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  1. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y reacted to Rayne in GOT Season 7   
    I think that was Bronn, I need to re-watch, but it makes no sense for the Hound to be South when he's with the Brotherhood. And the leader of the Brotherhood goes North with Jon.

  2. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y reacted to Rayne in GOT Season 7   
    When winter comes...
    You'll hear no lions roar...
    No stags grazing the fields...
    No roses growing in the meadows...
    No snakes in the sand...
    The krakens will freeze where they swim...
    The flayed men will rot and wither...
    No trouts swimming in the river and no falcons flying in the air...
    Not even the dragon's breath will warm you in your halls.
    You shall hear only the wolves howl...
    And then you will know, winter has come.
  3. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from Rayne in Abuse from Clan Members and regulars on WCS2   
    shocker, i barely said anything to you that was aimed to "attack" you. i was just trying to see what was going on.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from Eaglewonj in Staff Leaks   
    Holy fuck. 
  5. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from UnknownLegend in Staff Leaks   
    Holy fuck. 
  6. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from water.exe in Regarding recent events   
    So you guys may or may not have noticed the drama that happened over the past few days. Some of you may know what is going on from one side, some of you guys may know what is going on from another side, and some of you may have no clue what is going on. This post is to explain to you, our community, what exactly is going on from our point of view.
    As most of you may know, Mitch and Toxygen recently stepped down from their positions on staff here at sG. They are now a part of a new community called SiJ, or Samurais in Jeans. To my understanding, and those of you who are a part of SiJ correct me if I'm wrong, is a private community. They are basically a group of friends on the internet who have their own private forum and whatnot. Kind of like Bros or GS or what have you. SiJ's staff consists of Mitch, Pork N Chili, Sakata, Sandy Balls, and Toxygen. Clay as their engineer and I suppose Salv as their equivalent of an advisor.
    Now for all of you guys who are concerned about dual-clanning, don't be. This community can be friends with other communities. For many years now, our rules have not changed regarding this matter. If you are on an sG server, sG tags go first and that is all, everyone can be friends.
    SiJ, had they simply been a group of friends like Bros or GS, then everything would have been fine. You guys might have seen some of the SiJ members here say something along the lines of "you guys[staff] seem to think SiJ and sG are mutually exclusive". That is not so, we do not think that, we do not necessarily want that, we do not require that. SiJ orginally stated that they are like GS or Bros, and since they do not have servers are not in competition with sG, and we acceptted that for what it was worth.
    Apparently not much

    However, a red flag went up when staff heard that KGame was recruiting people from our community to go to SiJ, but we brushed it off. It didn't seem like something we needed to worry about.
    A few days down the line however, staff catches wind of this conversation from an SiJ member. You can read various SiJ member's response to this member here: http://www.joinsg.net/topic/53527-calling-out-eddy/
    Here are a few snippets from this conversation, and SiJ members have been quick to point out to me that we, sG Staff, have taken this conversation out of context, but if anyone reading this could put it into a context that makes these statements ok, please let me know.
    This began as a PSA by Toxygen on SiJ forums...

    The message from Mimic was a reiteration of rule 10 of the SO Guidelines.

    (Staff leak)
    The responeses in that conversation started by Toxygen is what caused us, the Staff, to act the way that we did.

    A threat of DDoS...

    You could imagine my surprise when windmill reacted the way that he did when we demoted him from his SO position.

    A plan to "take" all of our, and your, SOs.

    Mimic decided that simply demoting them was enough, but as some of you may know, I decided to remove these SOs from the clan entirely. Was I overreacting? Perhaps, perhaps not. Also, Mimic told some people that I was "drunk" when I removed these people from the clan, I just want to make it clear to all of you right now that I wasn't and I can own up to my actions without faking alcoholism, unlike some others. I fully understood what I was doing, and I felt that the action I took was the right one.
    Moving on, soon after the demoting of a few members, we got word of another plan in the works on the SiJ forums.

