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What to do with the Minigame server

GG or MG  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we keep minigames or change the server to a gungame/other mod

    • Keep Minigames (Fixing broken maps/bad maps)
    • Change it to a Gun Game server
    • Change it to another mod/rotation/pub

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Discussion on the Minigame server. Currently we are working hard to revive Zombie Escape, but while doing so it brings up the point of the Minigame server just sitting idly by. What do you (the community) want to see happen with this server.

Before voting take into consideration that there are tons of GG servers out there and reverse GG servers, it is probably the most common non-pub server. If we changed it to GG we need tons of community members to support this server.

If we keep the Minigame server people need to play on it. There are almost no minigames servers on CS:GO, but I do not know how strong the support is for this type of server.

Deathrun/Climb/Scoutknives/Pub/Rotation/Deathmatch ect. If you vote other, state what you would like to see. Other mods aren't as popular on CS:GO and our community has shown very little support for PUB/Rotation in the past.

Edited by Shadow

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Like I've said a GG server would probably be more populated and active.


Last time we had tons of community members say they would play on a GG server after a few weeks everyone stopped playing and went back to WCS/JB/Other games. I see this realistically happening again. We need to have enough people on the server until a new community develops for it. I am not sure if this can happen,that is why I am curious to see the poll/comments to this thread.

Fucking keep that shit. Turning it back into GG/MG/DR is what KILLED the server.

24/7 Minigame server.. would it have enough support from our community and general CS:GO population? That is what we want to know.

Edited by Shadow

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Like I've said a GG server would probably be more populated and active.


Last time we had tons of community members say they would play on a GG server after a few weeks everyone stopped playing and went back to WCS/JB/Other games. I see this realistically happening again. We need to have enough people on the server until a new community develops for it. I am not sure if this can happen,that is why I am curious to see the poll/comments to this thread.

thats cuz the GG server settings were incredibly gay. it took 4 fucking kills to get a new gun. FUCK THAT.

Set up a good GG server with good settings, and it will get more traffic than the MG server is getting right now.

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Fucking keep that shit. Turning it back into GG/MG/DR is what KILLED the server.

actually the server was already dead and turning it into GG/MG/DR brought some life back to it for a short while.

IIRC, it still had somewhere between 3-10 regulars before the transition to GG/MG/DR. The transition gave it a short burst of life and then ultimately killed it once people couldn't adapt to the server change.

We should keep the three types of servers separate, they don't really mesh together well. If anything we have enough resources to possibly run all three on small 16-24 slot servers, if desired.

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No offense, but I would shy away from DR game mode, just doesn't fit and play well after awhile.

GG and MG I could see if we had enough interest. I love playing GG, just not when there are 15 guns, and its 3-4 kills per gun upgrade. Way to damn much. Have it one gun per kill per round and it may work better.

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I like mitch's idea, instead of making one huge server. why don't you just make 3 servers and make a vote on what the community would like server wise


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I like mitch's idea, instead of making one huge server. why don't you just make 3 servers and make a vote on what the community would like server wise

well right now the server is purely a MG server and its dead as hell. granted that may be from the terrible maps, but my point remains.

I think a decent GG server would do far better considering that GG is literally built in to CSGO.

we would have to try to fuck that up.

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GG will not work. It has failed and will fail again. 3 maybe 4 weeks tops before it just drops dead. Deathrun will apply the same. 4 weeks being a generous number. Just shrink the server size down to 24 or whatever it is now and have some people fill it up. Shoo I can sit in there 24 hours if you like. Looks better if its like 8/24 versus 8/36. Then if there is a steady population increase a bit. I used to add maps to MG but I lost that access to do those long time ago.

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If we do a gungame server it should be like this.

1st. Every like 2 kills you get a new gun.

2nd. When you kill atleast 5 or more people without dying you get a 5 second speed boast.

3rd. It should be like you go from pistols all the way up to the negev. (well, that is obvious.)

4th. We just need dedicated players/people to keep it populated.

If we also do GG we should do like 24/24 players.

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If we do a gungame server it should be like this.

1st. Every like 2 kills you get a new gun.

2nd. When you kill atleast 5 or more people without dying you get a 5 second speed boast.

3rd. It should be like you go from pistols all the way up to the negev. (well, that is obvious.)

4th. We just need dedicated players/people to keep it populated.

If we also do GG we should do like 24/24 players.

I agree with 2 kills per gun.

I also agree it should be normal gun game, not reverse.

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Doing a server with 3 different game types is retarded.

I've said this a million times already, the reason our GG servers never worked was because we had the dumbest versions of it. Started with a scout, took 2 kills to level, 100 armor (makes nades impossible), and stupid shit like that. I don't understand why we don't set up a server like DOGZ's gungame. Their server is constantly populated. I would play the shit out of a GG server that had good settings. To make it more appealing, keep a rank listing of how many wins your have, top 10 or so get a custom skin. Kids love that shit.

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Get good settings and I might show up on cs:go again, literally one of the few things I really liked about the game. Even better wcs on cs:go that'll get me to switch over lol.

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People who voted to change to gungame has never even played the old minigames before except a select few.

I have.

Minigames on CS:GO is terrible.

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I think all three could work. The problem is all three servers have different populations. We would be on a GG map and then it would rotate to a MG map. The GG folks would say "fuck this" and dc. The same thing goes for the other modes.

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People who voted to change to gungame has never even played the old minigames before except a select few.

I have.

Minigames on CS:GO is terrible.

Old cs :P

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