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Posts posted by Faded

  1. I personally didn't enjoy it. The transition from how the previous movie ended to this one is non-existent except for some narration and is more of a weird twist. They try to throw some other plot twists throughout that didn't really work and the ending was pretty meh. Action scenes are on par with the previous installations.


    Still consider the first movie the only worth a watch.

  2. Just now, TheAAAngel said:

    @Jodas Do people participating on event need to be from SG, or can if someone wants to play with friends from league they just need to tell me a way to contact them.


    So the first thing you need to realize is that if you are running an event it's up to you to decide the rules.


    I'm not sure if you are intending for this to be an sG sponsored event, i.e. sG pays/donates prizes, or if you are just looking for this to be a for fun event that is advertised on our forums/for our members. If it's the former I highly doubt that will happen without an RO or higher being in charge of the event, it's events with prizes that you generally see rules regarding activity added to prevent randoms from popping in and winning the prize. If it's the latter, then it really doesn't matter what you decide to do rule wise regarding activity or being in the clan. As long as the tournament isn't advertising for another clan/server on our forums it should be fine. (Staff should correct me here if I'm wrong.)

  3. Just now, TheShovL said:

    Can you or someone please quote a line of the rules where it specifically says Macros/Scripts are prohibited, bc I'm pretty stupid.




    Hacking/Exploiting - Hacking will NOT be tolerated under any circumstance. We take pride in our new 0% tolerance hacking policy. Hacking includes, but is not limited to, the use of scripts, programs, or materials to unfairly tilt the game to your advantage.


    I will say it is a little annoying you have to click on the hyperlink in the Global General Rules (http://www.joinsg.net/page/motd/global) to get here, but if we posted the full list of rules on every server MOTD it would be a mile long.

  4. Just now, XCapn said:

    There's really no arguing with you guys, there's no point. It's not idiotic to mute the voice chat, I do it because no one will shut up and you're all still loud as heck. People ignore the text all the time, so I don't need to explain that one. The claiming a room rule is not at all essential and the game would be fine without it, if a round's moving slow and the traitors won't ever approach you, go out and find them, get killed, another round will start very shortly. I know you won't change it and I know you're just going to mock me or not explain why I'm wrong but I don't care, this is one of the only servers with the rules and every other server works just fine



    Muting voice chat and ignoring chat? So basically you never hear or see callouts...yep that's real smart in TTT; basically means you are playing against bots since you don't communicate/listen to communication.


    Is the rule necessary? No, hell none of the rules are technically necessary if you just want chaos. The rule allows for a little fun and controlled chaos. "Because every other server works just fine" doesn't really fly as an argument, why just be like every other server with no variation?

  5. @Iherdcows  @Absolute_Zero




    Maybe you should get your story straight before filing a complaint. I'm going to take a wild guess and say these are the times that you were kicked and what you said.


    Sure the restriction part makes sense why you would want to file a complaint, but you clearly were trying to antagonize him. He obviously didn't kick you for saying "ahhahahahaha" like you claim, considering you followed it up with "cry more." And of course you lie later saying you only said he sucks/ahahahah. If anything you were the one crying more about it.


    Do I think Nixon should have thicker skin? Sure, it's the internet and people are going to be little shits. But it is within his right to warn/punish you under our guidelines if you are going to sit there and try and antagonize him.


    You could have simply made  a complaint regarding the restriction, but nope you baited him and pushed him to kick/ban you.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Kiyoko Tomoe said:

    Ah, I was referring specifically to people killing as you kill a t-baiter. I understand if someone doesn't see it, they can still kill you for kiling without any sort of issues morality-wise, but I don't think it's fair that a person, watching another killing the t-baiter as they t-bait, should be allowed to jsut straight-up kill the one who kill a t-baiter. I completely understand the other end of the argument though, just I find it a little unfair a ruling that the person who killed the t-baiter doesn't get justice for being killed by somebody who even witnessed the t-baiting and the killing of the t-baiter.



    That rule you want is solely for a super specific situation, someone killing you who witnessed you kill a inno randomly shooting.  That makes it far harder for admins to actually manage the server though. They are already punished with a karma loss for killing an inno. 


    Again there is nothing saying you have to kill the guy baiting, that is your own decision to risk that karma loss.


