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Posts posted by Yiyas

  1. I talked it over with skitt, and I understand why the current status of bhop is as it is. It's true, LJ is not hard to use; even buying longjump from the shop gives an entire race's skill and that's broken. However, I still believe it is the races that don't have LJ that are the ones getting punished the most from the CS:GO stamina mechanic which could be handled far better through the war3 module. It's not about gaining momentum, it's about how you lose all of it.


    Perhaps it's not a really big of a concern since LJ works anyway, nobody seems to play human anymore and flight is just camping some roof half invis as Kirin-Tor. All I see played regularly at the moment are races I don't recognise (mostly Bob), so in the end it's a focus on underused races and forgotten mechanics.


    I do have to point out that LJ is simplified because the multiplication is huge and you hit the speed cap instantly: on Succubus I'm gaining 2-4x speed (note that I gain more when I'm slower) each jump and the same goes for shopmenu LJ. As such, there is no longer a wind up and the skill required to build and maintain longjump is completely removed whilst the punishment and risk of being bashed or slowed is no longer existent.


    I'm just seeking the grace in the old way that many of us developed on WCS1 and SurfRPG and, even if that time may have passed entirely, I have to say it can be implemented without any interference to current balance. I really don't think it'll be changed though so there's not much point elaborating. I just wanted to state my viewpoint clearly because it appears as if I'm trying to get longjump buffed and its limitations removed, which I'm not.

  2. Is it easy to the point where all races even those without LJ can bunnyhop and gain momentum?


    It might be tedious but you can easily put a cap on the speed that someone can achieve while jumping, an attempt was made in the vanilla Succubus Hunter but it wouldn't work because both the mathematics and prop data are bad.


    If you'd like help this summer I'd be happy to do so; even just levelling through the starter races I'm noticing several problems and with 200 in the server now I imagine it can be a drag even thinking about the oldest races. Several ideas come to mind to improve the starting experience of new players to the server, whom are just as important as regular population.

  3. It's not about LJ that it annoys me on, it's on flight and teleport races that used to be so fluid after their ults. In fact if anything races like Archimonde seem unaffected entirely.


    So why is bhopping disabled?

  4. It's been empty all day today, I wanted to play because I heard y'all got good EU ping now but it's just nigh impossible to get the server started for 3/4s of the day. Keep in mind people searching for servers will often completely ignore empty ones, leaving only regulars the ability to start up a server population.


    Oh, you also get no XP if you are the only person in the server, reducing any benefits to being there to zero. The main issue when the server has only a couple people in it is the huge imbalance of skill and/or levels.

  5. Should be easy enough to add stackables, I imagine at the moment it's a "hasitem" sort of thing. That being said, in source I had to completely redo shopmenu because it sucked colossal logical dick so it can take a frustrating while. Does the war3 come with a category limit? I can't remember if I added that solely for my 'unique' category of super op shop items you can only have one of or not. The combination of stacking items and restriction should be enough to merit lesser prices.

  6. So, remove all items except for books/tomes and non major shop items like sun glasses then buff races accordingly?

    I think there should be more choice, more balance, more decisions. I remember playing source: 1-2-3 crusader,claws,ring of armour. Every. Round. I survived? 4-5-6 chainmail, invis, orb of fire. God forbid I didn't have 10,000 levels and wanted to buy xp tomes instead to actually level the races instead of rape shit. Something simple like claws doing +3 dmg for smgs, +5 for rifles, +8 for shotguns/pistols but still being $1000.

  7. I think the main issue was that the shop gives out too much power to races that don't need it. Claws/Chain have such a varied effect simply based on the weapon you use while a health tome really messes up the balance of the round. Sock of feather is so effective it's sometimes an essential item to certain races. The lack of choice is uninteresting, which is why I pushed the category limit in source, forcing you to decide between various items. The only thing I don't agree on is the 2ndary clip extender which is probably $1500 only because of the autopistols added in CSGO. Overall, if you can get these items every round then they might as well be on every race by default and if we didn't have the betting it wouldn't really be required to raise the prices.


    If some of the current races are now 'weak' with higher prices then I say they should be buffed in certain ways.


    That being said, I only use crusader/wisdom in shopmenu myself because I don't have the space for binds on my keyboard (roccat arvo) and the menu is really clunky in csgo.