    Now, one of the main complaints that I have seen from SiJ members is that sG is no longer what it used to be. Our community, our servers, are not what they used to be. I have been here for a long time, and I can say honestly, that this is true. Things change, games get old, games get boring, people grow up, people's interests change. All of these things are undoubtedly going to happen, and we can't stop that. We can only change in a way that, hopefully, makes this community strive.
    So I ask you now, what do you guys, the community, want from us as Staff. How can we be better? Do we even want to keep the servers online? Do we want to be just a forum?
    Although we as Staff keep this community running as best we can, this community would be nothing without you guys. You guys are the substance of this community, and as such your opinions are needed for us to decide how we should change this community so that it can continue to strive.
    P.S. As many of you have noticed, there are now a few SO and Staff positions open which need to be filled. We will be looking to promote some people to these positions shortly. Also, a new server is in testing and when it opens, we will need a few SOs for that server too.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from Arrkham in Regarding recent events   
    So you guys may or may not have noticed the drama that happened over the past few days. Some of you may know what is going on from one side, some of you guys may know what is going on from another side, and some of you may have no clue what is going on. This post is to explain to you, our community, what exactly is going on from our point of view.
    As most of you may know, Mitch and Toxygen recently stepped down from their positions on staff here at sG. They are now a part of a new community called SiJ, or Samurais in Jeans. To my understanding, and those of you who are a part of SiJ correct me if I'm wrong, is a private community. They are basically a group of friends on the internet who have their own private forum and whatnot. Kind of like Bros or GS or what have you. SiJ's staff consists of Mitch, Pork N Chili, Sakata, Sandy Balls, and Toxygen. Clay as their engineer and I suppose Salv as their equivalent of an advisor.
    Now for all of you guys who are concerned about dual-clanning, don't be. This community can be friends with other communities. For many years now, our rules have not changed regarding this matter. If you are on an sG server, sG tags go first and that is all, everyone can be friends.
    SiJ, had they simply been a group of friends like Bros or GS, then everything would have been fine. You guys might have seen some of the SiJ members here say something along the lines of "you guys[staff] seem to think SiJ and sG are mutually exclusive". That is not so, we do not think that, we do not necessarily want that, we do not require that. SiJ orginally stated that they are like GS or Bros, and since they do not have servers are not in competition with sG, and we acceptted that for what it was worth.
    Apparently not much

    However, a red flag went up when staff heard that KGame was recruiting people from our community to go to SiJ, but we brushed it off. It didn't seem like something we needed to worry about.
    A few days down the line however, staff catches wind of this conversation from an SiJ member. You can read various SiJ member's response to this member here: http://www.joinsg.net/topic/53527-calling-out-eddy/
    Here are a few snippets from this conversation, and SiJ members have been quick to point out to me that we, sG Staff, have taken this conversation out of context, but if anyone reading this could put it into a context that makes these statements ok, please let me know.
    This began as a PSA by Toxygen on SiJ forums...

    The message from Mimic was a reiteration of rule 10 of the SO Guidelines.

    (Staff leak)
    The responeses in that conversation started by Toxygen is what caused us, the Staff, to act the way that we did.

    A threat of DDoS...

    You could imagine my surprise when windmill reacted the way that he did when we demoted him from his SO position.

    A plan to "take" all of our, and your, SOs.

    Mimic decided that simply demoting them was enough, but as some of you may know, I decided to remove these SOs from the clan entirely. Was I overreacting? Perhaps, perhaps not. Also, Mimic told some people that I was "drunk" when I removed these people from the clan, I just want to make it clear to all of you right now that I wasn't and I can own up to my actions without faking alcoholism, unlike some others. I fully understood what I was doing, and I felt that the action I took was the right one.
    Moving on, soon after the demoting of a few members, we got word of another plan in the works on the SiJ forums.

    Now, one of the main complaints that I have seen from SiJ members is that sG is no longer what it used to be. Our community, our servers, are not what they used to be. I have been here for a long time, and I can say honestly, that this is true. Things change, games get old, games get boring, people grow up, people's interests change. All of these things are undoubtedly going to happen, and we can't stop that. We can only change in a way that, hopefully, makes this community strive.
    So I ask you now, what do you guys, the community, want from us as Staff. How can we be better? Do we even want to keep the servers online? Do we want to be just a forum?
    Although we as Staff keep this community running as best we can, this community would be nothing without you guys. You guys are the substance of this community, and as such your opinions are needed for us to decide how we should change this community so that it can continue to strive.
    P.S. As many of you have noticed, there are now a few SO and Staff positions open which need to be filled. We will be looking to promote some people to these positions shortly. Also, a new server is in testing and when it opens, we will need a few SOs for that server too.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from Bob Ross Zombie in Regarding recent events   
    So you guys may or may not have noticed the drama that happened over the past few days. Some of you may know what is going on from one side, some of you guys may know what is going on from another side, and some of you may have no clue what is going on. This post is to explain to you, our community, what exactly is going on from our point of view.
    As most of you may know, Mitch and Toxygen recently stepped down from their positions on staff here at sG. They are now a part of a new community called SiJ, or Samurais in Jeans. To my understanding, and those of you who are a part of SiJ correct me if I'm wrong, is a private community. They are basically a group of friends on the internet who have their own private forum and whatnot. Kind of like Bros or GS or what have you. SiJ's staff consists of Mitch, Pork N Chili, Sakata, Sandy Balls, and Toxygen. Clay as their engineer and I suppose Salv as their equivalent of an advisor.
    Now for all of you guys who are concerned about dual-clanning, don't be. This community can be friends with other communities. For many years now, our rules have not changed regarding this matter. If you are on an sG server, sG tags go first and that is all, everyone can be friends.
    SiJ, had they simply been a group of friends like Bros or GS, then everything would have been fine. You guys might have seen some of the SiJ members here say something along the lines of "you guys[staff] seem to think SiJ and sG are mutually exclusive". That is not so, we do not think that, we do not necessarily want that, we do not require that. SiJ orginally stated that they are like GS or Bros, and since they do not have servers are not in competition with sG, and we acceptted that for what it was worth.
    Apparently not much

