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Sony pulls plug on "The Interview"

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I think it was a dumb idea to start with :/

Imagine you're Kim Jong Un and you hear that the stupid muricans have gone and done a movie about assassinating you and they're calling it comedy

Of course he'd have an issue with it. They could have just made up a random dictator or terrorist group leader or something and it probably would have been pretty much the same movie, but "we got 2 b moar edgeee" of course lol

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I think it was a dumb idea to start with :/

Imagine you're Kim Jong Un and you hear that the stupid muricans have gone and done a movie about assassinating you and they're calling it comedy

Of course he'd have an issue with it. They could have just made up a random dictator or terrorist group leader or something and it probably would have been pretty much the same movie, but "we got 2 b moar edgeee" of course lol


You aren't wrong. However, it's more of a cultural statement than anything else. The fact that we can actaully get away with this goes a long way to show how little a threat he actually is! This is a perfect example to knock down North Korea's ridiculous ego by pissing all over them socially.

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The movie was actually a good movie, It may just be my bad taste. Regardless it was a good laugh.

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North Koreans man... they love their dictator for lyfe


Well, when you're raised with the mindset that this man is essentially your god...  Its the same with religion.

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I watched the movie a few nights ago and it's one of those movies that is so damn stupid and makes no sense and that's exactly what made it such a comical, and hilarious show. I do recommend watching it if you haven't already, you should get a few laughs out of it.

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It's fucked that we get to laugh at a movie that makes light of the fact that North Korea is a starving nation with a long reigning dictatorship. 

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It's fucked that we get to laugh at a movie that makes light of the fact that North Korea is a starving nation with a long reigning dictatorship

It's funny though, right?

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