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  1. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow got a reaction from Rune in Last requests   
    If you didn't weigh 45 pounds and have the strength of gumby then your arm probably wouldn't keep breaking.
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow got a reaction from Faded in Last requests   
    If you didn't weigh 45 pounds and have the strength of gumby then your arm probably wouldn't keep breaking.
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow got a reaction from Aero in Last requests   
    If you didn't weigh 45 pounds and have the strength of gumby then your arm probably wouldn't keep breaking.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to fps_trucka in Last requests   
    Don't you make fun of gumby.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow got a reaction from Piero in Last requests   
    If you didn't weigh 45 pounds and have the strength of gumby then your arm probably wouldn't keep breaking.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to Dyscivist in College!   
    I'd recommend taking political science, women's studies or any kind of arts degree.
  7. Downvote (-1)
    Shadow reacted to Illogical in Imma show y'all mofos some quality music   
    Turns out all you need are some horns, synths, and 808s to make a clean ass track.
  8. Downvote (-1)
    Shadow reacted to Didact in More JB CT Skins.   
    Veteran Ranger from new vegas would be cool
  9. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to Lvl. 100 Latias in Game of Thrones Vs Lord of the Rings   
    Guys who made Harry Potter Vs Star Wars are back
  10. Downvote (-1)
    Shadow reacted to JWB10 in JWB Admin Abuse [RESOLVED]   
    He wanted a CT slay day for LR, which I assumed got accepted.
    I did it immediately at the beginning of the following round.
    It didn't interrupt a round, basically knocked a round off a shitty map.
    Better go ahead and revoke my admin, just to be safe.
  11. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to driz in New to Community: Small Bio   
    welcome to our little shithole. you will learn lua and python/sourcemod and become an engineer. thank you.
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to MONKEH in Issues With My Fiance   
    making a woman orgasm essentially shuts off their brain temporarily 
    it is in the best of anyones interest to abuse this
    fucking problems away seriously works
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow got a reaction from Iamthestorm in SWAT Van nade problem   
    Cannot fix it. The only way I can think of changing this is to remodel the swat van, which we do not have any modelers in the community.
  14. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to Rayne in Issues With My Fiance   
    This is why most of the community doesn't like you.
    @TDKR: I'm in a similar boat buddy, my partner doesn't really like me gaming either and we live together so it's difficult. I simply addressed the issue face on, I told her that I'd been playing games for years before I met her, it's what I want to do in my 30 minutes of spare time a day and if you love me, you'll let it go. She bitches and moans every now and then when I play but 90% of the time, even if she doesn't like it, she just let's it go and let's me get on with it.
    You can't sit at home and sneak games, that's not a good thing because you're always looking over your shoulder. Make sure she knows there are more important things between you two than a couple of hours of gaming...you wouldn't stop her doing her hair and going out with friends, so she shouldn't stop you doing what you enjoy. 
    Be a man, and tell her. 
  15. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to Bulldog in Issues With My Fiance   
    I'm sorry you're having these issues. I feel like she needs to understand what you want and work with it, as you have done for her already.
    She wanted you to reduce your gaming by not playing Dota as much, and what did you do? You stopped for her. Now I feel like one or two games is not going to hurt anyone, especially if she is not there. It's your free time, you should be able to spend it how you want. I'm sure she is great and worries about losing you, but she has to understand and you have to show her that she won't lose you to gaming.
    Perhaps if she doesn't come around, and feels like she cant take it; then perhaps your not made for each other. The understanding of ones wants needs to come from both sides. 
    I feel like I had the same issue, and I let it get to far. Back around 2010 I had a girl who hated that I played games, and I stopped for her. But after years passed it got worse and worse. She started "suggesting" I stop doing other things I enjoyed. Eventually I saw what was becoming of the relationship and had to end it, but it took me nearly three years of being controlled to see it.
    You're a great guy, I'm sure she knows what she has and is lucky to have it. But that acceptance of needs and whats needs to come from both sides, not just you.  
    Hope this helps,
    Best of luck buddy, if you ever need to talk hit me up.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to Lvl. 100 Latias in Why am I alway's getting FPS drops?   