    However, a red flag went up when staff heard that KGame was recruiting people from our community to go to SiJ, but we brushed it off. It didn't seem like something we needed to worry about.
    A few days down the line however, staff catches wind of this conversation from an SiJ member. You can read various SiJ member's response to this member here: http://www.joinsg.net/topic/53527-calling-out-eddy/
    Here are a few snippets from this conversation, and SiJ members have been quick to point out to me that we, sG Staff, have taken this conversation out of context, but if anyone reading this could put it into a context that makes these statements ok, please let me know.
    This began as a PSA by Toxygen on SiJ forums...

    The message from Mimic was a reiteration of rule 10 of the SO Guidelines.

    (Staff leak)
    The responeses in that conversation started by Toxygen is what caused us, the Staff, to act the way that we did.

    A threat of DDoS...

    You could imagine my surprise when windmill reacted the way that he did when we demoted him from his SO position.

    A plan to "take" all of our, and your, SOs.

    Mimic decided that simply demoting them was enough, but as some of you may know, I decided to remove these SOs from the clan entirely. Was I overreacting? Perhaps, perhaps not. Also, Mimic told some people that I was "drunk" when I removed these people from the clan, I just want to make it clear to all of you right now that I wasn't and I can own up to my actions without faking alcoholism, unlike some others. I fully understood what I was doing, and I felt that the action I took was the right one.
    Moving on, soon after the demoting of a few members, we got word of another plan in the works on the SiJ forums.

    Now, one of the main complaints that I have seen from SiJ members is that sG is no longer what it used to be. Our community, our servers, are not what they used to be. I have been here for a long time, and I can say honestly, that this is true. Things change, games get old, games get boring, people grow up, people's interests change. All of these things are undoubtedly going to happen, and we can't stop that. We can only change in a way that, hopefully, makes this community strive.
    So I ask you now, what do you guys, the community, want from us as Staff. How can we be better? Do we even want to keep the servers online? Do we want to be just a forum?
    Although we as Staff keep this community running as best we can, this community would be nothing without you guys. You guys are the substance of this community, and as such your opinions are needed for us to decide how we should change this community so that it can continue to strive.
    P.S. As many of you have noticed, there are now a few SO and Staff positions open which need to be filled. We will be looking to promote some people to these positions shortly. Also, a new server is in testing and when it opens, we will need a few SOs for that server too.
  9. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from cookie eater in Being Banned   
    If he had less bans... then he wouldn't be permanently banned would he? 
  10. Downvote (-1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from numsuchsnus in Regarding recent events   
    So you guys may or may not have noticed the drama that happened over the past few days. Some of you may know what is going on from one side, some of you guys may know what is going on from another side, and some of you may have no clue what is going on. This post is to explain to you, our community, what exactly is going on from our point of view.
    As most of you may know, Mitch and Toxygen recently stepped down from their positions on staff here at sG. They are now a part of a new community called SiJ, or Samurais in Jeans. To my understanding, and those of you who are a part of SiJ correct me if I'm wrong, is a private community. They are basically a group of friends on the internet who have their own private forum and whatnot. Kind of like Bros or GS or what have you. SiJ's staff consists of Mitch, Pork N Chili, Sakata, Sandy Balls, and Toxygen. Clay as their engineer and I suppose Salv as their equivalent of an advisor.
    Now for all of you guys who are concerned about dual-clanning, don't be. This community can be friends with other communities. For many years now, our rules have not changed regarding this matter. If you are on an sG server, sG tags go first and that is all, everyone can be friends.
    SiJ, had they simply been a group of friends like Bros or GS, then everything would have been fine. You guys might have seen some of the SiJ members here say something along the lines of "you guys[staff] seem to think SiJ and sG are mutually exclusive". That is not so, we do not think that, we do not necessarily want that, we do not require that. SiJ orginally stated that they are like GS or Bros, and since they do not have servers are not in competition with sG, and we acceptted that for what it was worth.
    Apparently not much

