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Recruitment Officers

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Before reading, note that I could have put this in "Ideas & comments section" however I feel like no one actually looks there...

Anyways, can someone tell me exactly what RO's do in sG? Yes I realize they vote and copy pasta the standard posts for applications but besides that do they do anything? We've had under 10 applications this whole summer, and only 1 was actually accepted (who was a brony, but besides the point).

I don't have anything against the actual RO's themselves (good friends with most of them), however it seems that the expectations for them are way too low in this community. Shouldn't the RO's be actually trying to recruit new members, get new people involved in the community?

Why don't we put them in charge of the sG Steam community page and actually take advantage of it. Start making events for the community to group up and play, invite people that you see on the server into the group etc... Use the resources possible to our advantage and get some fresh meat. On some applications people would say stuff like "We're pushing all the new members away by trolling, so lets accept who ever we get etc..." but the problem is that most of the people who did apply put the fag in new. (I realize i'm a newfag get @me)

TL;DR Newfags aren't the hero sG deserves, but the ones we need. Let's rethink the logistics of Recruitment Officers

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I see some RO's not even doing their job. I think we only need a 2-3. We have too much for the amount of work they have to do. I don't have anything against you guys, but what smooth-eh said is true

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Before reading, note that I could have put this in "Ideas & comments section" however I feel like no one actually looks there...

Anyways, can someone tell me exactly what RO's do in sG? Yes I realize they vote and copy pasta the standard posts for applications but besides that do they do anything? We've had under 10 applications this whole summer, and only 1 was actually accepted (who was a brony, but besides the point).

I don't have anything against the actual RO's themselves (good friends with most of them), however it seems that the expectations for them are way too low in this community. Shouldn't the RO's be actually trying to recruit new members, get new people involved in the community?

Why don't we put them in charge of the sG Steam community page and actually take advantage of it. Start making events for the community to group up and play, invite people that you see on the server into the group etc... Use the resources possible to our advantage and get some fresh meat. On some applications people would say stuff like "We're pushing all the new members away by trolling, so lets accept who ever we get etc..." but the problem is that most of the people who did apply put the fag in new. (I realize i'm a newfag get @me)

TL;DR Newfags aren't the hero sG deserves, but the ones we need. Let's rethink the logistics of Recruitment Officers

We need more people to balance out the normal:brony ratio.

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This is an absolutly amazing suggestion.

Throughout the years that i've been here since 2008, i have never seen a true valiant effort to repopulate servers through our clan steam page since, Zombie Mod and the creation of Jailbreak.

What if recruitment officers were ACTUALLY recruitment officers and they had a quota as a team? To recruit a certain amount of people in a certain amount of time. This would obviously be based off of how many people are playing on our servers.

I have definitely seen UV/sG at its climax, and its god dam amazing. With some valiant effort, we could really repopulate our servers, and our entire community.

This can all start with a reformed look on Recruitment Officers.

Edited by Triv

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ROs are also intended to be forum moderators and be at least semi active on servers while trying to get people to apply to join the clan. In addition, most of the time they help out by doing "menial" jobs such as updating stickies with information. I'm all for giving Recruitment Officers more responsibilities considering their "main" responsibilities are to run Ranks and Recruitment and do forum moderation, but if you're expecting them to set up "social media" for sG (Advertising), they don't have the weight of say required to do so (in the current Staff structure, at least). If you're expecting them to convince players in our community to apply to join the clan, they SHOULD be attempting to do so.

Also, I don't know if you noticed, but a few staff members stepped down due to inactivity.

Edited by Mimic

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ROs are also intended to be forum moderators and be at least semi active on servers while trying to get people to apply to join the clan. In addition, most of the time they help out by doing "menial" jobs such as updating stickies with information. I'm all for giving Recruitment Officers more responsibilities considering their "main" responsibilities are to run Ranks and Recruitment and do forum moderation, but if you're expecting them to set up "social media" for sG (Advertising), they don't have the weight of say required to do so (in the current Staff structure, at least). If you're expecting them to convince players in our community to apply to join the clan, they SHOULD be attempting to do so.

Also, I don't know if you noticed, but a few staff members stepped down due to inactivity.

So if the RO's are over-burdened with work we can create a new forum moderator position. That way the RO's can focus on what's important, recruiting people.

I haven't really noticed, but like I said its not a problem with the specific people but the position itself. (I realize this could be referring to JC4X4's post mimic)

Edited by Mimic

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Recruitment Officers is a misleading name for what they do. As Mimic said, theyve been banning spambots, admining servers and moderating the forums on top of recruitment. As of recent, the staff as a whole have been trying to increase presence on our servers. A more suitable title for ROs would be junior or assistant advisors - but that sounds weird.

No one wants to be in a Steam group that sends a billion announcements and events, that why we rarely do so unless needed.

If there's anything left unclear or needs to be clarified, let me know.

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Also. We are getting new people in the community on a daily basis. Unfortunately the current/existing part of the community doesn't know how to give them as much as a warm welcome.

