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  1. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid reacted to Name in Newfags getting SO   
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid reacted to Mufasa in PETITION TO REMOVE ARCTIC COMPLEX   
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid reacted to ROFL in THE KARMA SYSTEM   
    Yeah, it's way harder admining TTT then JB. But mimic told me to ban people who i think were ghosting and if they complained say it was an accident.
    Edit: grammarical error
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid reacted to Marvin in Five Years   
    I realized today just how fast time can fly.
    A little over five years ago I started playing on Undead Vengeance's Zombie Mod server. So many great times have been had with so many people. I am very pleased that a few of those people are still around, even if we don't talk very much any more.
    In 2010 I was given the opportunity to help run this community and I dearly hope that during these past three years I have served well and to the best of my ability. Decisions I've made that have affected either one or many people have always been in the best interest of the community as a whole.
    I want to thank all of the members and regulars of this community, past and present, for everything you have given me over the years.
    Good times,
    Good laughs,
    Good friendship.
    I hope there are another five years in this amazing community and that we keep the good times coming.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid reacted to UltimateOreo in 6 Years   
    I missed my anniversary date about a week ago and I just want to trump Marvin.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid reacted to Shadow in Peace   
    Stepping down and all that jazz. 
    My goals were to revive the servers and to get rid of the shitbag staff members. 
    Mission accomplished. 
    All the servers are now successful compared to when I joined staff and JB was the only CSGO server working. Minigames since the introduction of MG/Deathrun is doing well. ZE is now top 10 in all of CSGO, Warcraft exploded and is doing great, WCS is in development, and Surf is increasing. Jailbreak is Jailbreak and everything I needed to do is done. Thanks to everyone who contributed especially the SOs who helped populate and regulate the servers. Also, thanks to all the engineers who decided to help me learn the useless skills of coding and server management especially, drunkula, you whiny little bitch.
    The staff you guys have currently are an awesome group of people. I'll be around to give fitness advice and to play games occasionally. Peace.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid reacted to ctark in Who has the oldest steam account?   
    Jan 21, 2007.
    I refused to use steam for the longest time.  I don't know why I didn't want to though. Ended up using it when my competitive 1.6 clan at the time forced me to. 
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid reacted to DarkPredator in Merit Rank Title   
    Community Ambassador
  9. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid got a reaction from Lvl. 100 Latias in Post your Job!   
    I work seasonally at a Casino as a Blackjack Inspector
    On my free time I volunteer as a medical first responder
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid got a reaction from Lvl. 100 Latias in Wargame: Airbattle is on sale.   
    Here are some pictures I've taken in the game.
    I really think Airland Battle is great for the gameplay and the battlerecorder that allows you to catch moments you may have missed.
    Here is my album to my airland battle pictures if your interested. Some pictures are from beta though.
  11. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid reacted to kano donn in Proof   
    Kano and kiro
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid got a reaction from Lvl. 100 Latias in Steam Summer Sales - GIVEAWAYS   
    Ace Combat Assault Horizon
    ArmA 3
    Faster Than Light
    Resident Evil Revelations
  13. Downvote (-1)
    Blackbid got a reaction from Timeassassin103 in Steam Summer Sales - GIVEAWAYS   
    Ace Combat Assault Horizon
    ArmA 3
    Faster Than Light
    Resident Evil Revelations
  14. Downvote (-1)
    Blackbid got a reaction from Moose in Steam Summer Sales - GIVEAWAYS   
    Ace Combat Assault Horizon
    ArmA 3
    Faster Than Light
    Resident Evil Revelations
  15. Downvote (-1)
    Blackbid got a reaction from Broseidon in Steam Summer Sales - GIVEAWAYS   
    Ace Combat Assault Horizon
    ArmA 3
    Faster Than Light
    Resident Evil Revelations
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid reacted to MONKEH in NEED TTT ADVICE   
    I have recently played with this guy on the SYNDICATE GAMERS named Mishka. He is very annoy. My first encounter with him was when I accidentally inno-on-inno false killed him literally 5 seconds before the round ended. He was extremely angry and demanded to the admins that I get slayed despite my apology and the fact that he only missed 5 seconds of the round.
