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Posts posted by centran

  1. 1 hour ago, Sean said:


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     What about Cap going back to finally live with the love of his life?

    That was nice but leads to some question of their explanation of time travel. So if they are going with a multi-verse timeline that diverges then didn't he change their timeline? Or did he leave Peggy before or on her deathbed so that the Cap in that era could visit her and if so wouldn't that be a bunch of people keeping a secret? Or was he in an alternate timeline but traveled back to his original at a different point then he originally left?

    I think it was better then killing him off since Evans contract is over but I feel it muddled with their explanation of how time travel worked in the films. They created a good "out" with brushing off inconsistencies by claiming things were changed in alternate universes/timelines. It would have been an easy fix showing that he returned slightly before he left to sit down at the bench thus making it seem he was living a life in an alternate timeline instead of their "prime timeline".


    My only gripe with the movie is with 2014 Thanos being so strong. It made it seem like he was just as strong as he was in Avengers with the Power Stone.

    Well he did knock out the hulk pretty quickly in Infinity War without the Power stone. He did possess it at the time but it wasn't activated during the fight since they were pretty consistent with the stones glowing when activated.


  2. 17 hours ago, The Ben said:

    In the trailer most of characters were gray with bits of red indicating there death


    Those where scenes from previous movies. I don't think it means who is going to die.  My theory

    The grey and red highlights scene will be ones that get changed by time travel shenanigans. Red being the color of the reality stone. Reality will be altered in some way

  3. 12 hours ago, Sith said:


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    I just read an article today that Russo scrapped the whole comic book lore of Death. They decided to go with an overpopulation reasoning than a scorned lover thing, so don't expect her to play a part in this upcoming movie.



    I'm surprised I haven't heard more bitching about "social commentary" and Russo was trying to push political agenda with overpopulation, destroying the planet, wasting resources idea. So given that problem hasn't come up I think it was the better route as people would be more understanding then he is in love with Death. They wanted to portray him as very smart, hurt, and miss-guided in his logic. Being in love with death at best makes him a generic watch the world burn type of villain or at the worst a nut job.


    It's weird though since I think if they had him in love death that would be a more easy to accept concept to understand then this whole balance thing. 



  4. 13 hours ago, Sith said:



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    Assuming they even handle the gauntlet at all. Remember it got fucked after Thanos did his infinite finger snap of infinity? Looked like the stones cracked as well, maybe they're diminished or out of the picture entirely, I have no idea. I don't think they would include the gauntlet destroying itself if it wasn't relevant.





    That is an interesting point about the gauntlet being fucked up at the end. Lets go with the Soul World within the soul stone theory and that everyone can be brought back without some time travel foolery. If this was really a Thanos story arc and since this movie was originally marketed as Part 1 then maybe Part 2 will continue his story but not in a way to defeat like you would think. Going by some of the comic book lore that the soul stone craved souls maybe the true villain is the soul stone. It would be an incredible twist if Thanos has to be convinced that the soul stone tricked him and then has to help re-assemble the gauntlet to free everyone because he was wrong.


    However, given the leaked set photos I think they are going to go with a multi-verse adventure and steal gauntlet and/or stones from another universe. It would be awesome if they could have used the second part as means to bring in the characters that Fox owns but the merger probably won't happen till end of 2019 so it would be too late (unless they made some sweet heart back room deal).


  5. 11 hours ago, Sean said:

    spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler 


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    I think that killing snoke abruptly sucked ass, he was cool as hell and I wanted to see a larger story revolve around him....


    I liked how they ended Luke's saga, it was the correct way, and Leia not dying in this one was stupid. 


    Also, that purple haired chick kamizake'in was DOPE.






    snoke was total BS. I'm guessing maybe they are planning a follow up movie of how he came into power and his backstory


    Leia didn't die because they did not alter her story. They said they debated but decided it was better to honor her by not changing the story. The going theory is the next will be a bigger jump in time and she will only be meantioned. Her likeness will not appear... or that's what they are saying as of current.


    The hyperspace bullet was insane!!! So awesome.


  6. Just now, ZachPL said:


    I think the old media player that we used it broken, so would have to look into a new one.


    I don't have trainfuck files anymore, and I added kakariko last night.


    Yeah I was going to do it yesterday, but our server panel was down. It's currently on default ttt settings.


    We are going to be updating a lot of the weapons soon.

    Yeah the media player doesn't work for youtube anymore. Only direct mp3 links. Still works for round end but another issue is the sound no longer carries over to the next round. It was nicer when we could carry the music into the next round and fade out nicely.


    I might have trainfuck somewhere. I didn't look at my ULX modules when I was checking for the old custom stuff. I only looked in the ttt folder stuff not the addons, I can double check but I think the train model was removed so might have to find a different one to ram into people.

  7. What we need

    1. Young relatable person with good on camera personality
    2. Over the top energy/enthusiasm
    3. Speak to the viewer and make them feel like you are engaging them personally
    4. Create a "brand". Don't go over the top speaking in thrid person but keep reminding viewers of the "brand"
    5. DRAMA - it's what sG does best and why we can dominate this scene!


  8. 11 hours ago, *star* said:

    no, i don't have the equipment to do that. 


    but someone that does could could easily do it because of how unprotected it is


    Sometimes when people are looking to dos a server, they look to see if their are admins online. 


    Usually doesnt change the outcome of the person choosing to dos but that's why i did say it. 


    Not contradicting, just didn't explain myself correctly. 


    Like i said before, why are we still talking about this? President orange just basically said police brutality is ok and we worried about me accidentally typing somethin wrong even tho i corrected myself let's get our priorities together 


    Maybe they are still talking about it because of how wrong you are.


    First, you don't need special equipment to carry out a DoS. DoS attacks can be done several ways. I think the way you are thinking is to have a very fast internet connection and saturate a servers connection by shear bandwidth. Usually pure bandwidth attacks are DDoS which is distributed and using a botnet(multiple spread out computers/servers usually infected). However, there are other ways for single machine to do a DoS which involve vulnerabilities in software or hardware. The only equipment you need is a computer and internet line.


    Second, we are not unprotected. Our host provider has very fast connections to handle bandwidth saturation by DDoS and also has network hardware appliances to filter out other types of attacks and attempt to block some DDoS coming in so it doesn't reach the servers. The reason we picked this host is because of that protection. We don't need some white knight admin constantly on the server waiting to defend the server from the evil script kiddie. We have(or our host has) a big ol'e box with a bunch of wires connected to it and Arbor Networks written on it.


    Third, I have no idea why you think not having an admin on would make someone want to commence an attack. Normal attacks come from pissed off children with mommy and daddies credit card that got banned from the server or they are trolls wanting to show off their e-peen... either way they WANT an ADMIN on. They want to show off or get back so an admin needs to be there. On the flip-side when servers get attacked randomly and there happens to be no admins on I can guarantee they don't give a shit if an admin is on or not. They are either a rival community trying to take down a competitor or they are just attacking the top servers on the browser list. The later is what's prominent in not just gmod but any online games. There are people that look at the most amount of players and go after those server regardless of admins being on or not.


    So before you go running your mouth how we are unprotected why don't you do some actual research... or at least realize there are people in this community who are not children and have more knowledge then you because they work in industries that have to deal with such attacks on a much bigger scale then a gaming community with game servers.

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