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  1. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to Face in Warcraft 3 Changelog   
    Hand of God now has 10% faster base movement speed.
    Lord Jaraxxus properly resets magic resistance when you die/change races.
    Fixed the bug where Paradox still wasn't properly getting it's pistol.
    Fixed Sin and Kozu regeneration not working properly after my regen changes.
    Maybe fixed a bug with Undead Scourge suicide
    The boots on Exile that previously granted stun immunity when below 50 HP now grant bash/slow/knockback immunity 100% of the time. This should make it more consistent and possibly reduce some server lag related to the item.
    Magneto's ult now goes on cooldown if you try to disarm an immune player.
    Recon Scout now prints disarm to your console. If it tries to disarm but they are immune, it tells you it attempted to disarm.
    Possibly fixed a bug where Goblin Alchemist wasn't always resisting nade damage
    Trinity's Lifelink now prints a hint when it ends. It also lasts 8 seconds (up from 5) like the description says.
  2. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to Face in Warcraft 3 Changelog   
    I will be slowly going through the races code for efficiency and cleanliness purposes.
    The following races have had code adjustments, but nothing should've changed in how they play. Let me know if you see anything weird:
    Undead Scourge Default Orcish Horde Night Elf Blood Mage Shadow Hunter Chronos's jump description was updated, it previously said 5 seconds even though the cooldown was 6.
    Dragon Knight now enters all 3 forms of his ult when it is level 4.
    Glacius is now on developer but it needs some tweaking before I put it tester.
    Master of War's bonus damage is magic instead of physical (unlike other physical damage, we were modifying the physical damage dealt, so it wasn't being cut by 50%. This isn't a damage buff, just alters the type of damage being dealt and what resistances affect it).
  3. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to JXC in New donation from TheLJH   
    Thank you, TheLJH for your donation of 6.66 USD!
    Your donation will be put to good use, and helps keep this community running.
    Thanks for the support,
    Syndicate Gamers Staff and Community
  4. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to DerpyPwny in War3 Guide on Steam   
    The guide has been on the way for some time now. Basically everything but the races are logged so plan to release it soon.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from The Impenetrable Wall in Feature Suggestion   
    It's not new, changerace low already exists and should list your races in ascending order of level.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to Face in Warcraft 3 Changelog   
    Master of War can no longer buy wish.
    Added a plugin that restarts the server nightly.
    sm_sethealth is limited to setting a players health at 1000. This is to prevent abuse.
    I went through the war3bug file finally (After about 2 months) and addressed a lot of the stuff in it. A few items are still unaddressed and can be found on the bug tracker: http://www.joinsg.net/bugs/warcraft-3/
    General Server Stuff
    AFKChecker now checks if you are the last alive before sending you to spectator. If you are, you suicide.
    Fixed a bug where Weapon Sling could allow races that drop weapons on spawn (knife races, etc.) to keep their guns when they shouldn't.
    You can no longer defuse the bomb while flying.
    HPRegen now automatically resets the timer if your HP Regen value is over a certain number. It's hard to explain the logic of how/why it works the way it does, but basically this should mean if you get a huge spike in regen (e.g. Gargoyle stoneform) it immediately starts regening at insane speeds.
    Race Stuff
    Abaddon's ult description now properly reflects the fact that he absorbs all damage instead of magic. It was supposed to be just physical damage, but honestly it's been underplayed so yolo I left it absorbing all.
    Altana now get's the appropriate amount of ammo.
    Archimonde hidden strike now prints the appropriate amount of bonus damage dealt (minor bug)
    Banshee ultimate now checks for ult immunity
    BladeMaster healing when he takes dmg during his ult is no longer blocked by healing block (e.g. Jaraxxus etc.)
    Exalted Sorcerer Boots of Unyielding now only stop bash, slow, and knockback instead of all effects (entangle, etc). This is not only more efficient than the alternative, but it will work cleaner (instead of getting bashed and quickly unbashed, you won't be able to get bashed at all).