    Fast forward to today, he keeps saying stupid shit like "ASIAN MAN SAY: I AM FROM PAKISTANS TAXI DRIVER" and has done it constantly for over half an hour in my last session, and is still doing it as of right now (despite nom noms warning him for racism). After threatening to beat him up IRL because I'm a football player, he countered with something about being an asian man etc. Going nowhere, I was forced to mute him because he really doesn't SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT HOW MUCH OF A FAG HE IS. 
    The problem with muting him is that I can't hear his occasional callout which leads to me getting killed or killing unnecessarily. My question to the SYNDICATE GAMERS TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN COMMUNITY is what I should do? I've tried RDM'ing him (ONLY BECAUSE HE DID IT FIRST LOL), but he is a generally whiny bitch and the admins don't like it when I RDM. Is there a way I can enjoy the unlimited potential of SYNDICATE GAMERS TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN without having to deal with how much of a fag he is? I believe my only option is to beat the shit out of him in real life, but I do not know where he is located.
    Thank you for your time SYNDICATE GAMERS COMMUNITY,
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid reacted to Name in Ironic   
    Damnit, that's not what ironic means.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid reacted to Swed in Ironic   
  19. Downvote (-1)
    Blackbid reacted to Siesan in Areo (Wiki Entry)   
    Areo, the big faggot, was gay and sucked alot of cocks
    he later joined sG or something, and then became a racist chinese man
  20. Upvote (+1)
    Blackbid got a reaction from Lvl. 100 Latias in Something I wrote   
    This is something I wrote earlier this year. It isn't perfect but I thought it might be a good read :x. Though the military guys will probably correct me on things haha. If you guys have any comments or feedback let me know as well! /currentlyhavewritersblockwithchapter2
    Hope you enjoy it
    The Black Hawk hovered over the landing zone slowly decreasing in altitude. As the wheels touched the ground, the marines from the immediate surroundings started to run towards us. The gunners started to open fire with the door-side mounted miniguns, keeping the enemy at bay and allowing the marines to board. I looked back into the cabin from the pilots' seat waiting for some type of communication for us to be able to take off. My co-pilot Nao sat there looking at the instruments while remaining calm and composed.
    "Everyone's aboard" radioed Samantha,
    "Roger" Nao replied back thru her headset.
    As I looked at Nao, she gave me the thumbs up and a smile. Her smile made me feel good inside as I started to raise the Black Hawk off the ground, yet something was wrong. We were rising a bit slower than normal.
    "Just to let you know. I think were a bit overloaded" I said to Nao and the rest of the crew.
    "We could dump the extra ammunition to lower the weight" offered Samantha.
    "No no, we might need that. What about fuel?" I asked to Nao
    "We only have enough fuel to make it back to base" Replied Nao with a bit of a frown on her face.
    "Don't worry about it then. We will make do with what we have".
    As the Black Hawk started to rise above the trees, something was rising on the other side of the tree line at the same time, facing us. This made things far worse.
    "Everyone grab onto something!" I bellowed to everybody in the helicopter.
    "Get those doors closed!" yelled one of the crewchiefs.
    As the marines struggled with closing the doors, the enemy helicopter came fully into my line of sight. It was a Russian attack chopper. I made a hard right turn and tried to gain some airspeed.
    "Marlene, Chopper coming up on our 9 o'clock." radioed Nao,
    "Got It." yelled Marlene,
    She squeezed the triggers firing a spray of bullets into the enemy helicopter destroying its' armor. One of the marines started readying their grenade launcher and took aim. I could hear the guns firing from the other marines as well, damaging the chopper beside us. As I looked past Nao, I saw the enemy cockpit lit up with bullets and blood splatter all over the gunner’s seat and a bit at the pilot’s seat. It seemed that there was no-one left alive in that chopper, but to finish it off one of the marines finally fired their grenade launcher engulfing the enemy helicopter in flames effectively destroying what was left. As the enemy chopper slammed the ground, I could hear the marines erupt in cheers of a job well done. As I circled around the wreckage of the chopper, a loud ominous beeping noise filled the air. I started to panic and the rest of the crew as well. This effectively stopped the cheers from continuing in the back cabin. One of the marines stuck their head into the cockpit and looked at us with a curious face.
