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  1. Downvote (-1)
    Epicsauce reacted to water.exe in Where are they now sG edition.   
    So often times I find myself wondering where people have gone once leaving sG and so I'm asking this question and if you ever seen the E! entertainment version of the show that is pretty much how this thread is going to go. I'll start with where is he now "Ace". Last time I saw Ace he was sporting the lolg tags.
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to Jason in Regarding recent events   
    I suppose I should be the one discussing this, as I'm still the only one with full access to paypal (Mimic also has access).
    I've never been a fan of disclosing finances with sG/UV mainly because it does not serve too much of a purpose in my eyes. I tend to leave it in a we're + or - for the month, and no more. However, with the next digest, I'll try and provide a more detailed report for staff to include. I can't say I'll give exact numbers, but I'll try to give a more accurate description of where we are at. For the time being, I'll say we scrape by.
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to Super Novacaine in Regarding recent events   
    Haven't people been saying that sG is dying for years now?
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to PANTERA in Regarding recent events   
    You've been in for... 2, 3 months?  I've been here for close to 6 years--as with mimic and a few others.  Newfriends cling hopelessly to what they see, most everyone else is jaded and disgruntled. 
    Belonging to the latter, all I can say is =(UV)=/sG is a rather lengthy chapter in my life, all I want is some progress at this point, not stagnation. 
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to UltimateOreo in Regarding recent events   
    You want to know to keep this community going? Stop taking this shit so seriously. I'm not trolling at all, this place runs like a bureaucracy now. Don't be so quick with the ban stick (monkeh, perfect example) with members of the community who are valued. Less chiefs and more Indians, and better chiefs. (ie don't let power hungry, alcoholism faking, poor decision making, not giving a fuck what happens here, inactive, immature people like Mitch) Focus on the servers but keep the forums updated. Be proactive with the servers, don't let the rest die out like WCS did. Get Engineers who know their shit and help them out. This is why WCS, our most popular server for the longest time died. Basically just find people who know their shit and give a damn without acting like pretentious assholes who think they are better than you.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to Ivanns in Regarding recent events   
    Honestly what needs to improve is the level of respect Staff shows to the normal Community members and Non-Members. Some Staff believe that they are better than everyone and they don't need to provide any sort of justification for their actions to the "peasants" who are the rest of the sG Community. During my stint at Staff I ran into people who blatantly think that they are above everyone else. For example when Toxygen was removing SOs without any explanation and with a lot of disrespect towards them, I told him that he needs to at least tell them what they did wrong but all he told me was along the lines "I don't care and why don't you go make some events". I find it funny how SIJ members think that they moved away from the "horrible" people who ran the sG community but in all actuality they themselves got most of those people.
    I understand that probably a lot of Staff like that already left the Community but I wouldn't be surprised if some still remain. Most of the current Staff are good guys who care about sG and want to see it grow.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted in Regarding recent events   
    Yea the problem Im seeing here and has always been a problem with staff is the people you faggots keep pushing up. Every few months we get a couple of tryhard newfags that brown nose to the max and give everyone a hardon so they are up first for staff promotions. Then next thing you know they abuse the power and shit gets out of control real freaking fast.
