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  1. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to Chowder in GHOUL USES NIGHT ELF   
    yeah i dont think hes a true orc so yeah
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to Leeroy in GHOUL USES NIGHT ELF   
    Guess he aint a true Orc
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to EL_PATRON in GHOUL USES NIGHT ELF   
    confirmed nelf fag
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to K-Logic in GHOUL USES NIGHT ELF   
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Smash got a reaction from krony the brony in New donation from krony   
    Ty for the donation!
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to K-Logic in K-Logic's Application [DENIED]   
    Name: Kyle
    Age: 25
    Location: Vancouver, WA
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37684331
    Gameme: http://sg.gameme.com/csgo
    Sourcebans: Bans
    Microphone: yes
    Favorite Server: Warcraft3 GO
    Previous Member of a clan?: no
    Questions/Comments: I've been around the SG war3 server for quite some time and I think I've built a pretty good foundation with the other members and other SG members. I'm reliable and honest.
    About me: Pretty cool gamer dude
    CSGO Recorded Hours: 583 hours, 55 minutes, 10 seconds
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to EL_PATRON in Post a picture of yourself   
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to UnknownLegend in Official Complaint Department Discussion Thread   
    Hey, at least Joe learned from cows kicking him and finally came back into a server with tags on!
  9. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to slyfox in Official Complaint Department Discussion Thread   
    @Albert Einstein aka "Nixon" is a fucking retard.  He literally came onto JB, and when a warden gave a FD, he went into armory.  He then came out fully loaded, and a CT killed him.  He typed in admin chat saying shit like he was "freekilled", and kept typing in chat with all these bullshit reasons how he was fk'd when he ADMITTED to going into armory, making him KOS. 10/10 infallible logic. 
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to Apache in TTT:GO Bug Reports   
    Encountered an issue where the red outline wasn't showing up on a fellow traitor

  11. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to zebra in Trinity ult   
    Solution: Play a different race
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to JXC in New donation from TheLJH   
    Thank you, TheLJH for your donation of 6.66 USD!
    Your donation will be put to good use, and helps keep this community running.
    Thanks for the support,
    Syndicate Gamers Staff and Community
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Smash got a reaction from JXC in New donation from TheLJH   
    This is a christian community, please keep your devil worship and witchcraft out of here thank you.
    Ty for money.
  14. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to UnknownLegend in Official Complaint Department Discussion Thread   
    Yes and no.  There's no demo, so any number of things could be missing from his complaint.  It sounds like the primary reason (which he admits) was that he was talking over the mic, which can't be seen in screenshots.  From what I can tell, the Albert kid wasn't trying to play the game, and was interrupting deliberately when he should have been using teamsay admin chat to question why he was slayed.  Both situations could have resulted in a mute or a slay, as both stop the offending player from disrupting the round.  Per the JB MOTD, "All punishments are up to admin discretion, no set punishment is set in stone for any rule broken."  Furthermore, Moose's logic of "if I mute you, I may as well CT you, and I didn't want to restrict you" makes sense... a mic is required to play.   If they get muted and say, shoot a T with a gun about to kill everyone, is it really their fault that they didn't get to follow the proper protocol?  Think of a slay like a temp, 1-round CT ban, vs. a mute, which can have adverse affects on gameplay.  A slay allows the player to sit out for a round, use admin teamsay to figure out what's going on, and calm down.
    Peachy was attempting to play the round and didn't understand why people weren't following his commands and were following Trivs.  Triv further exacerbated the situation by slapping him around.  Peachy's complaint wasn't just about the slay, but about how the situation was handled by Triv.   Triv continued to be a fucking dumbass in the CD while addressing the complaint, and Moose isn't.  I feel like Clamps made the right call by telling Triv not to harass players that are breaking rules, and to simply punish them appropriately.  I don't think a mute is the best option (see above), but that wasn't the core point of Clamps's post.  Moose's shit with Albert was pretty to-the-point.  If he did anything wrong, it was maybe not communicating with Albert, and he admits to that being a possibility... Triv felt he was infallible, and needed to be told he was wrong.
    Two entirely different cases.
  15. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to UnknownLegend in Feature Suggestion   
    So, as someone that's trying to level optimally (or at least in the most optimal way I can think of...), I always buy tomes on my lowest level race that I'm able to buy tomes on when I get 15k.  I switch from whatever race I want to play to that race, buy a tome, switch back.  That gets kind of tedious, so I was wondering if a QOL feature could be implemented to make that a little easier...  I'm sure I'm not the only one that does this. Feature could take one of two forms that I can think of:
    1)  Through the changerace command, typing something like "Changerace lowest" will switch the player to their lowest level race that they have access to that can use tomes.  If they have multiple races at the same level, it can be either randomized, or just go to the first race in the list... doesn't matter.  If they're using this command, they're just using it to level random races.
    2)  Build an option that can be toggled on and off using something like !tomes, which (when toggled on) makes it so when a player buys a tome, it won't apply the tome XP to their current race, but to their lowest level race that can use tomes.  If they have multiple races that are the same level, see above.  