    I'm going to go a step further with an example. Let's say the baiting Inno shot you and you killed him. You could still be killed by someone who watched you get shot and kill the inno. We can punish the guy who was randomly shooting and damaging you, but not the guy who killed you for killing an inno. Why? He doesn't know if the guy who shot you had DNA evidence on you, saw you commit a traitorous act, ect. All he knows is that someone shot you, and you killed an inno. Now if he's cautious and perhaps smart he won't straight up kill you because he'll more than likely end up dead, but as far as he's seen you have committed a traitorous act so he could risk it and kill you. Everyone has a different point that they decide to kill someone based on traitorous behaviors.


    That is the beauty of TTT, or at least the beauty that I think blob and I wanted back in the old days when we were making those rules. TTT is not meant to be like JB with a 10 page rule set that breaks down each scenario and what is acceptable. It's meant to be a simple list of 'do this and you can be killed.' The fun comes from the variety of rounds caused by this. Maybe one round ends up a hilarious 'RDM' Chain because I killed a baiting inno, or I knife/bat a detective in a room full of people and laugh as they end up killing each other, or maybe as a Traitor I say "______ is random shooting KOS" just to cause trouble. Setting up strict rules that govern when a situation is RDM not only makes it a nightmare for admins, but impossible given how many different situations TTT creates.


  7. 11 minutes ago, Kiyoko Tomoe said:

    I've found that there are rules that sort of conflict with one another. Namely, the rule that you can kill somebody if they kill an innocent, and the rule that you can kill for random shooting. If you kill somebody for random shooting, AKA t-baiting, it isn't fair that the former rule, that one can be killed for killing an innocent, should be allowed use if the t-baiter was an innocent. I had to deal with such a situation just prior in the day. I think killing somebody for killing a t-baiter should be RDM unless that player who killed the t-baiter requests to be killed for killing an innocent.



    Not really a conflicting rule because those fall under the 'Reason you may Kill someone,' doesn't mean that if someone sudden started shooting that you have to kill them. You take the risk of using that as your evidence that they are a traitor. Just as the person who killed you is taking a risk by assuming since you killed an Inno that you are a traitor.


    Not only that but you are completely ignoring that just because you say he was shooting makes it so you are unkillable for that action, which as Yunki pointed out is unfairly overpowered for T's. They can claim someone randomly was shooting then cry RDM when they are killed.


    We've had this brought up in the past regarding traitor weapons, just because you were 'confirmed' inno did not mean you could go running around with traitor weapons out, they were taking the risk of having a weapon that was KOSable. Now most intelligent people wouldn't kill them, but if they did die it wasn't RDM.


    If someone is constantly baiting to get killed I'd recommend pointing it out to admins or recording the continued baiting and report it on our forums. Then they may be punished for intentionally griefing on the server.




  8. 3 hours ago, ZachPL said:

    It's really not hard to not be banned by karma, if you are being banned for it and not actively breaking the rules with something like c4 roulette you are doing something wrong.



    Psssssssshhhh, nothing wrong with setting a 10 min c4 as an inno...

  9. 13 hours ago, Rune said:

    Dear Matthew,


    I think your post is very touching, but you're full of shit.




    Here's a thread I found from just typing in your steam username in Google. Here we can see that it was fairly recent, only April of this year. We can also observe the fact that several players are already stating you're an immature cunt.


    Do us all a favor and kindly fuck off.


    Yours truly,

    All of Syndicate Gamers



    Thanks to this I found his fun abuse complaints, most recent one was June 17th (resolved the 18th) where his admin was removed for 2 days...coincidence?!


  10. 1 hour ago, Rootbeer said:

    Captain's Draft worked great last time around, shouldn't be a prob this time.

    Eh it worked for the most part, it would be nice if we could put a restriction on who can be team captain, like enough intelligence to know how to use a flashbang/smoke.


    And yes that happened before as our captain didn't buy utility because they didn't know how to use them right...that and would say they were scared and hide...


    Good god I wrote that forever ago, most of the 'ratings' of weapons are useless now (Especially on vanilla). My favorite was Monkeh's strategy since it essentially broke the entire purpose of the game and yet still got a lot of wins.

  12. 32 minutes ago, Valamarl said:

    holy shit someone agrees with me after all,this community is a fucking joke.


    If you want to get real specific there are rules in the Global Rule set:


    • Please respect your administrators and their decisions. If you believe an administrator is abusing their power, please go to our Clan Help Desk with proof of the accusations.(Demo)


    • Respect all players at all times or face punishment on the administrators discretion.

    So rather than going to the forums and making an a complaint about the god mode you decide to try antagonizing Karma to get a reaction, yeah this community is a joke if that's the standard behavior of our members...

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