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Tips on peer pressure

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(Okay so I'm deciding to put a lot of trust into you guys because it's 1:56 AM here and none of my irl friends are on and so I figured whatever.)


But as as many of you may know, today is 4/20, the day where everybody gets high and smokes weed, which is extremely popular in San Francisco, where I happen to live. All of April I've gotten so many offers for weed and pills since I used to do all of that stuff, and now I can't sleep thinking about whether I should or not ;( a lot of my friends are deciding to partake in this affair but I don't have class with many of them today so I really don't wanna but addiction is hard guys ;( 

ANYWAYS TO SUM UP i just wanted to know if any of you guys had tips on not giving in to peer pressure, cuz lord knows I could use it right now. 


Much appreciated, 


ya boi DannyShr :D 

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Don´t take pills. 


Weed is okay. 


Never did weed, but that is only because I promised my mom when I was 6, that I would never smoke. (My grandpa died when I was 6 of lung cancer)

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Stop being a bitch and smoke dat erb.


But seriously, if you don't want to partake in something... don't partake in it. There are going to be hundreds of times in your life where you'll be asked to do something you don't want. Sometimes you just have to be a man and put your foot down, nobody is going to like you less for not blazing with them. Well, I wouldn't like you if you refused a blaze... but I'm a bitter old man.

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First of all don't even think of them. Go do exercising at a gym or something , listen to music , just anything to get rid of those thoughts in your head.
On a side note think of the long run on your life ... Don't you want to have a easier future where you can actually be free and not restricted from things that you are addicted on which can cause harm to yourself. ~(my own mind of all this weed/pills subject)

P.S Rayne is right about the partaking on things. If you don't wanna do it then don't do it.

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Distracting yourself is the best way to ignore peer pressure.

Let them know exactly what you're doing and why you don't care/want to partake as a result.


Also fuck smoking, particulates in your lungs is awful for you regardless if it's weed or cigs.

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25 minutes ago, DannyShr said:

I can't sleep thinking about whether I should or not

I don't think this is the question that needs to be answered if you're unable to sleep.


1) Are you afraid that if you don't join your friends, they'll think less of you or make fun of you for not joining in? If they're any decent people, they'd figure you're at the very least simply busy. If they actually do think less of you, they don't deserve your attention. Even if they do, you should be living your life regardless of how people view you. I mean just look @ Narwhals. He's a freak and everyone loves him, I think.


2) Are you interested in experimenting with drugs but afraid of the negative or longterm effects (or simply getting addicted)? If you're just trying something out one time (and firmly believe it's only going to be one time), then that one time really shouldn't hurt in the long run. Honestly anything you smoke is going to be bad for your lungs, but its up to you to decide if the negative effects of that one time outweighs your curiosity of trying it out just once. If you believe you can handle a one time thing then by all means go for it.

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Just now, Rootbeer said:

 I mean just look @ Narwhals. He's a freak and everyone loves him, I think.

Are you insane?

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Just get on a game you like and dont think about it, if they keep asking you to come tell them you are busy or you have somewhere you need to go, or just tell them I dont want to


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If people try to pressure you into anything you don't feel comfortable with, don't be around them, simple as that.  My friends smoke and do other drugs, and they have no problem with me not participating, I still drink and have a good time when we hang out.  I'm also going to assume you're a bit younger and peer pressure is pretty common during teenage years.

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The biggest thing I like to do is to learn the facts about things like weed, that way I can give good reasons why I'm not going to partake in their event. Instead of just "my mom says it's bad!"

Weed affects everyone differently, and honestly I don't want to take the chance of smoking it and then getting constantly nervous about everything 24/7 and having a panic attack. (Because yes, some people have been known to do that.) I also don't want to get addicted to weed if I was to try it. Yes, I know the number of people addicted to it is low, but it's still possible and some people have been known to get addicted to it.


These are just a few facts about marijuana you can tell your friends, and can give you a reason why you may not want to try it. Yes, it's definitely better for you than actually smoking a cigarette, but weed has shown to some people to have different side affects, some good and some bad.

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If you really don't want anything to do with pills or mj, you have to tell yourself you don't fucking want it. GET MAD, go work out or something and get all of those thoughts out of your system and you'l be good for a bit.


I've never done pills, but i've smoked weed on occasion. Never really felt like I needed to, but I do every now and then if i'm feeling adventurous (or drunk)


You have to do what YOU want. Fuck what other people want you to do. If they are offering to smoke you up, that's fine and there's nothing wrong with that, just say nah. but if they call you a faggot because you won't tell em to fuck off and you can leave. There is one thing though, no matter what we say on these forums, you are going to do what you want to do and no one can change that. Like I said earlier, you will stay away from it if that's what YOU want.

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I'd argue that @Ironic brings up both good and bad points. You don't have to feel like you need a reason as to why you don't do something. If you're not comfortable, that's all the reason you should have to give anyone who's a "friend" as to why you aren't joining.

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5 hours ago, TurtleFrenzy said:

I'd argue that @Ironic brings up both good and bad points. You don't have to feel like you need a reason as to why you don't do something. If you're not comfortable, that's all the reason you should have to give anyone who's a "friend" as to why you aren't joining.

^Completely agree.

I'm just saying with some stuff (like Marijuana) you can find proof that gives you good reason not to partake in it because of bad past experiences, which gives you a stronger voice as to why you aren't doing it (if that makes sense).

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I definitely understand where you're coming from. 


I graduated from a tiny, mostly white town, as one of 5 minorities in a class of 300. I'm Muslim and diabetic. So drinking is forbidden religiously, and medically for me. When I go out with friends, strangers will offer me shots and such, but I politely turn them down. My friends respect and understand my situation and they don't pressure me. But even when some people insist, you gotta remain strong in your convictions and just say no. You don't owe anyone an explanation or anything. If you're comfortable, great, just do it in an safe environment. But don't fuck with pills. I don't smoke weed, but I do smoke hookah... ahem, occasionally. I have friends who don't smoke and I respect their choice. You can have fun without doing any drugs or drinking. But to each his own. 

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@Jodas @Rayne @Terumi @Sandy @TurtleFrenzy@Dr. NarwhalsNumbNuts IV@Lvl. 100 Latias @Don Juan @Rootbeer @LVL4ROCK @Avery @Ironic @Velo just wanted to say thank you all for your advice and/or concern  I think I've decided I'm going to just not get high unless it's necessary (I.e. Concert/rave lel). Sorry if I disappointed 

No need to be sorry about disappointing us if u even did cause I know I am not at all, in the end we were just here to support you into making the right choices that you felt were right if you did smoke go ahead if you didn't good for you as long as it was the right decision in your mind don't worry about what other people think of it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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