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Geeky comedy, but it has it's moments. Sheldon is also a pretty damn good character in design. I don't watch it though.


Edited by Oreo

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some dildo on reddit a while back explained pretty well imo why many of us don't like bbt:

"Because the show isn't for nerds, it's for people who are sort of friends with nerds. All of the humor in the show relies on Sheldon being socially incompetent and just saying random things like "That's crazier than trying to play battletoads!" or "That reminds me of my N64!" or "Blah blah something something Battlestar Gallactica!"

I love Community and I love Arrested Development. They are smart shows about dumb people. TBBT is a dumb show about smart people. Those characters are there for the audience to laugh at and make fun of.

Ask yourself, who in TBBT is the audience meant to identify with? The answer is Penny, the friend of the nerds. The audience is meant to see themselves as Penny, who is bombarded with crazy weirdness all the time from her socially inept friends.

In short, the show is a poor attempt at 'nerd-humor' by simply dropping references, creating intentionally awkward situations, and it has a god-awful laugh track."

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