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Posts posted by skitt

  1. Personally, I don't mind if people do this. I think that if you are willing to spend the money just to win the round, you should be free to do so. I believe forcing you to change race is enough added cost to pull this off. Changing race can really throw off team dynamic that may or may not exist and end up not being worth the race change. I want to make it clear that being able to purchase an extra respawn on races that have an ability to self-respawn doesn't make it inherantly powerful. Just because they already have the ability to respawn is enough of a reason to restrict the purchase of it in the first place. Also i want to convey that the idea behind this is not as cut-and-dry to be applied to all items. 

  2. http://gamebanana.com/maps/169284


    This is a port of the original crackhouse; much better than the one we have on the server, at the moment. Currently, it shows a giant error encompassing the whole map, which I would like to have removed. I believe we are able to get on the roofs in this version, which I really love. It should be nice and spacious for flying and stuff, which the current version on the server does not have. If anyone has any mapping skills that would like to lend a hand, that would be really freaking sweet. 

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