) https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=224316
  9. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from Wintergreen in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
    Everyone enjoys hearing the female screaming "god-like"  so why not add the option to the server already?
    I found the link for quake sounds ( It includes the female and male set) https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=224316
  10. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from BLiNDBoi in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
    Everyone enjoys hearing the female screaming "god-like"  so why not add the option to the server already?
    I found the link for quake sounds ( It includes the female and male set) https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=224316
  11. Downvote (-1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from Velo in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
    Everyone enjoys hearing the female screaming "god-like"  so why not add the option to the server already?
    I found the link for quake sounds ( It includes the female and male set) https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=224316
  12. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey reacted to ElectronicDrug in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
    Sounds good as long as the default option for it is disabled
  13. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey reacted to Will.Alaska in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
    Some mother fuckers need to accept nostalgia into their life.
    Quake sounds is some OG shit.
  14. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from Will.Alaska in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
    Everyone enjoys hearing the female screaming "god-like"  so why not add the option to the server already?
    I found the link for quake sounds ( It includes the female and male set) https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=224316
  15. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from Rayne in The Gnat, What to do?   
    I'm going for the kill skill vote simply because I want to see centran work.
  16. Downvote (-1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from Dyscivist in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
    Everyone enjoys hearing the female screaming "god-like"  so why not add the option to the server already?
    I found the link for quake sounds ( It includes the female and male set) https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=224316
  17. Downvote (-1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
    Everyone enjoys hearing the female screaming "god-like"  so why not add the option to the server already?
    I found the link for quake sounds ( It includes the female and male set) https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=224316
  18. Downvote (-1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from xmen in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
    Everyone enjoys hearing the female screaming "god-like"  so why not add the option to the server already?
    I found the link for quake sounds ( It includes the female and male set) https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=224316
  19. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey reacted to Ichalvl in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
    Surf in 5 words...
  20. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey reacted to DogsGoMeow in Can we please put quake sounds on the server already?   
  21. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey reacted to Jiyeon in Some thoughts in light of recent race additions   
    Are races even going through proper discussion and tweaking before being coded? Are they getting approval by the server engineers (thorgot and Coolness) before being added? I obviously don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but this is what it seems like as centran has added 3 of his own races in the last week and Coolness personally said he didn't think Gnat belonged. Again, like I said, I don't know if y'all talk among yourselves, but it just doesn't seem like it. Can we get all races to go through the proper steps and have coolness'/thorgot's approval, regardless of who is coding it (minus thorgot and coolness since they are essentially directing the server/balance)?
    Additionally, can we reinstate the race beta testers system we had on wcs1 to test out recently coded/in-progress races on the public server before having them go live?
    I just think having races be approved by the server engineers prior to release, and testing new races on the server and not just in the dev server could help us avoid some of the rage/qq that have happened this past week.
    Not trying to hate on or flame you centran, love your enthusiasm and the work you're putting it, I just think it needs to go through the same process the other races go through to maintain a sort of equilibrium/theme/balance on the server.
    Anyways, just some thoughts I've had.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey reacted to Rayne in The Gnat, should it stay or should it go?   
    That does sound better, but I still think it's going to boil down to people trying to level it and actually play it. You know as well as I do, players like their races due to the unique ways they can kill other players.
    It's all good fun disarming somebody a few times, but dying over and over again and getting next to no kills, or even surviving and getting no kills. It'll get played a couple of times, then left in the dark.
    Your original idea of making it do more damage depending on the amount of team mates left is a much more solid idea in my opinion, that'd actually make it quite a fun race to play. Also giving the idea of excitement at the end of a round. 
    EDIT: I'm really not trying to bash your work, so I apologize if that's how it's coming across, I'm just trying to explain how the players are going to look at it. We both know that server is never going to cater for teamwork, save a rare few players on TS together. 
  23. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from hairynipon in The Gnat, should it stay or should it go?   
    It's a novelty race. A lot of people commenting here don't truly understand what coolness is saying about the race. With the addition of this and the decoy race, it doesn't even feel like wcs anymore. It feels more like a "Hey, let's cram on these annoying races onto the server this week" type of thing. I understand that the engineers want to inject as much fun as possible but this isn't the way to do it. The execution of these types of races, currently, are terrible. 
    A general rule for wcs it is that EVERY RACE SHOULD BE ABLE TO KILL AN ENEMY. Nobody is going to stay on this race because it isn't viable in a 1v1, or when you have to stop the diffuser from diffusing the bomb that you, a gnat, planted. For fucks sake, give it claws of attack or 5% to do 100 damage, really anything will do. Seeing a gnat go 0-24 will make you question whether this race is actually doing your team good or worse. Think about that last statement. 
    The whole of idea of making a race solely to annoy others is retarded. Yes I'm not blinded by it's usefulness in some situtations, but let's not kid ourselves here. Wcs isn't comp. There is no strategic planning of annoying and then killing, if you want to do that, play infected, it does a hell of a better job than gnat. Please give it some type of killing power, if not, I don't see this race becoming anything more than a "max-it-and-move-on" race
  24. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from Acebats in The Gnat, should it stay or should it go?   
    I'm not denying it's utility. That clutch situation was probably 6 baddies and 1 good gnat, but this never happens enough to warrant and validate the current state of Gnat
    Also, if you are going to go in that direction of making its knife damage inversely proportional to how many teammates you have, make it a passive thing and not an ability.
    For example: 
    100-80% of teammates left = 5 knife dmg ( The following are left click only) 79-60% of teammates left = 10 knife dmg  59-40% of teammates left = 15 knife dmg 39-20% of teammates left = 20 knife dmg 19-0% of teammates left = 25 knife dmg
  25. Upvote (+1)
    HCMikey got a reaction from MrCoolness in The Gnat, should it stay or should it go?   
    It's a novelty race. A lot of people commenting here don't truly understand what coolness is saying about the race. With the addition of this and the decoy race, it doesn't even feel like wcs anymore. It feels more like a "Hey, let's cram on these annoying races onto the server this week" type of thing. I understand that the engineers want to inject as much fun as possible but this isn't the way to do it. The execution of these types of races, currently, are terrible. 
    A general rule for wcs it is that EVERY RACE SHOULD BE ABLE TO KILL AN ENEMY. Nobody is going to stay on this race because it isn't viable in a 1v1, or when you have to stop the diffuser from diffusing the bomb that you, a gnat, planted. For fucks sake, give it claws of attack or 5% to do 100 damage, really anything will do. Seeing a gnat go 0-24 will make you question whether this race is actually doing your team good or worse. Think about that last statement. 
    The whole of idea of making a race solely to annoy others is retarded. Yes I'm not blinded by it's usefulness in some situtations, but let's not kid ourselves here. Wcs isn't comp. There is no strategic planning of annoying and then killing, if you want to do that, play infected, it does a hell of a better job than gnat. Please give it some type of killing power, if not, I don't see this race becoming anything more than a "max-it-and-move-on" race
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