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Jeff The Flying Shark

Idea to bring back Custom

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Recently I've been playing a couple other custom ttt servers on Gmod and the desire for sG to bring back the old custom server came to my mind once again. Before you even assume that I want you to get rid of vanilla @ZachPL, I'm not suggesting that. I would like ot see sG throw up a temporary custom ttt server(NO MINECRAFT CUSTOM) for about a week or two and see how it does. If theres no interest/incosistent population then fine get rid of it and I'll never bring up the idea of a custom server again. Though if the server brings in new people or keeps a good population lets keep the server up and make it more popular than the serious ttt servers! This is assuming we have the resources to make this possible. @Avenger has been on a few of the servers I've played on and he might be able to give ideas as well on what we need to keep a steady pop if we would want this server to not die again(this is assuming Zach agrees to this idea).


I know there are a bunch of older members that would love to see the server come back and actually play consistently. @Reaper0470 @Detective Nom Noms  @Sportsteen583 @Tubbles @JMaFia @Lesbian Dad @Siesan @Anzhi. @Gerald @Stabbitty @Mufasa @SpecialBrownies @KnifeMaster No Sound


Those are the first few names that come to mind, but there are tons of other people that would probably also support this.


All I ask Zach is for you just give it a chance instead of just flat out saying no without a good reason. I know you recently denied Avenger, but all you did was just give him a flat no without an explanation. I'm the one who asked him to bring it up with you to begin with.

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so sad to see all those tagged names... haven't seen a good portion of those people in so long.

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I've been out of town for at least part of the weekend last five weeks and will continue to be at least for three more weeks. With that being said my time is limited, it's hard for me to want to start a project for something that isn't guaranteed to succeed.


The main issue being CSS being required which everyone knows by now. Our TTT servers currently are run by randoms, my guess is 95% don't own CSS, going to be very hard to maintain pop.


I see three possible routes:

  • find none minecraft TTT maps that don't require CSS (probably not a ton that exist)
  •  replace CSS textures manually with custom textures for individual maps with hammer (large ass pain)
  • an idea I had recently (which i dont know if its possible especially considering no one has done it yet) is code something that checks if a player does not have CSS installed then use lua to overwrite all textures on the map with csgo textures (honestly would probably be harder then decompiling maps and replacing the textures.

also most of the populated custom servers have a large amount of private coding done (for weapons/pointshop/web shit), and although I can probably manage to figure out a lot of it (i've learned 20x more than I knew 3 years ago in the coding department) it would be an incredibly huge time sink, which I wouldn't be able to do by myself in a timely manor

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2 hours ago, ZachPL said:

I've been out of town for at least part of the weekend last five weeks and will continue to be at least for three more weeks. With that being said my time is limited, it's hard for me to want to start a project for something that isn't guaranteed to succeed.


The main issue being CSS being required which everyone knows by now. Our TTT servers currently are run by randoms, my guess is 95% don't own CSS, going to be very hard to maintain pop.




I mean a major draw of custom would be getting actual sG members who do have css  Involved and bringing theur friends along with a new crowd. But can't we set up a poll for all people joining vanilla to answer if they have it or not

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2 hours ago, ZachPL said:

I've been out of town for at least part of the weekend last five weeks and will continue to be at least for three more weeks. With that being said my time is limited, it's hard for me to want to start a project for something that isn't guaranteed to succeed.


The main issue being CSS being required which everyone knows by now. Our TTT servers currently are run by randoms, my guess is 95% don't own CSS, going to be very hard to maintain pop.


I see three possible routes:

  • find none minecraft TTT maps that don't require CSS (probably not a ton that exist)
  •  replace CSS textures manually with custom textures for individual maps with hammer (large ass pain)
  • an idea I had recently (which i dont know if its possible especially considering no one has done it yet) is code something that checks if a player does not have CSS installed then use lua to overwrite all textures on the map with csgo textures (honestly would probably be harder then decompiling maps and replacing the textures.

also most of the populated custom servers have a large amount of private coding done (for weapons/pointshop/web shit), and although I can probably manage to figure out a lot of it (i've learned 20x more than I knew 3 years ago in the coding department) it would be an incredibly huge time sink, which I wouldn't be able to do by myself in a timely manor


I already knew about most of the current players of vanilla most likely not having css. Option 2 and 3 are probably the better decisions to go with, but its probably best to just hope people that who the server already have css textures already installed/mounted. Don't forget there are still tons of players on gmod who have css, just not the people who play on vanilla servers.


Also I know you're much busier these days compared to years back so I'm not expecting this to happen overnight or anything like. I'm just glad to get an idea of what needs to be done. I'm willing to offer any kind of help possible if you will go through with this though.

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I wish I had a PC to weigh in on this because fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck vanilla minecraft. But I don't have a PC so oh well.


Seriously though why you tag me in this Jeff? You know I'm broke with no computer, you monster.

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All for it and willing to do anything I can do to help. There are a lot of servers that are popping off, why can't we have one? We were number one at one point in the world weren't we? At least we were up there that's for sure.


That is obvious evidence of our success before. I'm sure if we offer an environment that people enjoy, coders can come in through population, then the extra shit can be added. Hell the OLD server was still the shit to play and I didn't think there was that much external coding needed to be done other than damage modifiers, some slight weapon mods, ammo script and xgui implementations.


I also believe a lot of people have CSS, the reason we don't draw people in who already have CSS is because we don't appeal to them. Again once we have the environment, we can breed the population.

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would be willing to quit my job, drop out of school and just devote my life to being a TTT SO 24/7 if this were to happen.


No but seriously I would play the fuck out of custom. It was always a fun time, we have lots of regulars on vanilla who have asked about custom and are always disappointed when we don't have one. I'm sure they'd be willing to figure out how to get the textures to work, so even without the old sG custom players we have a playerbase ready to go. It would be nice if when someone is upset there's no dm, if I could just tell them to type !servers and join the other one. Due to the whole CSS and downloads thing custom tended to attract a lot less RDMers/trolls so it's the perfect escape for people who are getting RDMed sixty seven times in a row with no admins on.

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As someone that literally just jumped on the forums for the first time since 2013? because I couldn't find the old sG TTT Server... I second much of what's been said.
I would love to see it come back and to see some familiar faces from back when i played with you guys regularly! Custom TTT weeds a lot of the bad and brings a stable community assuming people get on and play. It's worth a shot, textures being resolved or not, Source textures aren't too hard to get your hands on if people don't have CSS

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2 hours ago, Oreo said:

In other news I'll buy a microphone if we bring back DarkRP

Dead Bought you one and you dipped. Still haven't seen you since, hope you enjoyed the ball sweat that he put into them.

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If serious TTT can get people into a custom server then why not us? They have a great system and I think it could be worth looking at copying.

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17 hours ago, Ian Kinsler said:

If serious TTT can get people into a custom server then why not us? They have a great system and I think it could be worth looking at copying.

They have a great system but my god their admins are actually mentally ill. @Jeff The Flying Shark knows

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22 hours ago, Reaper0470 said:



Will learn Lua if it will help bring this server back. Already made a local server with a few addons and working on getting a better understanding on editing weapons etc. 

I'm sure Zach would appreciate the help (with regular TTT as well) if we go forward with this. It's a rough life with no current staff with technical knowledge being interested in GMOD.

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