    Hand of God now handles it's evade substantially more efficiently. It also checks for all weapons properly. I increased the radius of the target check on the Forward Slash so that it will be more likely you hit players. I also set it so that if the TP is invalid (e.g. you teleport into the ground/wall) then it does not deal damage when it teleports you back. This is to stop confusion ("I hit the guy but it still teleported me back!"). Hand of God's ultimate should always kill the player now.
    Holy Paladin fixed a bug on the ult where it checked if the holy paladin was able to be respawned instead of the player it was attempting to respawn. This probably caused some weird interactions sometimes. This is why !respawn_none would stop you from respawning other players.
    Magneto now checks for ultimate immunity
    Master of GO now properly adds/removes speed from teammates
    Nithhogr no longer catches players on fire when they hit him with magic damage
    Paradox properly spawns with a glock/knife
    RPG Race no longer says it slowed you if you are immune to the slow
    Teron'gor Doom should now always reset on spawn. This will fix it carrying over on maps as well.
    Wizard of New Tristram now handles it's Firebird's Finery quite a bit differently. The damage is quite a bit higher and dealt more quickly. It also triggers almost instantly. Overall it is better, but it triggers so rarely and you deserve to get the kill when it does.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to Face in Mistakes Were Made   
    So as a handful of people pointed out, the XP the players gained in my previous post (the one quoted below) was from "CSGO Pro rounds".
    I did not punish other players for XP gained from these rounds, because the rules were semi-vague and CSGO Pro rounds seem "sG approved" when it requires an admin to give out the HP, negevs, etc. For that reason, I cannot punish these players.
    The reason the players were originally punished is because the amount of XP gained was so obscenely high that I imagined there was no way they were not exploiting. I also did not have any admins show up in my "XP exploiting" log that I have, because the two admins involved (2 separate occasions) were not on CSGO Pro (or if they were, they gained little enough XP that I didn't notice them). As a result, I had a few reason to assume exploits:
    1) I believed no admin was on, making CSGO Pro rounds impossible
    2) There was the number of players showing up in the "XP exploits" log was appropriately low - enough that they could still get XP but few enough that it was reasonable they were possibly the only ones online
    3) The XP gained was insane, like I said, Confag fired 3,000 bullets into enemies. This would be SO MUCH damage that there is no way someone with even 10k health would survive from a negev (or bizon, for that matter).
    As such, I didn't check for admin command logs or ask the players. I felt like it was open and shut.
    It was pointed out that I was wrong, and that it was CSGO Pro rounds. The way the XP gains were achieved is because the admins didn't set 10k health... one set 999mill health and I believe the other set 999k or 99k. I had never seen (or heard) of this being done, and honestly outside of testing I've never seen an admin set HP higher than 10k.
    Basically, I made a lot of assumptions and instead of asking the players I got frustrated and rip'd their levels. Obviously I made the incorrect (and inconsistent) decision by taking some players levels for CSGO Pro rounds and not other players.
    The players affected will be given their (approximate) levels back. I talked with a couple regulars and each of the players to get numbers that they (and I) feel comfortable with.
    I'm sorry that I made a mistake, and next time before taking such drastic action I will try to be more careful and talk to more people.
    I also apologize to the players that lost their levels (even if temporary) for any frustration/grief caused as a result.
    I have set the limit for all admins (except War3 developers) to 1000 health so we shouldn't have to worry about this specific problem happening ever again. The only reason it is even as high as 1000 is because infected has 1000 health. Please use your admin abilities wisely!
    On top of all of this, I have hidden the posts in the other thread. Someone pointed out to me, since it is essentially a rules thread, we do not need comments/memes etc. It will stay hidden and locked.
    If you are out of the loop, see the below quotes from myself when the levels were removed:
  8. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to Face in Warcraft 3 Changelog   
    Regen/Healing changes
    I created a new function that manages 99% of healing on War3. What this means is things should be more standardized.
    e.g. Nothing should be able to heal shadow lurker anymore. You should never regen or lifesteal from basic effects if you have your "healing being blocked" by something like Jaraxxus or Death Bringer (this is still a dev only race).
    Some healing effects intentionally are allowed outside of these "rules".
    e.g. Chronos time heal thing where he "goes back in time" as if he hasn't been damaged, this is allowed to heal through regen block. Khadgars Evocation is allowed to heal through regen block.