    “What’s that beeping noise?” the marine asked curiously.
    “Uhhh...I don’t know how to tell you this but we are being locked on to by some type of anti-air defense system” I replied with a weird tone in my voice.
    One of the sergeants overheard the conversation and pulled the marine back into the cabin while instructing the rest to brace for impact and hope to god we don’t get shot down. The loud beeping noise turned into a loud constant tone. I looked around for the missile but still could not find it.
    “MISSILE, AT OUR 5 O’CLOCK!” yelled Marlene,
    “HOLD ON!” I yelled,
    I banked to the left at the last minute barely dodging the missile. I saw the missile pass by my side view window and Mari, the crew chief who was on the right side. A minigun lit up the air with tracers hitting the missile to prevent it from turning around at us. The explosion was beautiful but I didn’t have time to admire it. The ominous tone filled the air signifying that another missile was coming towards us.
    “COUNTERMEASURES AWAY” replied a slightly flustered Nao with a flick of a lever.
    With that flick of a lever, heated bright lights came out of our chopper and fired in all directions taking the missile with it exploding right under us. This didn’t mean that the threat was over, the tone was still there. We had flown into an anti-air trap.
    I looked around to see the missiles slowly surround us. There was a 10 second reload time for the next batch of flares to be fired. I looked at Nao and she nodded at me. With a flip of a switch Nao engaged dual mode, allowing her to assist with the piloting as I sent the helicopter diving down towards the ground from 300ft in the air. This was a scary moment, if we pull up too early the missiles will hit and it will be over for us, pull up too late and we crash into the ground. I have never had to do this before but with the lives of everybody on board in my hands, I had little to no choice. I looked at the altimeter and we were about 200 ft, descending at a rate of 25 ft per second. I wanted to pull up but Nao forced it back down. I waited for a sign to see when we were to pull up.  We had about 100 ft left to impact with the ground. She suddenly pulled the stick towards her and I followed suit immediately.  The helicopter immediately raised its nose from pointing at the ground to pointing parallel with the tree line. Nao flicked another switch and the flares fired out in all directions for the last time taking most of the missiles out, crashing them to the ground. Unfortunately one missile had evaded the counter measures and hit our tail rotor, violently shaking the whole helicopter. The marines panicked since they were in a traumatic experience.
    “We lost our tail rotor” Said Marlene after looking at the back.
    “Our instruments are all wonky now” Nao commented.
    It was already a struggle to keep in control of the helicopter due to the violent shaking but I looked at the instruments. They were all finicky at best. I was hoping it would hold together until we got back to base but that hope was dashed when Nao looked at me and uttered 5 words, forcing me to accept the inevitable.
    “We lost the tail rotor” Nao radioed to me,
    That left me with one option, Emergency landing behind enemy lines. I switched the radio frequency to the emergency channel.
    "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, this is Rescue -1, we are going down" I radioed to dispatch,
    *Roger Rescue-1, you have priority* replied the dispatcher,
    Nao took over while I tried to keep whatever control I could.
    "Mayday Mayday Mayday, Whiskey-1-1 is going down at grid..."
    I zoned Nao out and looked around and found a plain area with a hill. I held tight and guided the Black Hawk down into the area for a soft landing.
    As we went to a complete standstill, I turned off the engines and paused for a minute.  The marines however were disembarking from the Black Hawk. I looked back at my crew and they looked alright. Nao looked at me with a concern look and I was worried.
    “Mark it's time for class. I'm surprised you're not at school yet" Nao said with a worried look.
    I looked away from my computer and turned towards the clock. It was 8:30 am. I only had 15 minutes till class starts but it takes 40-50 minutes to get there.
    I looked back at my screen and saw the marines standing around the cockpit laughing.
