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Posts posted by lemonade

  1. Hi all!


    Yesterday, (and I'm dating the post for today as I did not mention it on the forums last night) the rulepage for the server received an update. The rules are fundamentally the same, however the end goal was to create a more clear and concise set of rules that people may understand easier. The intention is to still have a less strict policy while also promoting interpretation. As always, you can find the rules here.


    If you have any questions or concerns regarding a certain rule or about them in general, feel free to leave a comment here or to PM me on Discord or Steam and I will get to it when I can. Thank you for playing on the server, and I hope the rules are more clear for you all.

  2. TTT:GO Admining Guide


        One of the main goals of Admining is to not affect the current round in play either via slaying or asking the perpetrator why they did what they did. Typically we are going to want to wait until either after the round is over, or until both parties have died for that round before we take any action. (Exception would be if you absolutely need to ban someone and they are currently alive.)


        Another note: do not use Admin broadcast chat if you are dead and NOT IDed. You should also not use your Admin powers to sway a round by threatening to slay a player, ban a player, etc.


        This is a general guide for most scenarios that will occur on the server. There may be scenarios, however, that will not fall under this guide, so if one of those are to arise, use your best judgement.


    General Procedure


    1. Check the logs. While you should not assume someone is lying, it’s always good to confirm that an event did in fact occur. Another reason to do this is because the logs may give helpful insight into an event (and you may already be able to tell what happened by the logs alone.) Checking the shotlogs is also a good idea.
    2. Ask the person who may have RDMed. It’s good to also ask why someone killed another, as situations and circumstances may have occurred outside of the logs. If you are absolutely sure of it being an RDM without having asked the person, then you may punish them appropriately, but chances are asking them is the best way to go about this.
    3. Ask the person affected if they want the other slain. This is good practice, and it will also provide valuable input from the person whom was killed unjustly. Generally, someone should not be slain if the affected does not want them to be. (However, use your best judgement, as some circumstances such as blatant RDM may require a slay despite the affected’s answer.)
    4. Proceed with punishment. One or two RDM’s in a single round should warrant one or two slays, depending on what you feel best. If they have been constantly RDMing over a period of time, a ban is appropriate punishment.


    Useful Admin Commands to Know


    • /slaynr (name) will add one slay to a person, who will die on the next round start. You can also add a number after their name if you wish to add more than one.
    • /rslaynr (name) and /removeslay (name) will both remove one slay from a person. You can add a number after their name here as well.
    • /blink (name) will teleport players. Use this if they are stuck somewhere, or if they are in an area they should not be.
    • /rename (name/player) (new name) will change a players name. Use this to change someone’s name if it is unreadable/not pronounceable. (Names containing racial slurs should warrant a kick.)
    • /kick (name) (reason) will kick a player from the server.
    • /ban (name) (time) (reason) will ban a player for a specific time and reason.
    • Going into console and typing ttt_log will yield damage logs for that round. Logs will also print in console after the round is over. Additionally, you may type ttt_shotlog in console to produce the shotlogs for that round.
    • Other commands such as /mute (name) to mute voice chat and /gag (name) to mute regular chat may be needed if they are excessively spamming.


    Extra Information


    For all arguments above that require a name to be used, you can also use a players status number. To do so, you would put #(userIDnumber) instead of their name. For example, /rename #13 ExampleName. To find this number, you would type ‘status’ in the console.


    Ban lengths are listed at the bottom of the rules. I advise you, if you have not already, read through the current rule set and the ban lengths provided at the bottom, if you are capable of banning for those lengths.


    Final note: I'm sure updates will be made to this, so make sure to keep an eye out for possible updates.

  3. Map list has been updated to reflect the use of the workshop map selection.


    While there are too many changes to make note of, if there are any maps you wish for me to add then let me know. You must either have the .bsp file or the workshop link to it so we can add it to the server.

  4. My opinion is that it should be closer to the system in GMod where it requires a long duration of recharge before you can use it, and have it perhaps do less damage in general. In GMod, usually props would have to launch themselves in the air and come back down to damage anyone (which would take a while unless proptown was turned on).

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