  8. Flimflammer was a race that was originally my idea, coded by thorgot. I agree that it's weak, and I'm almost afraid to make it strong, because people don't respond well to polymorph skills. But at the same time, fuck people. Flimflammer buff incoming.

    Just needs more synergy with itself. I haven't got a single AWP kill in my 25 levels on it yet. It is a pistol race with 2 skills that don't help it so far. If the ability lasted longer and the survival skill was more effective with pistol out I think it'd be far more sensible as both an AWP and pistol race.


    Also,as I pointed out in bugs, if you use pistol with awp in inventory it gets removed as well - the kill skill should save up ammo for the awp and the race in general would be a lot better not being 50 levels to max.

  9. So I got Flimflammer the Jimjammer as rotd;


    A bit of a bs race but the ult can go either way 50/50 cause of large/small items.


    I think it's fun but still a pretty shitty race: It has way too many levels per skill for a race that is basically a pistol only race, forcing you to grind against far superior foes. It's ult needs to slow people more the smaller the object because sometimes it's just a buff for the enemy. It's 2nd skill is absolute trash. It's first skill I just spam all day like I am Dracula, which could be extended on both duration and cooldown.




    1-10% and 1% to disarm? Can this be replaced with a skill that either has high damage resist when you have pistol out or just replaced to some pistol buff? I have to buy 50 clip every round to get an even field. Perhaps increase surprise bang bang chance, reduce the bullet gain but make it stack every kill.

  10. The thing is Lilith was an MP5 only race and a pay to play race, it's seems to be exactly as it is before but it's now also invisible to radar during ult and it can use any gun which is a direct buff. The ult is 100% why the race is op, an MP5 fought that by not having the power of a rifle, causing you to use more bullets, not 1shot people from invis and have to reload more often. 

  11. It means when you shoot someone with the shotgun with claws of attack, instead of doing +6 damage per pellet (which could hit up to 8), it does +6 damage for that attack. Or for Adventurer, Strength will do +10 per attack instead of up to 80.

    This is actually how it was in source, so that's super good.


    Does ROTD randomly pick one each day (meaning it could, by luck, pick the same thing 2 days in a row) or is it going to slowly rotate all races? Also does it have any limitations? I see it lets you play races you haven't currently unlocked, so one day could be the day of Everlasting or something and at that point Everlast is a 1/team race. An idea stemming from that, which ghoul would jizz over cause it is so unbalanced, is to make people who haven't maxed the rotd have no team restrict.



    I knew something was missing, just couldn't remember right. This is by far the most fair and balanced race next to Human Alliance, engies please.


    Edit: I saw that Polis coded it and wondered where he went and found this, http://www.joinsg.net/topic/28248-please-perma-ban-me-from-the-forums/#entry359499.

    Gaddamnit guys.


    Who was Polis again? Ironically I can only remember that I could remember him before he changed his name, but can not remember his name before he changed his name. If you know what I mean.

  13. We were pioneering, me and Kai, before he left. If you compare the first race on WCS2 to the last one on WCS2 you will see that it was halfway to how WCS1 ended up. Not that it helped with all the crashing ;D

  14. Mimic got a lot easier because of how python is used as an everyday language on websites and such. I'm not sure how well SourcePawn can navigate between scripts on a directory so only Thorgot can really know. Would be great to have it back in the mix though.

  15. So that Rayne nub been bugging me for racelist, I'm guessing a lot of you out of curiosity would like to see it too if only to see if you 'Thorgot' any races.


    The only confusing thing reading this would be skilllvls for Mr. S. where 1408 means setting 1, skill 4 needs to be level 08. Also with marlute/harlute, where 2100 means setting 2, skill can not be higher than skill 1 (hardware). A lot of the races also never had fleshed out raceinfos so the specific procs/bonuses are not included in WCS1 racelist.




    And heres a bonus wcs2 one, which denotes precisely all procs/bonuses due to old code:




    What races do you miss and wish we had remade?


    I really miss seeing Lord of the Pit, Selune, Neve, Duskian, Mimic; I feel like enough people played them and enjoyed them while others whored them quite effectively. A personal favourite, Rakdos is also missing. Other shitty ones like Reptilian, Outlaw, Troll, SWAT, Swindler, Dark Mage and Time Lord with their utter bullshit were also hilarious.

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