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My Resignation.

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Hey guys, I think it's pretty simple to read the title and figure out whats happening. First off, before I tip my hat and say farewell, I would like to thank Mimic and the other staff who allowed me to obtain this position. To be able to help somewhat, make events, recruit, and help in ways I couldn't have even imagined. I am very thankful for the chance at being Staff, but I apologize for it being so short.


I remember when I first started off here in sG. I was the obnoxious 12 year old kid, annoyed players, members, got on the bad sides of staff, and so on. But eventually, as a few years went by, I wanted to be apart of a community. I spent most of my days and whole summer playing JB on old CS:S. I remember being on until 3-4 a.m., then waking up at 10 a.m. just to play again. I think I've met  everyone through JB. Influential people to me on JB were Meowmix, Wind.exe, Puff, Style, Dojima, Papa, SuperNova, Blob, Deltron, Jewinator, Marine, Detective nom noms, Tubbles, and there are definitely a lot more. Even though majority of them disliked me and hated me because I was obnoxious, I soon developed friendships here. So I thank you to the people who impacted my life, even though it's the internet haha.


I remember eventually when I got SO, after years of wanting to help within the servers it was happening! I was given more than one opportunity to help the servers I love thrive and prosper. Then finally just this year, I was given the opportunity to give Staff a go. I'll tell you what, it was the best few months of my life. To finally be in  a high position, making events, recruiting, and helping players with issues and problems. But also to figure out how to make the servers thrive. It definitely had its moments in staff. But definitely the most memorable moments.


So currently, the cause for me stepping down is, I am unable to provide the game time to put into the servers. I had a TTT Event planned for October, but work just got in the way. Games are temporary and will always be there, but if I cannot invest the time, I might as well allow someone else a chance to pick up where I left off. Plus, I leave for BMT in February, so I wont be around as much. As well as that, I will be getting married next year, so I know my time in sG will decrease. 


I will still be on steam here and there, and the forums, and play a game with people here and there. But I've slowly been losing interest in CS:GO, and just an overall interest in playing video games. So, if I have stepped on toes of anyone here (or even had a beef with them), I hope there are no hard feelings. I am thankful for 9 years of this. It's always fun to look back on where I was then, to where I am now!



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What branch did you join? This is kinda sad to see, i remember when we both got promoted you had as much motivation as did to make some real changes and populate the servers, but there's a lot of people that are supposed to be on the same team as you that don't seem to give a shit or contribute and it drags you down. Atleast you're aware of all this and made the mature decision to step away. Hopefully you come back after BMT like I did :D




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Never got to actually talk to you but you seemed like a chill guy

maybe ill see you around

good luck buddy

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Had good times playing on the servers with you, except that one time we decided to queue together on Rainbow 6 Siege and got completely shit on in our first 2 games. You will be missed hope to see you around still. 

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I know I'm new and everything and you probably don't know me, but it sounds like you've done a lot for this community and for that I thank you. I am one of those newbies hoping to pick up where you left off. As hard as it is to let go of certain things, I respect you for realizing what's important to you in life. Good luck with everything!

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You're one of the staples of the JB I remember. We had some good fun in CSS those days. If I could go back 8 years and do it all again, I gladly would. Ruffles, thanks for your work as a staff. Don't be a stranger.

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