    A lot of the older members (NOT GOING TO NAME FUCKING NAMES) still have never been put into a management position despite never even showing an intention of joining some stupid neckbearded side clan or whatever the fuck samurais in jockstraps is. Im just saying, this community still has some genuine loyalty and will to keep it moving forward. Stop rewarding people on impulse.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce got a reaction from ctark in DayZ - Server Creation   
    DayZ - SERVER CREATIONhttp://dayzmod.com/ "DayZ is an award winning free 2012 multiplayer open world survival horror mod designed by Dean Hall for the 2009 tactical shooter video game ARMA 2 and its 2010 expansion pack, ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead. The mod places the player in the fictional post-Soviet state of Chernarus, where an unknown virus has turned most of the population into undead, violent zombies. As a survivor with limited supplies, the player must scavenge the world for supplies such as food, water, weapons and medicine, while killing or avoiding both zombies and other players and sometimes non-player characters - in an effort to survive the zombie apocalypse. DayZ has been widely praised in gaming media for its innovative design elements, with Kotaku and Eurogamer describing it as possibly the best zombie game ever made, PC Gamer calling it one of the most important things to happen to PC gaming in 2012 as well as one of the five scariest games of all time, and PC PowerPlay giving it its Game of the Year award as well as ranking it as the overall fifth best PC game of all time. The mod reached one million players in its first four months on 6 August 2012, with hundreds of thousands purchasing ARMA 2 just to play it. The mod version of DayZ remains in continued development by its community. The standalone game version is currently in development by Dean Hall and ARMA 2 creators Bohemia Interactive." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASPECTS OF DayZ  Realistic "Zombies" with custom animations -These once human creatures will act and behave as if they have a heighten sense of hearing and smell but less sight, on top of that they use motion captured animations such as walking and eating from your unconscious body. If you look into any built up area you'll see them walking around waiting for their next victim which dares to venture in. New weapons and vehicles! - Ever felt like you needed a Crossbow? Or maybe a less military like weapon? If you have then this is perfect for you as we have both of these created to high quality standards all ready for your use in this wasteland. On top of that you can even pick up the bolts fired from the Crossbow to reuse! Not only that we also have created custom vehicles which can be repaired and ridden around to show the world what you're made of! Custom Medical System - ArmA II's magic medic feature is a thing of the past with this medical system - If you get shot, expect to bleed and to lose blood until you're bandaged up. Lost too much blood? Then expect to fall over unconscious. If you get shot in the leg then you won't be able to walk until you get morphine so you can man up. Pain is also a factor taken into consideration so without pain killers after taking an injury you'll continue to shake. This is medical at it's best! Persistent Server -Fed up of spending so many hours working towards a goal or finding supplies and then the server crashes on you losing all your progress? Well with the DayZ server all stat's are saved to our external database so where ever you log off, whatever you have will be keep on you next time you come back in. This means you can spend however long you want doing what you want to do. As long as you don't die during the night! Tons of new objects -We haven't just added in big things like weapons, we take pride in little details so expect to find things such as water canteens, a number of canned foods, junk and car parts (Along with more!) each of which have their own models, textures and UI imagery, once again all created to that high quality you expect in a full scale modification and we're sure you won't be disappointed with it. Nothing has been rushed. Hunting and Survival -Eating and drinking is a core part of gameplay, you can tell if you need something by a very subtle GUI which doesn't effect the atmosphere, and if you don't fulfil those needs. You'll die. Wandering animals can killed and gutted (with the right tools) to gain access to their meat which can be eaten so you live longer but also to gain blood. For once these animals actually have a use. Heavy Optimisation -The DayZ server has been designed to give the best play possible. Custom coding and edits have created a smooth running world which can easily have thousands of zombies spawned at once! ... and much more - the only way to find out - is to survive! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTShttp://www.systemrequirementslab.com/ 1. ArmA II: Combined Operations (available on Steam)2. DayZ Mod Files (available on the website)3. Balls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DEAL? I am suggesting that SyndicateGamers creates a DayZ server, in which is a active mod. The reason I say this is due to the increasing popularity of the mod, and how many new users will be drawn into our community - increasing the activity on our servers.  
  9. Downvote (-1)
    Epicsauce reacted to Siesan in Explosions at Boston Marathon   
    I don't get why these people dying is more tragic than the other people who died today
    also lol banned from shoutbox
    seriously? shoutbox ban because i don't want to care about some people who died in boston?
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted in Explosions at Boston Marathon   
    And that somehow excuses your comment? I dont want to be melodramatic here but have some class man, you should know better.
  11. Downvote (-1)
    Epicsauce reacted to I Am Mr. Big ((:))+< in Explosions at Boston Marathon   
    It's probably a bit too early to be making jokes about it...
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted in Explosions at Boston Marathon   
    People died dude, what the fuck are you talking about?
  13. Downvote (-1)
    Epicsauce reacted to HoeStomper in My mothers passing. :'(   
    I dont believe this, you lie. Its like you think we care about this.... we dont
  14. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to Patrick Star in My mothers passing. :'(   
    My mother had passed away early today from breast cancer and am only 14 I had never had this happen to me. If this has happened to you can you tell me what I should do
  15. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to blob in Stepping Down   
    Hey SG (Steam Gamers)
    So I'm stepping down now. I hope you enjoyed my successes (TTT) and failures (DarkRP, BF3, DayZ, and a bunch of other stuff). After staff for two years, I'm ready to play the game.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to Christmas in Giant Hurricane flooding New York   
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to SexyBatman in Free 20 dollar game on Origin   
    Copy pasting from reddit thread. Note: I think deleting cookies only works for SOME people. GOGOGOGOGOOGOGOGO.