    If you notice any fringe cases where the interaction seems incorrect, please let me know. Some races are affected more than others, namely those with complex healing interactions (elvish enchanter, dazzle, etc). Pay attention on those for bugs, please.
    I also drastically increased the efficiency of Jaraxxus, so that's cool I guess. If you notice any weird interactions (more specifically with the touch of Jaraxxus) let me know, as I had to change quite a few lines of code.
    Other stuff:
    I also noticed that Naix was capped at 15 hp per hit and that upset me. I decided to reduce his healing back to 10% at max (down from 12%), but increase the cap of healing per hit to 25. This means it will do better against races with more than 150 hp and slightly worse against races with less than 150 hp.
    CSGO Pro can no longer gain more than 1,000 xp from interactions (dealing/receiving damage) from a single player.
    New Game+ and Default can not change race with more than $5,000 cash. If you have more, you will lose it.
    There will be more info on why these two changes are being made later or another day...
    Fixed some bugs:
  9. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to Face in Warcraft 3 Changelog   
    Fixed autobalance.
    Fixed cooldowns on respawn for all races per this thread: 
    Suicide bomb now prints to both players console the amount of damage dealt.
    Suicide bomb is now magic damage. This is a 100% damage buff (because armor reduces physical damage we deal by 50%). Because of this buff, the following damage values have changed.
    I left the values higher because TBH suicide bomb has been weak for a while and also because magic resistance isn't hard to come by (e.g. signet, angel of light, etc.). It is also blocked by ult immunity (like always).
    See below. I can adjust them lower if it's necessary.

  10. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to Amoeba in New donation from SirMeowsAlot   
    Thank you, SirMeowsAlot for your donation of 300.00 USD!
    Your donation will be put to good use, and helps keep this community running.
    Thanks for the support,
    Syndicate Gamers Staff and Community
  11. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to Face in Warcraft 3 Changelog   
    Can no longer deal damage with molotovs to enemies in chronosphere
    Dwarven Mage now respawns with proper ammo if you buy a scroll of respawning
    QOL: Most damage prints to chat, console, or hints, have been updated to display more accurately the damage that was dealt. A lot of damage was printing before accounting for damage reduction, resistance, etc.
    A lot of them have been adjusted to account for all of this and will display the actual damage the player takes. Almost every skill where it is possible has also been updated to print to BOTH PLAYERS console what damage was dealt. If an amount was already printed to chat, I typically did not make it also print to console. If a hint was printed, I still made them print to console. I tried to make it always print for both players.
    Some things I can't *easily/quickly* do this because the damage is delayed (e.g, thorns) for various reasons.
    Below is a list of races and skills affected. If they already printed damage amounts, this just means they should be more accurate or also print to console now.
    This is one of those changes that helps, but was incredibly monotonous and took quite a bit of my time, so I hope people like it. Let me know if you notice any inconsistency or anything that is mega spammy to the point it needs to be changed.
  12. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from Cheeky Scrub in Custom Sprays Now Available (and Free)! How-to Guide Inside.   
    Thanks to ctark and myself, customizable sprays are now available on ZE, JB, MG, Surf and War3!
    CSGO uses .vtf files for sprays. VTF files are basically TGA files, but different enough that they aren't interchangeable.
    All sprays must have width and height that are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, or 512. They don't have to be square, but most sprays tend to be. They must also be less than 100kB. DXT1 will have a smaller file size and be lower quality, DXT5 will have a larger file size and be higher quality. If your spray has curves or transparency, I recommend DXT5. DXT3 is in between, supporting transparency but without interpolation.
    The easiest way to make a VTF is to upload your image to TFSprays (http://tfsprays.com/Create/Static) and use the VTF it gives you. Make sure the vtf it produces is under 100kB! Don't put an animated gif in as we don't (yet) support animated custom sprays, so you'll just end up with the first frame of your gif.
