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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/26/21 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Get Schwifty

    TTT Vanilla

    We need to repop the servers. I miss the good ole TTT days.
  2. 2 points

    TTT Vanilla

    I second this
  3. 2 points

    A nostalgic thank you to all

    For anyone who comes back here and has a little wonder of what happened, thank you for all the great time we had together. I just spent a good hour reading through the modern race list https://pastebin.com/78Vhg2K5 and the old one I posted pre CS:GO https://pastebin.com/Qc4s0Xn1 Fun times all around Wish you the best in life, I couldn't have grown up with a better community.
  4. 1 point

    Zachmanman's Lifting Log

    Been lifting weights recently, gotta write this shit down somewhere 7/13/23 Chest Day with some other random shit Flat Barbell Bench Press 225x5 225x5 225x5 225x5 225x5 Dumbell Skullcrushers 60x8 60x10 60x10 Dumbell Lateral Raises 25s x 8 20s x10 20s x10 Weirdass Bicep Curl Machine 90x8 90x8 90x8 Decline Situps x20 x10 Cable Tricep Pushdowns 50x12 60x12 60x12 Then walked on the treadmill at a 3.5 incline at 3.5mph for like 15 minutes because I'm old af and need to move somewhat
  5. 1 point

    The New Leadership of sG!

    Hello my fellow sG members and staff, Syndicate Gamers Growing a community successfully means bringing people who share a common interest together and keeping them involved. It’s without a doubt that in this day and age, for a game to be truly successful you need to have a strong community that is going to keep your game alive and introduce it to new players, months or even years after its launch.One mistake that some gamers make with their community management is not making an effort with promotion. Putting yourself out there may seem uncomfortable or nerve-wracking at first, but if you don’t promote yourself, how will people know that you exist?A community that doesn’t offer value is not going to be of any interest to gamers, so you need to ensure that you are giving people a reason to stay. The gaming industry has it easy when it comes to the type of content that you can create for your communities and this is something that is worth spending some time on.Remember, retention is extremely important. Building a positive community where everyone feels welcome should always be at the forefront of your mind. Table of contact 1. Choose the Right Game 2. Choose a Purpose 3. Work Hard, Cultivate Patience 4. Reach Out When You Need Help 5. Be A Strong and Reliable Leader With that said I feel aas this time we really need to be thinking what is sG future, Mimic you step up and keep this community together mid way thro one of the toughest school a college student could chose and I give you mad props for it! You have come to my ad many times threw out this toxic community and I have nothing but up raising vibes for you as our leader, Due to times and your absence the thrive of the community has gone a spiral down hill! I believe your seven year run has been great but I stand that a new leader with greater inspirement is needed as the spunkis no longer here! I am here to nominate SIR ROOTBEER as our new JCS! I am life committed to this community but the toxic is louder then my voice! We all game together or not We stilll all remember the stander we once all was commit too! Sincerely sG|Warden Sweetrock (VET)
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