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Posts posted by Face

  1. In order to try and fix a crash problem, we have removed grace time on join and in lieu added a warmup period of 15 seconds. This means if you join a team any time after a round has started, you must wait till the next round to play. The warmup period will allow people to load new maps. Please report any issues to myself or another staff in discord ASAP.


    If you experience crashes during the warmup, let me know immediately.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


  2. Removed overlay counters from all races. They have been replaced with something called HUD text. This not only should reduce lag when playing these races, but also in some cases they may provide more info than before. If you have any idea of other ways to use the HUD text (it is fairly versatile) please let me know. (other information, using different color, etc)


    If the text is overly large (typically only a problem on resolutions >1080p) I suggest scaling your HUD down with the hud_scaling command. I believe it should reduce the size of the text with your HUD.


    After the next restart (should happen automatically at night) the overlay images will no longer be downloaded when players join the server, reducing the download time.

  3. Fixed invis shadow hunter wards (most of the time, it'll prob still break rarely like entangle etc have been...)

    Added more thorough crash information so I can figure out problems (e.g. what causes random crashes to desktop for groups)

    Reduced screen flash on Lady Hederine slightly

    Reduced succubus ward radius from 250 to 200 after I realized how big it was during testing

  4. We had a ticket in related to the dev server and it’s possible that the host was messing with it for a bit as they are supposed to have an admin looking at it today. I only see 1 crash from my online logs, so even more reason to think it’s the case.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. After THOROUGH questioning of the 20 random players on the server tonight, I have made the following buffs:


    • Ravinick can no longer buy boots or belt
    • Battlefield Pro now has 30% bonus speed (up from 20%)
    • Donald Trump now has a 26% (up from 24%) chance to evade magic and physical damage and also has a 220 unit knockback radius (up from 160)
    • Hand of God now deals 35 damage on forward slash (up from 25) and it has a 3 second cooldown (down from 4 seconds). The slash damage radius was increased from 250 units to 350 units. If he is on a 5 hit combo or greater, he gains 1% evade
    • Master of GO ultimate now has a 25% chance of affirmative
      • When affirmative, Master of GO gains 10% speed
    • Master of Three now deals 3 bonus damage per hit (previously it said this was the case, but it was not the case)
    • Master of War now generates ammo slightly faster and takes 12% of damage via armor. His ultimate values were also corrected for some minor bugs.
    • Nature Wisp now begins regenerating after 2.5 seconds (down from 3.5). Ultimate now has a 18 second cooldown (down from 20)
    • Takeno now has 50% bonus speed (up from 40%). His ultimate temporarily makes him 99% invis (up from 95%)
    • Transient Entity now has a 1.3 second bash duration (up from 0.9) and now stores 25% of damage as leeched health (up from 20%)

    The players have spoken!

  6. Added Clutch Chat - disabled by default.


    Type /clutch to toggle enable or disabling it. You can also see it on the 2nd page of the /settings menu.


    If enabled, when you are last alive you will not hear any voice chat.

    If disabled (default), voice chat operates as it normally does.

  7. Bug Fixes:

    • Another attempt to fix hiding on radar issues?
    • Bounty Hunter cannot put a bounty on ult immune players
    • Elemental's fiery gaze now properly starts/ends which fixes the "turn off/on" problem every round
    • Fixed a bug with Hand of God's evasion calculations
      • Because of the way it was done, it was basically double-checking evade in order to evade a hit
        • e.g. (highest evade chance at max) 90% knife evade was a 90% * 90% = 81% chance
        • e.g. (lowest evade chance at max) 75% shotgun evade was 56.25%
      • As you can see, even though this is a correction it is a nice, needed buff to Hand of God
    • Molecule Damage Reflect on knife attackers is now True Damage. This is to retain the glory that is molecule against pudge, rocky, etc.
    • Paradox can no longer use his ability (teleport/blink) when silenced
    • Tracer can no longer blink or recall if she is Hexed

  8. Bug Fixes:

    • Default cannot revive while carrying hostage
    • Fixed potential issues with high priestess and tracer spawn pistols not appearing
    • Illusionist can no longer pick up knives, defusers, or the c4
    • Magatha farsight skill description said "ability1" even though it was "ability2"
    • Fixed Magatha farsight not properly targeting the nearest enemy
    • Fixed Rocky reflecting magic damage amounts
    • And a couple other minor things

    Thanks - keep reporting them ASAP!