    Step 1: Go to Origin.com
    Step 2: Add any game that's under $20 (Not all will work.)
    Step 3: Use this promo code: OS3874XVC (PLEASE add everything to your list before checking out. There was a cookie work-around, but it isn't working for me anymore.)
    Step 4: Love me.
    NA only, but people say using a proxy works.
    Deleting cookies and redoing it has worked for some, be safe and do one giant order.
    List of known games so far: (Including the ones in the image.)
    Dragon Age Origins
    Dragon Age 2
    Mass Effect 1 &amp;amp;amp;amp; 2
    Battlefield 2142
    Crysis Warhead
    Dead Space 1
    Medal of Honor
    FIFA 12
    Sim City 4
    Need for Speed: Pro Street
    Medal of Honor: Airborn
    Battlefield 2
    Burnout Paradise
    Edit: All credit to op of this post http://www.reddit.co...ose_process_in/
    Also try using incognito in chrome when doing it.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to Shadow in Restrictions for CT/s (Jailbreak)   
    At this time Jailbreak is too new of a server, which means that anyone that joins CT probably has no idea what is going on. This involves freekilling at a scale that is too hard to even watch with multiple admins. The problem is many times a CT will be restricted for 1 reason and then after 20 rounds commit another offense and get restricted again.. and again.... and again. Same with CTs with no mic will constantly try to join CT after their 20 rounds end. We need to bring back perma-restrict for those who have no mics and when they get a mic can just ask an admin to see if they have one and remove the perma-restrict. Also, it would be nice to have if at all possible a longer restrict 60-100 rounds for new CTs, if they are force to play T that long then I think (more so hope) they will learn enough from the game to be half-way decent at CT. By new CTs I mean those who are new to JB and end up freekilling multiple times.
    This will improve the quality of JB for the time being until new people get the hang of it.
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to Sooners in Happy 9/11   
    I'll bet $100 you aren't, oh you are also a piece of shit.
    Complete lie or you really are a piece of shit. I'm sure a 6th grader whose mom or dad died in the crash thought the same thing right?
  20. Downvote (-1)
    Epicsauce reacted to BLiNDBoi in Happy 9/11   
    I was in 6th grade science class when 9/11 happened, my first reaction, "Sweet! something happened!" Yeah... good times good times.
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to Triv in Happy 9/11   
    The jokes arent funny at all. Go look up 9/11 videos on youtube and lets see how you feel.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to ElectronicDrug in Happy 9/11   
  23. Downvote (-1)
    Epicsauce reacted to Bowser in Happy 9/11   
    I'm having a party and everything, best holiday of the year.
  24. Upvote (+1)
    Epicsauce reacted to Smooth-eh in Recruitment Officers   
    Before reading, note that I could have put this in "Ideas & comments section" however I feel like no one actually looks there...
    Anyways, can someone tell me exactly what RO's do in sG? Yes I realize they vote and copy pasta the standard posts for applications but besides that do they do anything? We've had under 10 applications this whole summer, and only 1 was actually accepted (who was a brony, but besides the point).
    I don't have anything against the actual RO's themselves (good friends with most of them), however it seems that the expectations for them are way too low in this community. Shouldn't the RO's be actually trying to recruit new members, get new people involved in the community?
    Why don't we put them in charge of the sG Steam community page and actually take advantage of it. Start making events for the community to group up and play, invite people that you see on the server into the group etc... Use the resources possible to our advantage and get some fresh meat. On some applications people would say stuff like "We're pushing all the new members away by trolling, so lets accept who ever we get etc..." but the problem is that most of the people who did apply put the fag in new. (I realize i'm a newfag get @me)
    TL;DR Newfags aren't the hero sG deserves, but the ones we need. Let's rethink the logistics of Recruitment Officers
  25. Downvote (-1)
    Epicsauce reacted to Rune in Banned by sG | Wune [RO]   
    You know you shouldn't be using Rcon to be kicking Staff members. Not sure why you decided to leave that part out of it. Not to mention you threatened me to use Rcon to do something else, which I quite blatantly could not see. Matt was doing something on his own accord, and I wasn't able to unmute him because you had already messed with my EV admin already, disallowed me to do so.
    I perma banned you for Rcon abuse, and I didn't bother to take any screenshots because I was too busy trying to figure out what you had broken.
    Edit: Also, that last part, not sure why you even had SO donator given that you just abuse it all the time.
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