    However, a red flag went up when staff heard that KGame was recruiting people from our community to go to SiJ, but we brushed it off. It didn't seem like something we needed to worry about.
    A few days down the line however, staff catches wind of this conversation from an SiJ member. You can read various SiJ member's response to this member here: http://www.joinsg.net/topic/53527-calling-out-eddy/
    Here are a few snippets from this conversation, and SiJ members have been quick to point out to me that we, sG Staff, have taken this conversation out of context, but if anyone reading this could put it into a context that makes these statements ok, please let me know.
    This began as a PSA by Toxygen on SiJ forums...

    The message from Mimic was a reiteration of rule 10 of the SO Guidelines.

    (Staff leak)
    The responeses in that conversation started by Toxygen is what caused us, the Staff, to act the way that we did.

    A threat of DDoS...

    You could imagine my surprise when windmill reacted the way that he did when we demoted him from his SO position.

    A plan to "take" all of our, and your, SOs.

    Mimic decided that simply demoting them was enough, but as some of you may know, I decided to remove these SOs from the clan entirely. Was I overreacting? Perhaps, perhaps not. Also, Mimic told some people that I was "drunk" when I removed these people from the clan, I just want to make it clear to all of you right now that I wasn't and I can own up to my actions without faking alcoholism, unlike some others. I fully understood what I was doing, and I felt that the action I took was the right one.
    Moving on, soon after the demoting of a few members, we got word of another plan in the works on the SiJ forums.

    Now, one of the main complaints that I have seen from SiJ members is that sG is no longer what it used to be. Our community, our servers, are not what they used to be. I have been here for a long time, and I can say honestly, that this is true. Things change, games get old, games get boring, people grow up, people's interests change. All of these things are undoubtedly going to happen, and we can't stop that. We can only change in a way that, hopefully, makes this community strive.
    So I ask you now, what do you guys, the community, want from us as Staff. How can we be better? Do we even want to keep the servers online? Do we want to be just a forum?
    Although we as Staff keep this community running as best we can, this community would be nothing without you guys. You guys are the substance of this community, and as such your opinions are needed for us to decide how we should change this community so that it can continue to strive.
    P.S. As many of you have noticed, there are now a few SO and Staff positions open which need to be filled. We will be looking to promote some people to these positions shortly. Also, a new server is in testing and when it opens, we will need a few SOs for that server too.
  11. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y reacted to ElectronicDrug in This Faggot...   
    Not as much as the amount of dicks your mom can fit in her mouth
  12. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from Renegade in Ban Appeal   
    Are you towliban? Agent XXXL? 
  13. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y reacted to Ryziou in HEROES OF THE STORM   
    but...but... you get to play as Arthas
  14. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y reacted to ElectronicDrug in how i wish all my downloads looked   
    1gbps is 83mbps. So any modern ssd will write that fast
  15. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y reacted to ElectronicDrug in Do I SLI my 660ti, or go for a higher end card?   
    Every time you yawn, a ghost sticks its dick in your mouth
  16. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y reacted to ChosenOne2000 in Happy Veterans Day sG   
    I don't speak Navy enlisted. Rate?
  17. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from Sketchmaticx in SIJ and sG merger   
    This thread is terrible. 
  18. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from Ika in Happy Veterans Day sG   
    I'm late to this... 
    But, Fox.Bios and Waylon
  19. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from Stabbitty in SIJ and sG merger   
    This thread is terrible. 
  20. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from Wave in SIJ and sG merger   
    This thread is terrible. 
  21. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from water.exe in SIJ and sG merger   
    This thread is terrible. 
  22. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from water.exe in SIJ and sG merger   
    Firefighter is good guy, but english no well speak. 
    Staff communicate need. English speak community.
    Staff for firefighter improbable.  
  23. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from AntyCrix in SIJ and sG merger   
    Firefighter is good guy, but english no well speak. 
    Staff communicate need. English speak community.
    Staff for firefighter improbable.  
  24. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from Firefighter_DK in SIJ and sG merger   
    Firefighter is good guy, but english no well speak. 
    Staff communicate need. English speak community.
    Staff for firefighter improbable.  
  25. Upvote (+1)
    fatb0y got a reaction from xmen in SIJ and sG merger   
    Firefighter is good guy, but english no well speak. 
    Staff communicate need. English speak community.
    Staff for firefighter improbable.  
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