    I highly recommend you use TFSprays, but if you really want to create the vtf yourself, here are four other ways to make a VTF:

    Once you are happy with your image and have saved it as a vtf, and have linked your STEAMID to your forum account, go here, upload your file and click submit. Bingo, your spray will be on ZE, JB, MG, Surf and War3 when the map changes. Select it by choosing My Custom Spray, which should now be the first choice in the /sprays list.
  13. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to Face in Warcraft 3 Changelog   
    New Quality of Life feature
    When you level up, if you unlock new races you will get a text print that looks something like this:
    Thanks to thorgot for the great idea and some help making it happen
    Bug Fixes
    Fixed Dreadknight's text print spam
    Fixed a new bug where Terran Ghost wasn't getting it's weapon
    Fixed a bug where you always had ult immunity after playing Magneto
    Did some minor reworking of how Methodical works. The buff/debuff was almost always doubling it's effect, and I changed it to a way that will not double and produces accurate results. The only "downside" is that grenades no longer count (but really... should they? hitting/missing with grenades?).
  14. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to ChosenOne2000 in Syndicate Gamers is the Clan Standard in Academia   
    A little over two years ago myself and a friend wrote a paper about the staff structure of sG. Well, it's finally published and is recognized as the gold standard among virtual communities in the academic world. The journal article can be viewed (for free) here:
    Thanks for all the staff members (and my coauthor) for their time in the creation of this journal article. I have several journal articles on the back burner. From time to time, I'll ask the community for assistance in writing these articles (people usually let me down). However if you want to coauthor a paper, let me know.
    For now, when people ask you about your clan, just tell them to research us in their school library or visit the Library of Congress.
    - C12K
  15. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from Scrub in Suicide/Disconnect cash message removal   
    The spam is annoying on JB especially but I see no reason to have the cash enabled on any server.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from xmen in Suicide/Disconnect cash message removal   
    The spam is annoying on JB especially but I see no reason to have the cash enabled on any server.
  17. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from MistaChang in Suicide/Disconnect cash message removal   
    The spam is annoying on JB especially but I see no reason to have the cash enabled on any server.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from ThatOllieWhoDies in Suicide/Disconnect cash message removal   
    The spam is annoying on JB especially but I see no reason to have the cash enabled on any server.
  19. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from Yunki in Suicide/Disconnect cash message removal   
    The spam is annoying on JB especially but I see no reason to have the cash enabled on any server.
  20. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from ples in Suicide/Disconnect cash message removal   
    The spam is annoying on JB especially but I see no reason to have the cash enabled on any server.
  21. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from ThatOllieWhoDies in New game to be in maps?   
    I'm a master artist.
    I only got a few colors to work with sprites, but at least I can change size at will, easily erase parts or all of the board, and most importantly draw a cat in CS.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from xmen in New game to be in maps?   
    I'm a master artist.
    I only got a few colors to work with sprites, but at least I can change size at will, easily erase parts or all of the board, and most importantly draw a cat in CS.
  23. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from krony the brony in New game to be in maps?   
    I'm a master artist.
    I only got a few colors to work with sprites, but at least I can change size at will, easily erase parts or all of the board, and most importantly draw a cat in CS.
  24. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from Cheeky Scrub in New game to be in maps?   
    Go for it! I would never be able to fit so many brushes into any of my maps, so I'm never going to use that method.
  25. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from ThatOllieWhoDies in New game to be in maps?   
    I actually prototyped something like this when I was making minigames for avalanche: 


    The issue I ran into back then and that hasn't changed is that there is a hard limit of 1024 "brush models", aka dynamic brushes, which all of these are and all of the buttons (which you shoot to draw) are. 16x16x3 is 768, which uses up the vast majority of your map in a single game.
    I just had an idea though. If you only have the one copy (and not the copy on the floor you see) and just make them buttons that move into the wall or func_breakable that breaks revealing the static black brush behind it, you could do it with one entity per pixel. A 16x16 would still use up a quarter of your dynamic brushes, but that's no worse than a large 16x16 spleef would use.
    I also just had a second thought, which is to use the same method I used to do the rocket jump shotgun on undertale to detect bullets and spawn a tiny env_sprite at the location. You may be able to do different colors that way by changing the sprite's color, too! I'm going to try this method, it would be really cool if it works.
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