  9. Rocky has been added at lvl 5,300

    Black Market Dealer is now a tester race


    Some changes from last week I didn't post:

    • Trinity Healing Font now heals up to 125 (up from 100)
    • Trinity can no longer heal for negative amounts or store negative amounts in the knife
    • Grinch AOE attack slow aura was reduced in radius and effectiveness
    • Kris Kringle gains less HP

  10. The worst time of year!


    My availability will be spotty between now and the end of January. After that, I will be largely unavailable for some time.


    Server thoughts

    • I intend to add Black Market Dealer and another mystery race before I disappear
    • Post all the bugs you can NOW! I'll likely go on a bug fixing bonanza before my leave
    • I currently have no other changes planned between now when I return


    The server surviving my extended absence without sharp population drops hinges on a couple things:

    1. Populate the server! If nobody is playing, nobody will join - it's that simple. The longer the server goes unpopulated, the harder it is to populate at a later date.
    2. If you are staff (or non-staff but motivated), please consider how you can contribute to the server during my extended absence. This doesn't necessarily have to be via coding!


    I went ahead and created a countdown timer until my availability returns to normal: http://www.webcountdown.net/?a=4KBMndJ

  11. (Recommended companion song for this thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKl6umkwKfU&t=0m30s)


    • Transfers are temporarily disabled and will be added back sometime towards the end of the event.
    • Cash is now limited to $30k balance. Shopkeeper and Blackmarket Dealer are also limited to 30k, and their transfers do not give someone more than 30k.
    • Staff cash is now always limited to 16k, even for War3 engineers. You should not have more than 30k after receiving cash from admins or staff members.
    • When transfers return:
      • If you transfer somebody excess cash, the transfer will be reduced so they only get 30k total. (e.g. both players have 16k, you transfer "all" to the other player, they will have 30k and you will have 2k leftover).
      • Transfers are always limited to 16k max - even if you have 30k and they have 0k you can only transfer 16k.
      • If you transfer cash to a player, you cannot transfer cash back to the same player for 5 rounds (keep in mind - transferring to player X who transfers to player Y because you transferred to Y too recently is circumventing the rules)
      • Players are limited to 5 transfers in a map.
      • You can no longer transfer cash from Default, New Game, Takeno, or Spymaster. These are all the races that spawn with cash - I don't believe I missed any. This is to further discourage people from "not playing the game".


    This was not brought on by my belief that anyone was explicitly breaking any rules. We have said before - if a player wishes to dump all their cash to a friend or friends, we aren't really trying to stop them. We are concerned, however, about stopping any potential future abuses and about players potentially circumventing cash restrictions previously put in place on Default and New Game, since they receive a lot of cash. We are largely trying to prevent future abuse in the system.


    Also in the spirit of preventing future abuses, Takeno and Spymaster are now limited to keeping $5k cash when they change to other races. I've considered applying this restriction to all races, but haven't come to a conclusion on it yet.


    I've also considered adding a sort of restriction to tomes/books - like a purchase cooldown before you can buy another. This seems like it'd be an inconvenience to those playing normally - so I'm not certain I want to go that route unless I can find a clean solution for it.


    Nothing is final, and you may very well see even more changes coming.


    If you ever have any questions about your actions or the actions of other players, I recommend you read this thread then consult with 1 (or more) War3 staff members if you still have questions.

    I'm so confused, you're saying this but Sharpie said you told him that the Default transfer thing isn't an exploit ?????????????

    Well Xferring is disabled right now, I’m going to make some minor changes in the future and I’ll post more on the topic then. Don’t worry for now.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. You should probably talk to staff about this, multiple staff have said this is okay and perfectly fine.
    ie, Moose telling NC and Fufu they can do it

    So after talking to them, I’m fairly certain we’ve been asked before about xfering cash to players before (“is it okay if my friends send me their cash”), which is fine. But to our knowledge nobody has been asked about circumventing the code restriction put in place to prevent people from spamming respawn on default/new game for cash and changing race to buy tomes - all the while avoiding any actual meaningful gameplay.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  14. Didn't realize that was a thing, someone mentioned that it only happened to New Game and I had posted without thinking.
    On another note, both races can easily work around this by just having one player transfer their $ to another so these plugin overall seems self defeating

    Loop holing code restrictions seems like a bad idea - similar to leaving the server and rejoining to avoiding the whoring plugin, I’d consider it a bannable offense.