    Shoulda gotten Asus
    Fuckin GTX 765M
    ayyy yisss
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to Dyscivist in Presidential Gains   
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to Eddy in Jailbreak T models   
    Here they are on the server.
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow got a reaction from sweetrock in Request Your Badge   
    Me and c12k found 5 more Poker winners.
    2 wins to iyedol 
    1 more win to Josh
    1 win for Elmo
    1 win for a Nastynate757
    1 win for Xlite
  20. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow got a reaction from camelFun in Request Your Badge   
    Man you guys suck at reading. Read the fucking OP. Request only if you have proof of your badge or screen shot of a staff members vouch. If you are lazy ask a staff member to come post before you do claiming they are vouching for you. 
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow got a reaction from camelFun in Request Your Badge   
    This is what I came up with for Poker so far. 
     Sept 2010-ShadowSept 2010 #2-ChosenOctober 2010-ShadowOctober 2010 #2-BeefwipeApril 2011-EmpireMay 2011-C12kSept 2012-IvannsDecember 2012-C12kFeb 2013-RasputinApril 2013-TitanJune 2013-FifthBarrierJuly 2013-ShotgunsnipaDecember 2013-QuayleApril 2014-ThornNick-Rasputin? (confirmed as Rasputin)Possibly November 2011- Josh. (Confirmed win on Pokerstars no date) (confirmed by Drunkula as having won) No idea who fifthbarrier is and I think ThornNick is Rasputin
  22. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to ATG_AGENT in Knox abuse[RESOLVED]   
    Stuff i have learned from in my past, and should help you now is even if you are/think you are in the right - do not lash out and swear/disrespect people/admin. That will turn your correct side into the wrong on that one basis. If a problem like this comes up and you think you were wronged, calmly tell him,if after speaking to him it doesn't resolve take the screens of that convo and come here and post in the forums to continue it that way. Yelling/Swearing/Disrespecting is not going to get you anywhere. I was an ass in my years, while i may have been right it doesn't allow me to be a disrespectful asshole.
    So for now let the subject drop, and if something like this happens, take screens of the convo, be respectful to all players at all times as is the server rule, take screens and then come here and file accordingly.
  23. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to thorgot in Shop Menu items really need to be properly restricted.   
    What you think is obvious or blatant is not obvious or blatant to us. We are on the server a fraction of the time because of our other responsibilities (school, work, server development, real life) and because we also play other games just like you. But those aren't the main reason you need to give specific suggestions. That reason is that you giving us an incomplete suggestion with instructions to fill in the blanks implies that you think that our time is worth less than your time.
    Can you link those threads that are so common? I read every post on this board and I don't remember seeing a thread about general item restrictions. If I missed it, I apologize.
    Finally, to suggest we aren't proud of the server's quality makes no sense. I am very proud of the work we've all done and the fact that for almost a year now we've poured our free time into making a server for people to have fun on. We do this because we also like to play on the war3 server and because we like to see other people have fun on it. If we didn't have pride in the server's quality we wouldn't have spent the hundreds of hours on it we have. There are parts of the server I'm not proud of, but those are the parts that I want to improve. Please help us improve it, not with broad statements about what you dislike, but with specific suggestions. I think a lot of the ideas for consistency in your OP are good ones, but there are things I'd rather spend a few hours on than just coming up with the list of changes that you think need to be made.
  24. Downvote (-1)
    Shadow reacted to turbulance in War3 Server   
    Whats that you want more then 20 people on at once? Fuck that
    What you want a descent choke? Fuck that
    Frame Drops? Got'em
    Rubber Banding? Got that shit too
    Stuttering? Hell fucking ya
    Owners who truly seem to not give a fuck? ALL MOTHER FUCKING DAY.
    /end rant
    And no Thorgot and other ENG this is not a stab at you so dont get your panties in a twist which I know you probly will anyways. If you do then good maybe you will do something about the server and its inability to support itself.
  25. Upvote (+1)
    Shadow reacted to cookie eater in Shop Menu items really need to be properly restricted.   
    okay, get a list of all the races that have this problem, document what they shouldnt/should be able to buy, then send the list over to BulletFord, Thorgot, or MrCoolness for their consideration to your changes. 

    Have Fun!
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