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  1. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to ctark in $100.00 Donation from ctark   
    On behalf of the Syndicate Gamers community we would like to thank ctark for the donation of $100.00 USD that was recently made.
    This money will be put to good use in keeping our servers and website fun and online!
    Syndicate Gamers
  2. Downvote (-1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to Sexican in Some thing wrong with the news? LOL   
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to JFK in Renouncing my SO.   
    I've spent the last week or so thinking about whether or not I should still hold onto my SO position. I've only had it for about exactly 3 months now, but I feel like it's already time for me to let it go. Some people have probably noticed that I've been somewhat inactive in the JB server for the past couple of weeks. Half of that was because of spending time I usually used for JB on making Dojo, and porting maps to CSGO. The other half was tired of constantly attempting to police the server rather than play the game. I just don't want to be the guy who was only known for holding onto a position that wasn't being utilized.
    For the past 3 years, I've always wanted to have admin powers to better the server, but now I realize I had more fun playing on the server without having the obligations and responsibility of an SO to constantly uphold the rules. Especially now that people seem to think that's cute to find loopholes in the MOTD and then complain and bicker with the admins when they're called out for it. Or maybe it was always that way and I just never noticed it because I wasn't an admin at the time. Being an admin just isn't as fun as I thought it would be.
    Now don't get the wrong idea. I'm not leaving the forums, I still plan on updating Dojo sooner rather than later and maybe even port more maps from CSS the community wants back in CSGO. Porting doesn't really take that much time for me anymore now that I've learned how to use hammer properly over the past 4 months. But my playtime in JB probably nearly be as much as it was before, especially now that college is starting back up for me next week. My schedule makes it so that I have far less time on the weekdays to play JB. Especially on Wednesdays.
    It was definitely a worthwhile experience and I'm thankful that staff gave me the opportunity to become an SO. But I'm sure there's someone else out there who could do a better job than I did at being SO.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to Ruffles in Stepping down   
    Hey guys, I'm stepping down. I don't have enough time to put into jailbreak and with school starting I will have less time to be active on the server.
    I'd like to thank staff for giving me a chance as SO and I hope I did a good job admining the server and brought fun to it during my short period as SO.
    I love jailbreak and for the past 3 years i've seen it grow and thrive. It has been a pleasure playing with the oldies and new jailbreak players.
    Again, thanks for the time as SO and I hope I did you guys well. I cannot wait to see in the future the people who will be SO to keep jailbreak alive and thriving.
    It has been a blast being SO and I hope to assume the role again when I know I can be active again. Again, thank you for the opportunity to SO a server I loved playing for 3 years it has been fun!
    Thanks again!
    unless you guys don't wanna demote me like trucka or eddy...  
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 got a reaction from MikeHeadJanitor in IM BACK!!!!!!!   
    Wb....I guess....
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to yeet in Stepping Down   
    Ok so after a bunch of thought I have decided to step down from my position as SO, It's been great with you guys and all that but I don't have as much time as I do when summer was going on. I have to balance school, football practice, football games, and a job all at once and I just can't find the time to be active on here like I used to be.
    I'd rather step down now and leave the spot with dignity than be forced out of my position and be embarrassed because of inactivity.
    I'll admit it was a short run but I had a great time with you guys and I still love playing with you when I can, I had a blast! Later guys
    Love Demon
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to Sean in Gold   
    specialbrownies stole my post
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to ZachPL in Playstation Gamescom 2013   
    They hired some of the best camera men in the buisiness

  9. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to fontaine in If you had to vote for one server to be removed, which one would you pick?   
    I'd remove minecraft before anything. Because minecraft sucks and it is wasting 100% more resources than all of our CS:GO servers combined. Amazing huh?
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to Jason in If you had to vote for one server to be removed, which one would you pick?   
    id remove the dedicated server itself. 
    i could buy like 30 extra pizzas a month
    or even afford like EXTRA EXTRA cheese
  11. Downvote (-1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to Fat Black Woman in If you had to vote for one server to be removed, which one would you pick?   
    bhop who the fuck plays that shit
  12. Downvote (-1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to Swed in If you had to vote for one server to be removed, which one would you pick?   
    Vote pls
    Doing research
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to Sooners in KGAME - GG   
  14. Downvote (-1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to water.exe in KGAME - GG   
    Who is Kung-Chan again I don't recognize him unless he has changed his name.
  15. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to Sean in KGAME - GG   
    kgame's mom is the hero sG deserves
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to thorgot in KGAME - GG   
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to SpecialBrownies in KGAME - GG   
    I beat Sean to it, ehehehehheheheh
    EDIT: KGame is 17, as he has stated before, and he has proved it to me.
    OTHER EDIT: This is how I feel as well.
  18. Downvote (-1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to water.exe in HALF-LIFE3 CONFIRMED BY VALVE   

  19. Downvote (-1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to Velo in What were your favorite things about WCS?   
  20. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to Sakata in $12.50 Donation from Sakata   
    On behalf of the Syndicate Gamers community we would like to thank Sakata for the donation of $12.50 USD that was recently made.
    This money will be put to good use in keeping our servers and website gay and online!

    Syndicate Gamers
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to ChosenOne2000 in Happy Birthday Driz   
    Enjoy your free steam games and this blast from the past:

    Who is driz? : http://www.joinsg.net/topic/55828-why-we-should-let-driz-in-the-clan/
  22. Downvote (-1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to water.exe in orcish horde limitation   
    Crying it is too strong on 1 map of the entire server shouldn't lead to putting a limit on the race. By that argument I demand a player cap of 1 human alliance and 1 human general because fuck their short ass CDs on their teleport.
  23. Downvote (-1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to water.exe in orcish horde limitation   
    Fuck off seriously... There is no reason to put a LIMIT on 1 of 4 races that new people begin with.
  24. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to ROFL in I found ROFL on Vine   
    wtf pip
  25. Upvote (+1)
    Timeassassin103 reacted to iAlwaysFail in I found ROFL on Vine   
    >>>>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151635046773876&set=vb.170901143077174&type=2&theater <<<<<<<<<<
    Oh the similarity and the same setting (inside a car) lol

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