Sorry for the DP, I'm on tapatalk

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ROs are also intended to be forum moderators and be at least semi active on servers while trying to get people to apply to join the clan. In addition, most of the time they help out by doing "menial" jobs such as updating stickies with information. I'm all for giving Recruitment Officers more responsibilities considering their "main" responsibilities are to run Ranks and Recruitment and do forum moderation, but if you're expecting them to set up "social media" for sG (Advertising), they don't have the weight of say required to do so (in the current Staff structure, at least). If you're expecting them to convince players in our community to apply to join the clan, they SHOULD be attempting to do so.

Also, I don't know if you noticed, but a few staff members stepped down due to inactivity.

So if the RO's are over-burdened with work we can create a new forum moderator position. That way the RO's can focus on what's important, recruiting people.

I haven't really noticed, but like I said its not a problem with the specific people but the position itself. (I realize this could be referring to JC4X4's post mimic)

Recruitment Officers aren't necessarily heavily burdened by their jobs, it's an issue of long time players of a server and/or community just getting bored. One of the underlying issues with becoming a Staff member is the fact that you essentially get bored of playing on the servers due to all the previous work (time played) you had to do for the servers to get the position. This is VERY evident with our Server Officers who tend to spend one week to a month being extremely active, then they go completely inactive. It can also be seen by most Joint Chiefs of Staff and Advisors (including myself). In my case, I've taken up helping with server development to stay active.

It's not as though forum moderation is a difficult issue with sG. We're VERY lenient when it comes to trolling, flaming, and racism - which in most communities you'll probably see your head on the chopping block for. I can say personally I've probably given out 15 infractions during my almost one year tenure on staff with most of which being 0 point warnings. Other staff members, though, are not so lenient and you'll generally see them as the ones who hand out infractions.

A large problem with this community though, isn't the fact that Staff members aren't doing their jobs (the people that do work generally do it well and fast enough for it to not be an issue), it's the contextual differences between our community and how the internet at large has evolved as a whole. I'm probably not the only one who noticed that the three new introduction threads posted recently have had at least 50% of the posts saying or referring to "not another retard" or "get out". Needless to say we're pretty outdated - we don't like weaboos, furries, or bronies. We don't like people who act in a manner that is too "in your face", and we don't notice people who sit back and don't do anything. When a new person attempts to join our forums, they're pretty much turned around and kicked the fuck out by existing members.

A good solution to this is to actually start punishing existing community members for trolling, flaming, racism and general douchebaggery. I think adding dedicated global forum moderators would be a good idea, as long as they actually do their jobs and punish people. I also think setting up an event system would be a good idea, but there's little to no way to pass this on to players who solely play on our servers, and don't visit our actual community. We had our blog set up to show on every server's MOTD to allow us to do this, but that was destroyed in the rollback. Maybe we can re-implement it? Maybe we can set up an Event forum under Community News?

tl;dr - Staff gets "fizzed out" and/or bored of playing after such a long time, aspiring members are turned away by the current community and the situation isn't being helped by Staff, get hard ass forum moderators to punish douchebaggery, and set up a system so we can do community events without requiring our Steam Community group.

Edited by Mimic

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I see some RO's not even doing their job. I think we only need a 2-3. We have too much for the amount of work they have to do. I don't have anything against you guys, but what smooth-eh said is true

same with SO's.

Hey fuck you bro...

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The problem with this community is the people. Too many people are stuck on being an oldfag and calling every single person that wasn't here before them a newfag.

We need newfags to keep this community from dying. If people weren't such dicks to newfags around here, we'd be thriving right now.

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The problem with this community is the people. Too many people are stuck on being an oldfag and calling every single person that wasn't here before them a newfag.

We need newfags to keep this community from dying. If people weren't such dicks to newfags around here, we'd be thriving right now.

shut up newfag

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The problem with this community is the people. Too many people are stuck on being an oldfag and calling every single person that wasn't here before them a newfag.

We need newfags to keep this community from dying. If people weren't such dicks to newfags around here, we'd be thriving right now.

shut up newfag

you were born 17 days before me

i now bow down

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Also I think it would be helpful if we got some more engineers.

No one who is willing in this community has the knowledge to be an engineer.

No one who knows how to be an engineer is willing to put in the effort for this community.

It's pretty hard finding someone capable, knowledgable and willing to engineer our servers for no compensation whatsoever.

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ROs are also public relations for the clan. They keep the community engaged by hosting events on the servers, forums, and other mediums. I was a forever RO and I created the poker tourneys (which we will have another one soon..I'll have a date soometime this week). ROs should be mostly visible on the servers and R&R. RO is the best and most engaging staff member to have around. Dont knock RO...its great to be one.

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Current community members need to focus on helping build a community more then being picky about who actually joins.

I remember, very clearly, back in the UV and probably even in the sG days, we had LOADS of introduction threads because all new members wanted to introduce themselves because they got a WARM WELCOME. We dont see much of that anymore.

Edited by Triv

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