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Detective Nom Noms

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  1. Downvote (-1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to HUF in the Best lr given   
    Brobasiedon gave the best LR "Ban huf for 20 minutes ill do commands" but i lowered to 5 GG
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms got a reaction from Piero in I feel that this needs to be said...   
    Regular attendees of the TTT server and, in general, of the TTT community.
    Everyday I sign on I am flooded with messages of RDM and other stupid shit to the point of complete stupidity. Most of them resolve into a simple misunderstanding that neither party wanted to listen to at first and others are just randoms that come in with the sole purpose of ruining the game experience. A BIG FUCKING PART OF THE "RDM" ON THE SERVER come from people who are traitors who can't seem to pay attention to things happening around them. So when they that person or persons die the only, "Let's spam the mic and admin chat until the admin hears us!" shit begins.
    It starts with trying to handle everyone's complaints and GOD FUCKING FORBID you miss one or someone is still "not happy" so begins the constant attack on the admin for the way the problem was resolved. It's one FUCKING DEATH over one FUCKING ROUND that there will be plenty of. I hear from many about how I am a bad admin and that the rest of the TTT admins should be removed from randoms and regulars daily....
    Frankly, I'm tired of it. Learn to pay attention and act like most of you have a fucking brain. I know that is asking a lot of an online multiplayer TTT server but maybe shit should change.
    To be honest I have debated about ever posting a topic like this as I do not like to post on the forums. I have learned that if you have nothing to say or nothing of value to add then don't say anything at all and I like to follow that ideal, even on the forums.
    So I leave you with this. If you have a problem with me and how I handle things please LET ME FUCKING KNOW. I will gladly talk to you as a respectable adult but I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD if you are just going to complain and whine over one fucking death in a video game. Please... just go. There will be more rounds I PROMISE. Don't end your life because you were killed in a video game... or you know what if it means that much to you and you must complain everyday about it go ahead and do what you want. Maybe that is a bit harsh but I feel that no one else will be if this keeps up.
    More than likely I will lose respect for posting such topic, and I am perfectly fine with that, but I feel this needed to be said. I have taken enough shit from regular players and sG members alike.
    It has been far too long in the making.
    TTT community please grow a pair and stop with the asinine complaints.
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to Clarkus in Dad, I'm a brony   
    Bro that parts so fucken funny I love how his fathers sounds nonchalant but hes completely distraught like "where the fuck did I go wrong I sent you to boyscout camp and everything"
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms got a reaction from Clarkus in Dad, I'm a brony   
    "You said you were volunteering..."

    "IT IS A VOLUNTEERING THING! You get to make cupcakes!"

    I cracked up at that part.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to Clarkus in Dad, I'm a brony   
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to Name in Any Decent Steam games worth buying?   
    everybody's talking about watchdogs and the more I see of the game, the more incredibly average it looks
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to ZachPL in R.I.P. TTT   
    My greatest accomplishment as staff.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to Yürei in R.I.P. TTT   

  9. Downvote (-1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to Bastian in Spell if you see this join TS   
    Spell if you see this join TS
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to centran in Had to put my mouse down today ='(   
    I had to put down my mouse as well... Sad times.
    However, mine didn't break but I just couldn't figure out how to get it to work with my new computer

  11. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to Wave in The Begun of Tigtone   
    The Begun of Tigtone has Only Just Beganned
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms got a reaction from xmen in Someone from sG is stalking me...   
    I work for cookies...
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms got a reaction from AntyCrix in Someone from sG is stalking me...   
    I work for cookies...
  14. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms got a reaction from Rune in STEAM_0:0:64807063 [RESOLVED]   
    I have resolved this by making his ban perm.

  15. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms got a reaction from Lv. 100 Crobat in STEAM_0:0:64807063 [RESOLVED]   
    I have resolved this by making his ban perm.

  16. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms got a reaction from Lvl. 100 Latias in STEAM_0:0:64807063 [RESOLVED]   
    I have resolved this by making his ban perm.

  17. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to centran in Just wanted to ask   
    Come on people! Make this boys dream come true! VOTE NO NOW!
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms got a reaction from Clarkus in New Epic Rap Battle of History   
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms got a reaction from Acebats in New Epic Rap Battle of History   
  20. Upvote (+1)
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to Skotti in Tortoise's cousin   
  22. Downvote (-1)
    Detective Nom Noms got a reaction from Velo in FREEZE BITCH   
  23. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to centran in To watch anime...   
    I heard redtube has some weird anime that features school girls and weird tentacle monsters.
  24. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to Iherdcows in [RESOLVED]Admin Abuse on TTT   
    lack of proof.
  25. Upvote (+1)
    Detective Nom Noms reacted to Bryan in [RESOLVED]Admin Abuse on TTT   
    isnt holding an explosive barrel traitorish move? 
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