    I’ve personally wanted to strip items and cash on every race before when you change... but I’ve stopped myself.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. Fixed bugs:

    • Mole now checks if you collide with any objects before choosing a spawn point. This should prevent getting stuck in players (rare) or spawning in the middle of the map (why is a spawn there ????)
    • Corpse Bomber should have no more issues with certain primaries (namely M4A1S) not working with ult
    • Cursed Pharaoh "Curse of the Pharaoh" skill no longer procs itself
    • Igna Phoenix no longer slows herself (woops)
    • Ruthless Mercenary grenades now don't hit Goblin Alchemist (2nd times a charm?)
    • Xian ult no longer checks if ability is in cooldown



    • Along w/ the phys dmg changes previously, Ruthless Mercenary nades dealt a lot more damage than intended. Lowered "max" dmg of subsequent nades from 150 to 115.


    • After I get a manual restart in, all CTs and Ts will spawn as the same models (instead of being randomly selected based on map). This prevents some models spawning with 100% invis heads if a player has invisibility. These are the 2 models we used to use ~2+ years ago, for you old-timers.


    • Added crypto addresses to my signature in case you are bored

  16. Dark Templar is live at 6750

    High Priestess is live at 9250

    Lady Hederine is live at 14000

    Illusionist is live at 15000


    Since the last update post:

    • Dark Templar
      • Shield CD reduced from 5s to 4s
      • No longer deals bonus damage with fire, nades, etc.
    • High Priestess
      • Dies immediately if it tries to defuse
      • No longer loses the bomb in spirit form
    • Lady Hederine
      • No longer gets glock from ability
      • Whiplash knocks enemies screen up, deals 15 damage, blocks them from walking backwards briefly (to help close the gap for the knife race) - now makes a cool whip noise, also denies LJ, speed, fly, etc.
      • Always knocks enemy's screen around (at random, not a very strong effect) on hit - cooldown of 0.8 seconds on effect
    • Selune no longer "respawns" when using back door, it simply teleports back to spawn
      • This means you can't change races when you use it
      • This fixes an HP bug when you change to certain races
      • This means you don't get your magazine reloaded
        • Honestly Selune has always been pretty strong so I'm not worried about this
    • Changes related to High Priestess getting "farmed" by other races
        • Abaddon no longer curses
        • Accuri no longer slows or deals deadeye damage
        • Air Elemental no longer reduces gravity
        • Altana no longer recovers HP
        • Anti Mage no longer reduces ammo
        • Brewmaster no longer triggers keg smash
        • Cannibal no longer leeches
        • Corrupt Disciple no longer does it's damage leech effect
        • Dante no longer gets skill points
        • Distortion does not gain Tempest Sword charges
        • Dragon Knight does not deal ult effects
        • Exile items do not trigger
        • Flame Predator does not disarm
        • Forest Elf does not steal cash
        • Hand of God no longer gains combos
        • Human General no longer steals cash
        • Methodical does not gain "on hit" effects
        • Musician does not do it's "on hit" effects
        • Naix does not leech
        • Phyrexian Sieger does not knock back
        • Pyromaniac does not knock back
        • Ravinick does not do storm strike, maelstrom, windfury, or burning blade
        • Rottweil does not leech
        • Scattergunner does not knock back
        • Recon Scout does not disarm
        • Shadow Monkey does not slap or banish
        • Succubus Hunter does not gain skulls
        • Takeno does not disarm
        • Wizard of New Tristram does not steal money
      • Enjoy the inadvertent buff to EVADE

  17. Physical damage we deal is no longer affected by armor. Previously, if we dealt physical damage and the victim had armor, the damage was halved.

    This is to make it more consistent, easier to balance (40 dmg always equals 40 dmg), and make damage outputs consistent where they previously were not (see: ravinick).


    Races that are affected by this change:

    • Air Elemental (reduced back stab damage taken was phsyical)
    • Exile (one of the items he finds)
    • Gargoyle (self-damage on failed goomba)
    • Jukebox Hero (fireworks damage)
    • Keeper of the Grove (thorns)
    • Pudge (hook)
    • Ravinick (lightning shield)
    • Ruthless Mercenary (grenades)
    • Second Wave (seeker mine)

    Although this is inevitably a buff to many of these races, I tend to take a stand-off approach when I make a big change like this and see how it plays out. I do not intend to nerf any of the above races, however I will consider doing so if it seems necessary over the next weeks.

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