    "Isn't it always the same thing everyday Mark" said one of the marines,
    "Hey, Hey, Not all the time..." I replied,
    "Samantha, Mari, Marlene and me are in the computer lab" interrupted Nao,
    "Thanks Nao and I’ll see the rest of you later",
    I exited the game with a click of a button and immediately started to get ready to head out. As I grabbed my phone off the charger, it vibrated in my hands. I turned on the screen and looked at the phone. I got a text message from Marlene. I stopped in front of my bedroom door and took a look at the message.
    ‘Hey Mark, You missed your bus since you stopped to read this ’
    I immediately started to run. Running down a flight of stairs I threw my shoes on and continued towards the door. With my bag in hand I opened the main door and locked it then started to run to the bus stop. Sure enough, the bus was there and about to leave. I saw the traffic lights turn green and the bus should have left by now. But it did not. As I boarded the bus, the driver gave me a smile and showed me his phone as I went to put in my fare. It was a message from Nao.
    ‘Hey John, You mind waiting for Mark? Thanks Nao’
    “Thanks John” I said and smiled,
    “Marlene played a trick on you again” John asked with a smirk,
    “Yeah, One day I’ll get her back.”
    “Glad to hear it.”
    John put his phone away and looked ahead. It was still a green light for him and started to drive. I left the drivers area and went to go find a seat. As I found an empty seat, I pulled out my phone and started to type out a reply to Marlene.
    ‘Thanks Marlene.’
    I pressed the send button and then clicked on the home button. The wallpaper filled the screen. It was a picture of Nao, Marlene, Samantha, Mari and me.
    Nao is 5’11 and has very long silver hair with blue eyes. She is well endowed as well but don’t tell her I said that. Nao likes to play video games but she really likes to travel around. Nao has a little sister named Mari. Nao really cares about everybody and I have a crush on her. Don’t tell her the last part!
    Marlene is somewhat the same height as me going about 5’6. She has a short blond hair look with brown eyes. Marlene is known to play tricks on me in a teasing manner. Once she finishes school she plans to join the military.
    Samantha is about the same height as Nao going around 5’10, with a black ponytail. Not much is said about her but she’s really nice and cares for others.
    Mari is Nao’s little sister, She’s about 5’4 and a year younger than us. Mari has short pink hair with hazelnut eyes.
    Then there’s me, not much can be said about me since I’m pretty bad at describing myself but I have black hair and stand around 5’6.
    I noticed the bus was making a left turn. We were almost at the station where I would transfer off to the subway. As the bus pulled into the bay I turned the screen off for my phone and placed it into my pocket. People around me started to stand up and prepared to exit the bus. I waited behind them and as the doors opened I slowly shuffled towards the exit. I waved goodbye to John and started walking towards the subway platform. I took a look at the clock where the transfer slips are given out. It was 8:35 am. I started to run. Even though I was not going to make it in time for the beginning of class, showing up for the class is better than not showing up at all. I went down towards the eastbound platform and saw the train just arriving. I walked quickly towards the waiting area as the train pulled into the station, when the doors opened I immediately went inside and found the closest seat and sat down. I looked down at my phone to see that it had no reception, so I plugged in my headphones and turned on the music. As the train traveled past station by station, the usual dark tunnel disappeared and the interior of the train started to shine in the sun. I took a look around the train to see no one else in it but some litter thrown around everywhere seemed to suggest someone else was here before. As the train stopped in the station, the doors opened and a huge rush of people went out from the other cabs of the train, for me the next stop was where I needed to go. The doors started to close and the train was about to depart the station. Suddenly there was a large noise coming thru all the PA system.
    “Everybody get off the train! There are people trying to hijack the train” announced one of the conductors,
    *OPEN THIS DOOR NOW OR WE WILL BREAK IT DOWN* yelled one of the people,
    I stood up and looked down the train to see where it was happening, as the train doors opened again allowing people to escape. I went into my bag and pulled out my retractable baton that someone had given me and went towards the emergency brakes. As soon they came into reach, I grabbed the brake and nothing happened. I then went towards the front of the train where the driver was. One of the secondary conductors came out of their booth and started to head towards the front via the platform. I immediately followed closely behind. I pulled out my phone, swiped the unlock command and went to the phone application and hit a random number on speed dial. I was hoping that someone else already called 911. I heard a ring then a pick up.
