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Posts posted by camelFun

  1. 1 hour ago, turbulance said:

    I have kinda stopped playing because I am waiting on face to get back into things and I am tired of being fucked with about my personal life 24/7 when I am in there. 

    You seem like a cool guy. What could people possibly say to upset you?

  2. So there is this thing called "parsing", which means that, in this case, a string of characters is being analyzed and compared. So while BBCode is still "supported," it isn't done in the conventional way. The entire backend for the editor is HTML now, not BBCode. So while you can still use BBCode, it isn't a BBCode backend. So what is actually happening is: Before a post is made, when the editor reads a BBCode tag, such as [img\], it will parse the contents and translate them into the HTML backend. i.e:





    ^ That will be parsed and translated into:



    <img src="www.ayylmao.com/aliens.jpg">


    A BBCode backend works the same way, only in every post, those BBCode tags are retained. The only reason you can still use any BBCode now is because people adapt so poorly to change, so the Invision Power guys decided to make a legacy system for those of you who don't want to change.


    In the current, modern editor, everything is there for you in the form of the buttons. If you want to see or change the text or URL in a link, just click on the link in your post and click the Hyperlink button. That was already a function since before 2005, only using a BBCode backend, but since you don't actually use the tags manually now I can see how you might have overlooked it.


    Either way, this is how it is now. It's much more efficient, and not ancient :P

  3. There is no more BBCode editor. You can just straight up use BBCode in this editor and it will automatically do what it needs to do. Think of it like a hybrid, only they decided to continue supporting an ancient system for your convenience.



  4. 24 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    the embedder is the problem smartass, i use direct link every time and the app steals my link and formats in some ugly way when i just want the image at its source size


    There's no other way to allow you to embed an imgur webm without giving you full access to certain html features that would allow you to post screamers. Sorry, my ears > your privs.


    btw, several people in this thread didn't have issues using basic forum functionalities, idk man

  5. 7 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    whenever i use a link from imgur it uses this ugly app or whatever, ive had to use the insert other media button to get around it

    we need the "lights out" button from before, its really just a minor nuisance tbh 

    clamps is up there with damn daniel for worst forced meme of 2012+4


    Not all imgur submissions are images. If it's a gifv, that's just an mp4. Instead just paste the link directly into your post and our oEmbed reader will automatically embed it for you.


    It doesn't get much more user friendly. Welcome to using a computer, Ted.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    you guys can add a clamps button but not (img)(/img) tags?

    or webms that play auto muted? you guys need to set your priorities straight and trust the community a little more than nothing. 


    I don't understand what the problem is? Image tags work just as they did before—all ancient BBCode does. 

  7. 57 minutes ago, Velo said:
    <i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i> fa-camera-retro
    <i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i> fa-camera-retro

    what the fuck

    <i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i> fa-camera-retro

    @ctarkHow'd you do that?




    It's a font family.


    And I thought users couldn't use Subway.


    There is nothing to fix this. You're logging onto your account on a different device which will use the default color scheme due to, what you say are, the limitations of the theme (I'll check it out). It's not a bug since that information is saved in the ipsregistry I'm pretty sure, connected to your account.


    EDIT: Yeah, definitely a decision made by the theme designer. Not a bug and nothing we can do about it.

  8. 35 minutes ago, thorgot said:

    Shouldn't clicking it do nothing then, instead of bringing you to a 404?


    Idk, maybe they had plans for it or something? It's new to ipb4, the fact that it lists pages as its own category. Maybe I can get around it and just add what we need ya know?


    EDIT: There we go, made it not stupid :P

  9. 15 minutes ago, xmen said:

    holy shit that's a lot of badges on camelfun... RIP forum developers gonna get so flustered with stuff to do..




    Yeah I think when we upgraded, it for some reason just gave me a badge for every single time I've awarded myself (testing and stuff in the past). I noticed several other members have duplicate SO and Staff badges and stuff, so if I ever spot a duplicate I will take care of it. Working on other stuff atm tho

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