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    21.66 USD 
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  1. Downvote (-1)
    Dylan got a reaction from Sith in No longer admin   
  2. Downvote (-1)
    Dylan got a reaction from Ironic in No longer admin   
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan got a reaction from MistaChang in No longer admin   
  4. Downvote (-1)
    Dylan got a reaction from Noah in No longer admin   
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to Mark from Facebook in No longer admin   
    thank god he dint step down from sg guys
  6. Downvote (-1)
    Dylan reacted to Zip in New donation from Zip   
    rep me
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to Fugner in Post the car you are currently driving   
    pls no
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to MistaChang in CROMA 3 CASES   
    I like the fact that they are like...  We need CT and T sounds...  
  9. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to centran in Post a picture of yourself   
    What a good looking couple!
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to Juiceboxay in Post a picture of yourself   
  11. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan got a reaction from Leeroy in Post a picture of yourself   

    Thx klark
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to yeet in Post a picture of yourself   
    rip edit
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to Moose in Eddy's name on the Staff page links to Klark's Profile   
    I mean let's be honest here... If you want something done, you definitely don't go to Eddy
  14. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to camelFun in Topics Not Recent   
    Huh.. Never noticed that. Just fixed it.
  15. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to Moose in Pm to staff not private anymore   
    We try to give you one nice thing, with a little bit of staff leak. Now everyone knows about it and we'll have to shut it down.
    Way to go Chang.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to Sandy in Pm to staff not private anymore   
    snitches get stitches 
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to Carl Sagan in Official ban grills 2014 thread   
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to badbie in ultimate of all solar panels!   
    So I don't know if many of you have tried this or not but i am auto crafting my first ultimate solar panel. I just wanted to share because holy shit! Look at the resources I need for it! lol!

    It literally take hours for the auto crafter to combine all the materials. It also requires over 1mil bits to craft so i have 64k me crafting memory up the ass XD but hey! It was worth it!......or was it?

    This thing outputs 32k rf a tic. That a lot! Im not gonna lie! The best lava generator in the game only outputs 4k a tic. This single panel can power a quarry on speed 3 and all those processing machines for cooking the quarried stone and whatnot.. Buuuuuttttt ....... My reactor took a tenth of the time to make and a hundredth of the material, and it outputs a little over 200k a tic... So yah these things are shit... Why did I make it? Cause a fucking could! hahaha! Its one of those last challenges for me in mine craft and now I can say i did it!  feeling great!
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to FlamingHomo in My 9 year old cousin got in a gang fight today, because he played on sG servers?   
    Hello. My family is from white heritage and some members of my family have gone down the wrong path. I'm wondering if sG has played any part in the downfall of my family?
    I am 19 and I have a little 9 year old adopted cousin, who is, unfortunately, colored. A few months ago, he began to play regularly sG jailbreak server. As soon as he starting playing this sG jailbreak game regularly he started getting in a lot of fights at school and started smoking pot in his room while I was babysitting him and most likely becoming semi-addicted. Eventually I got so concerned I followed him after school to see what he was up to. Apparently, today he has joined a mexican street gang of urban youths.
    I followed him to a suspicious gang meetup and hid in my car and took pics of the kids:

    Eventually punches started getting thrown so I rushed out of my car to break it up before anyone got hurt.
    But then this older kid (like 13 years old) told me to "F*** off or his gang would beat the s*** out of me".
    Normally I wouldn't take this kind of BS from some punk kid but I look like this in real life:

    And this was the punk kid who told me to f*** off:

    So obviously I was powerless so I simply watched and took pictures of my 9 year old cousin street fighting.
    Here's some pics I snapped from the fight (my cousin in the red shirt):

    Honestly I was pretty surprised he won. He was super quick and agile but I am almost positive this violent behavior stemmed from playing with sG.
    Here is a pic I took of the kids my cousin beat up who also threatened to beat me up so I stopped taking pics of them:

    I also met some kid in my cousin's gang named "Wiggly" who was a pretty cool dude.
    Pics of Wiggly:

    why did your clan do this to my cousin? Do you think it's funny?
    I'm not here for confrontation, sG. I'm just looking for answers.
  20. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan got a reaction from Yunki in $6.66 Donation from VexeR   
    On behalf of the Syndicate Gamers community we would like to thank VexeR for the donation of $6.66 USD that was recently made.
    This money will be put to good use in keeping our servers and website fun and online!
    Syndicate Gamers
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan got a reaction from Dr Pepper in $6.66 Donation from VexeR   
    On behalf of the Syndicate Gamers community we would like to thank VexeR for the donation of $6.66 USD that was recently made.
    This money will be put to good use in keeping our servers and website fun and online!
    Syndicate Gamers
  22. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan got a reaction from thorgot in $6.66 Donation from VexeR   
    On behalf of the Syndicate Gamers community we would like to thank VexeR for the donation of $6.66 USD that was recently made.
    This money will be put to good use in keeping our servers and website fun and online!
    Syndicate Gamers
  23. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan got a reaction from MistaChang in $6.66 Donation from VexeR   
    On behalf of the Syndicate Gamers community we would like to thank VexeR for the donation of $6.66 USD that was recently made.
    This money will be put to good use in keeping our servers and website fun and online!
    Syndicate Gamers
  24. Upvote (+1)
    Dylan reacted to thorgot in GoodBai Forums   
    JCS of course.
  25. Downvote (-1)
    Dylan got a reaction from Dakota in GoodBai Forums   
    Goodbai forums I have seem to be only making people mad and losing frands on the forums so this is good bye If you want to add me on steam
    Torp252 is my steam But I lost a really good friend over Something I thought would Be funny. But I guess I should quit the forums for about 5 years and come back Because Maybe then I might have matured But Ima stay away from the forums Soo Goobye to Seabagz Dogz go maow And tortoise I am sorry for What I Goodbye to Noodle, Stabbitty, And Everyone else Bai Have fun <3 
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