    Editing because I just thought of another way the feature described in #2 could be built out to add further utility...  You could also make it similar to changerace, where instead of having a popup menu that toggles it on/off, simply list the race you want Tome XP to go to (and add "lowest" as an option to make it function similar to suggest #1).  Trying to get your XXXXX leveled up, but don't feel like playing it right now?  Or is it not fun to play until it reaches a certain level?  Use "tomexp XXXXXXXXX" to send Tome XP to a specific race, "tomexp current" or "tomexp disable" to send it to your current race, or lastly "tomexp lowest" to send it to your lowest level race.  Make it persistent, just like other settings (quake sounds, respawn location, etc).  @ctark tagging you because I want you to see this too since you liked the OP
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to Chronos in Mistakes Were Made   
    Now Jah can continue a normal life. Thank you Face
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to Face in Mistakes Were Made   
    So as a handful of people pointed out, the XP the players gained in my previous post (the one quoted below) was from "CSGO Pro rounds".
    I did not punish other players for XP gained from these rounds, because the rules were semi-vague and CSGO Pro rounds seem "sG approved" when it requires an admin to give out the HP, negevs, etc. For that reason, I cannot punish these players.
    The reason the players were originally punished is because the amount of XP gained was so obscenely high that I imagined there was no way they were not exploiting. I also did not have any admins show up in my "XP exploiting" log that I have, because the two admins involved (2 separate occasions) were not on CSGO Pro (or if they were, they gained little enough XP that I didn't notice them). As a result, I had a few reason to assume exploits:
    1) I believed no admin was on, making CSGO Pro rounds impossible
    2) There was the number of players showing up in the "XP exploits" log was appropriately low - enough that they could still get XP but few enough that it was reasonable they were possibly the only ones online
    3) The XP gained was insane, like I said, Confag fired 3,000 bullets into enemies. This would be SO MUCH damage that there is no way someone with even 10k health would survive from a negev (or bizon, for that matter).
    As such, I didn't check for admin command logs or ask the players. I felt like it was open and shut.
    It was pointed out that I was wrong, and that it was CSGO Pro rounds. The way the XP gains were achieved is because the admins didn't set 10k health... one set 999mill health and I believe the other set 999k or 99k. I had never seen (or heard) of this being done, and honestly outside of testing I've never seen an admin set HP higher than 10k.
    Basically, I made a lot of assumptions and instead of asking the players I got frustrated and rip'd their levels. Obviously I made the incorrect (and inconsistent) decision by taking some players levels for CSGO Pro rounds and not other players.
    The players affected will be given their (approximate) levels back. I talked with a couple regulars and each of the players to get numbers that they (and I) feel comfortable with.
    I'm sorry that I made a mistake, and next time before taking such drastic action I will try to be more careful and talk to more people.
    I also apologize to the players that lost their levels (even if temporary) for any frustration/grief caused as a result.
    I have set the limit for all admins (except War3 developers) to 1000 health so we shouldn't have to worry about this specific problem happening ever again. The only reason it is even as high as 1000 is because infected has 1000 health. Please use your admin abilities wisely!
    On top of all of this, I have hidden the posts in the other thread. Someone pointed out to me, since it is essentially a rules thread, we do not need comments/memes etc. It will stay hidden and locked.
    If you are out of the loop, see the below quotes from myself when the levels were removed:
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to Sean in Official Complaint Department Discussion Thread   
    Seriously, lmao.
    Triv definitely fucked up here. You shouldn't be slaying people for talking over warden, you should be muting them. They aren't doing anything slay-worthy.
    Don't understand how 17 people agree with Triv, his response to the situation was complete garbage. Lmfao.
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to Dakota in Official Complaint Department Discussion Thread   
    Why are you guys down voting peachy for reporting triv? If he tells you to stop slapping then stop slapping. Y'all circle jerk so hard. if he wanted to he should just call out that you should have just muted him.


    Shit like this is what makes people not willing to go to the trouble of even using the cd section 
  20. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to Face in Clarification for the WCS server   
    That's a different story
    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to gemma in Clarification for the WCS server   
    honestly the only things you need to know for adminning war3 is how to type /cash 16000, what spots are okay to be in, and how not to be an idiot.
    i'm still an idiot.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to skitt in Clarification for the WCS server   
    prem admin goes on the wc3 server as well. You ought to check out the store. We do not sell levels or custom races. However, if you come with a well thought out race idea and post it on the forums(in the correct section), we may create it and put it on the server.  
  23. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to Velo in New donation from Anonymous   
    I don't think that's how you donate anonymously
  24. Upvote (+1)
    Smash got a reaction from TheWaffler in Smash's Application [ACCEPTED]   
    Name: Paul
    Age: 18
    Location: Branson, Missouri
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:24470847
    Gameme: http://sg.gameme.com/playerinfo/693731
    Sourcebans: Bans
    Microphone: yes
    Favorite Server: Warcraft3 GO
    Previous Member of a clan?: yes
    About me: Been playing warcraft off and on for the past 5 years. I graduated highschool this year and am currently working a full time job while deciding what I want to do more permanently.
    CSGO Recorded Hours: 351 hours, 30 minutes, 39 seconds
  25. Upvote (+1)
    Smash reacted to Sean in New donation from SirMeowsAlot   
    voting no 
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