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Posts posted by thorgot

  1. 2 hours ago, Face said:

    I'm pretty sure this has been discussed in the past (probably before my time).


    @skitt @thorgot @bulletford any particular reason other than "it isn't worth the effort to prevent xp and shopitems/make sure people don't find a way to exploit"?

    Three reasons.

    • They ignore invisibility, so the "fix" is to transform your invis to damage evasion when bots shoot you. This is lame but not enough of a reason on its own.
    • They don't use active abilities at all. Making an intelligent way to make them use them would be difficult. Making them use them randomly would be pretty easy and a good-enough solution.
    • Controlling a bot was a huge disaster in terms of switching races midround back then, though this has definitely improved a lot. It's also possible sm_cvar bot_controllable 0 would fix this issue entirely by preventing bots from being taken over. We didn't know about that cvar or maybe we tried it and it didn't work.

    I'm not against the idea of having bot_quota 4 or something like that. If nothing else it helps get past the classic problem of nobody wanting to join an empty server.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Yunki said:


    English mother fucker, do you speak it? I seriously can not understand a sentence that he wrote for his "proof"

    I also had no idea what he was talking about for the rest and his proof is just screenshots of fuzzy killing people followed by complaints about his English. The video is damning for a freekill and leave, though.

  3. It's a glitch. The outside of the ship is extremely glitch and there are a few spots you can stand. If I or Sakata ever update the map again you can be sure this would be fixed.


    I wouldn't kick people for doing this though, I'd slay them since they probably don't know it's a bug. All it does is allow them to live until they either fall off or get shot.

  4. 1 hour ago, Clamps said:

    "Beacons at x:xx"  <wait til x:xx> /beacon all 

    I've actually started going one step further and slaying people who do this after warning them. However, a lot of people recently ask me what rule they broke. Relying on the "griefing" rule makes them hate the admin and the server because they feel like they've been unfairly singled out. Adding a specific rule would fix the problem.

  5. Agreed. I think a rule against camping with intent to delay the round is a good idea. While I don't like terrorists camping in unfair spots or in vents in general, I don't think there should be a rule against that. What I have an issue with is camping in a difficult area or obscure vent simply to make people wait longer for the next round. For example, the top of extreme climb on clouds, or the hentai room vent on dojo. Camping there (and never peeking) doesn't get you more kills and significantly decreases the game quality for everybody else.

  6. While I agree with you that should be fixed, it looks like an oversight with a new race having a new weapon name (Lightning shield versus chainlightning). Furthermore, your tone is rude, as you saying that the engineers are annoying you by not fixing a minor bug caused by a new race not interacting properly with a very old race's expertise and that it "should" work such a way and that the race is "bad" because of this sounds suspiciously like you consider yourself superior to the engineers. Finally, and most importantly, if you'd even glanced at the thread "Warcraft 3 Bug Report Guidelines" you would know that you are supposed to post bugs in the Bug Tracker.

  7. 14 hours ago, xmen said:

    Can't change my activity feed to just the smaller topic names.


    Edit: apparently it's called consended view 

    Same. Condensed view doesn't work.


    Also, more importantly, "Load more activity" doesn't work, so I can only see new posts from the last 24 hours. If I go more than 24 hours without looking at the forums, I am now guaranteed to miss posts.

  8. Grab Free Day - A staff member graciously takes the round off to grab the warden and spectate you, allowing you to bring him wherever you want. You could swing the warden into the terrorists, but you wouldn't want to because that would shorten your LR. Right?

  9. 19 hours ago, Face said:

    Thorgot in his based ways slaved over sG's very own (superior) weapon skins plugin.


    It was like 1wk after he released it they announced it was banned.

    Yep, I spent a weekend working on a version of !ws with partial text matching and saving the skins you selected per weapon to put on all our servers. Then Valve announced that their new policy was that all such plugins were not allowed. So I stopped working on it and removed it from our dev server.


    I think they were a bit heavy handed to permanently ban accounts on their first wave, but I also find it hard to sympathize with people who ignored all the messages from Valve during the many months of grace period while Valve slowly turned on the GLST system. People who had a plugin that wasn't clearly banned by Valve (like some of the custom knife plugins) didn't deserve a permanent ban like that.

  10. To elaborate, there's only one community of American servers which still advertises that they have weapon skins or knife plugins in their server name. They think



    Valve is a money-hungry lunatic company that attempts to monopolize all aspects of the game, and instead of investing time into fixing the game servers and responding to real issues the community complains about



    will fight Valve and its fascist tactics for you, the community


    In other words, unless sG puts valuable time into actively fighting Valve, the company that controls the game the community is based around, by finding workarounds to their blocks to these plugins it's not going to happen.

  11. 56 minutes ago, Joscal said:

    There is something here that I'd like for LVL4/SO's+ although he asked about it going the wrong way.


    Do we have anything in the works that would mute all cts/players except for the one targeted?


    E.g. !mutects Frosty -> would mute all the cts except Frosty, allowing him to give orders.


    i mean it's really just one less line to type out, but it would be fairly convenient.

    This isn't exactly the same, and what you said would be useful, but if you do @!me it targets everybody but you.


    I'd say this would be better off as an addition to the ProcessTargetString code, such as making !<name> target everybody but name, but that code is coded in the C++ core of sourcemod so a second command would be easier.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Rootbeer said:

    Apparently thorgot was also on at the time so we could wait til he gets on to clarify what happened but the racism appeared to have happened over mic:


    Hidden Content


    Fixt the picture link.


    He started his time on the server by playing some sound clip, which I muted him for. He said the n-word twice, both ending with an 'a' and was confused why this was against the rules. I kicked him after the second. He was pretty caustic, but he had stopped breaking the rules when I logged off so I can't help with that complaint.

  13. Quote

    Most Counter-Strike: Global Offensive server operators are aware of Valve's relatively new server "guidelines" that have been posted on the CS:GO website, http://blog.counter-strike.net/index...er_guidelines/. However, there are still some users that are finding themselves having their accounts' Game Server Login Tokens banned without understanding why.

    To try to help avoid users unintentionally triggering the rule-breaking detection in CS:GO, we have added a new opt-out feature that will block plugin behavior that we know to be triggering this. We probably haven't caught everything, and detection can change in future game updates, but we feel that this is a good place to start. It's also possible for plugins to bypass this intentionally or otherwise, but it covers the most common cases and we do plan to make it more robust with future revisions. This feature, controllable by the new "FollowCSGOServerGuidelines" option in SourceMod's core.cfg file (default "yes") is available in SourceMod builds, and later. If you really desire to put your account in jeopardy, you can also disable it right in the cfg file with minimal hassle. None of the logic is active for games other than CS:GO.

    With the "FollowCSGOServerGuidelines" option enabled, when a plugin attempts to use functionality that we know to be red-flagged, an error will be thrown. As with any native errors thrown in SourceMod, execution of the function will be halted and an error recorded to console and the error log. The error will give details on what specifically was done to trigger it.

    From here. No idea what the status of sourcemod is on the servers or how feasible it is to update right now, but it seems worthwhile to help lessen the chance of messing up.

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