    *This is Marlene, what’s up Mark* Marlene asked,
    “In trouble at Border Gate Station, Train under attack” I replied,
    *Ok, I’ll get the group together and on the way, just do what you can*.
    “I only have a baton”.
    *Well...I remember hiding my weapon stash nearby...I guess you could take anything you need from there*,
    “A weapon stash?! Wait...Never mind that, where is it”,
    *The first door near the Designated Waiting Area, feel free to knock down the door if need be*,
    I turned around quickly since I had recently passed the door in the waiting area.
    “So quick question, why do you have a weapons stash here” I asked quickly,
    *Ummm...that’s not a question I can answer right now*,
    I arrived at the door and looked at it; it seemed to be a wooden door.
    *I have to hang up now, so I’ll talk to you as soon as I get there*
    *Beep Beep Beep*
    The phone call ended. I put my phone into my pocket and looked at the door again, I tried the handle but it was locked so there was no choice but to break it down. Just then, gunshots rang out in the station causing a lot of screaming from the concourse area down below. I quickly used my foot and attempted to kick down the door. The first attempt failed so I tried again. The door budged a bit but still did not open. My third attempt succeeded kicking the door open and breaking the lock in the process. I immediately went inside and slammed the door close. I looked around the room to see weapons and armor everywhere in that room. But something stood out in the corner of my eye, a note that had a picture of me on it. I went towards that note and saw what it was attached to. A Canadian variation of the US M4 called the C8 as I read off the information card attached to the note. I looked for the ammunition to find it already loaded in 7 PMAG’s. I grabbed a OTV Interceptor OD colored vest and grabbed the magazines, placing them in the appropriate pouches. I turned the safety off and placed a magazine into the gun then pulling back the charging handle and hitting the assist knob. After all the weapon checks, I grabbed a helmet and felt satisfied. I reached for the door but something held me back from opening the door, I felt the nervousness taking over my body as a few more gunshots rang thru the station. All that nervousness went out the window, I needed to act. I opened the door and immediately peeked out. I looked at both sides of the platform and stepped onto the platform. The train was still in the station so I didn’t necessarily have to check the other platform. I started to walk towards the front of the train with my gun up and ready, I flicked the safety from safe to semi and continued down the platform. There was little to no cover unless I went into the train but I made the conscious decision to avoid the train. I looked inside the train to see people cowering in fear but there was not much I could do, just then a person came out from the front of the train with a silver suitcase yelling at the people inside. He raised his gun, pointing directly into the doorway and fired. Immediately after his second shot, he turned facing my direction and had his gun pointed my way. I pulled the trigger several times while pointing in his general direction. The bullets flew all around him except one striking him in the arm throwing his gun behind him. As he fell to the ground, I slowly approached him. I could hear the cry of pain coming from him but I felt there was something off. The closer I got to him, the more he fidgeted. It was more apparent he was up to something but it was too late to do anything, I saw a pin being flung away from him. He rolled onto his back and flung something towards me. I stood there stunned as it was flung towards me and the guy started to roll inside the train leaving the metal suitcase behind. It was a grenade. As the grenade bounced off my vest and went towards the ground, I looked at the train and saw there were still people in it.
    “GRENADE” I yelled out,
    I had a split second to decide what to do either dive into the train or dive onto the grenade. The decision for me was obvious; I dived towards the grenade and landed on it feeling the hard metal ball hit my chest. It lasted a few seconds after I hit the floor but there was silence. It felt all peaceful, like the calm before the storm. But as that peaceful silence came, it left as it did, creating a loud explosion under me. I felt my body go into a pained state and then it felt like I flew into the air and landed. I couldn’t feel anything anymore. I looked down towards the ground see blood coming out.
    ‘If I didn’t pass out yet, it couldn’t be that bad right?’ I thought to myself,
    In reality, it started to get a lot darker than what I remember this station before. I let myself smile and slowly gave into the darkness.
    ---------------------------------------------End of Introduction/Chapter 1--------------------------------------------------
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