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  1. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to fontaine in Games with really good stories?   
    Bioshock. By far my favorite series. Play 1 and infinite (2 wasn't as great). Amazing story and environment.
    Mass Effect 1-3. I put so many hours into these games and even touched all of the dlcs and optional missions. Loved the story and shit.
    Dead Space. The first game was amazing. Second and third were ok. Really cool gameplay and story. Was really scary/creepy at times, but made it awesome.
    Half-life 2 and its episodes are also really great.
    More: Tomb Raider (the latest remake), Wolfenstein: The New Order, Bastion, Braid, Fallout 3, Metro 2033 and Last Light, and more...
    Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot got a reaction from Hay0ger.Tonee in Changing my name on steam   
    I was going to post about the topic but your sig caught my eye.
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to yeet in [ADMIN ABUSE] [Disrespecting / Insulting], Admeen, and Demon   
    Ok here's how it all went down: I joined on the map sweeper and you were complaining about something that there was nothing wrong with which I thought was funny and even told you it's not punishable then you cocked an attitude. Then we switched to galaxy and started our first game on the bhop course, you said "none of you guys can even bhop" and once I finished you continued to say "oh dude you fucking suck faggot, come play public and I'll fucking destroy you blah blah trash talk" I then reminded him that i played with him for a couple games yesterday and that every game he was bottom fragger with the most of a whopping 5 kills and continued to say i suck even after I reminded you that I hit 30 kills and carried you like a backpack. Also stop trying to call strats when you are bottom frag and stop back seat driving when you die because you cant make it past the 30 second mark, just some advice for when you want to bring down another team that can't carry you.
    You then started to call me retarded and other mean names and I said "oh man you're breaking the rules you try so hard to dearly enforce" sarcastically. You are the epitome of hypocrisy. Admeen (huffpuff)) didn't insult you at all, You are indeed easy going but when you get mad you try to put on your big boy glasses and try to pull all this shit you know nothing about. the reason I kicked you was the sole reason because you chose a game mode you KNEW would break the gravity of the map and even crash the server on purpose and saying "lets break the server", in all honestly I should have banned you, not to mention all you did was kill yourself when someone won the games to avoid from them getting the points. 

    Oh and the whole "he was doing nothing but talking crap, and then when asked to stop started attacking me, and basically started a whole argument,"  is also a blatant lie, I even called you out on it. I said "Stop trying to act so innocent when you are the one that is talking trash" is what I said. You said specifically "OH I FRAPPED THE WHOLE THING IM REPORTING YOU" I replied " I'm asking you, post them in the complaint so everyone can see how you are lying and trying to act like the poor kid in the corner." So where are the frapped videos? You then said "Demon, why do you keep insulting me" and i said " I know you're recording again and trying to act as if you're innocent so go ahead" The here comes the, you guessed it "No i'm not" followed by the " I WAS RECORDING YOU THE WHOLE TIME FAGGOT" 
    Shadow vouching for you being chill doesn't mean shit, I can vouch for shadow being ripped and that doesn't in any way matter to this because they are two different things. Both Val Vexer, and huff can vouch for me since they were present. You also said I should never play on the sG servers again blah blah blah and how the moderator of the server would totally be on your side, yet when I asked you who the mod was you had no clue. I then put my sG tags on (sorry staff ) and you stopped talking and then switched back over to something else to cause drama. I'm serious though, post the recordings or did you "lose them". I'm sure the forums will get a kick out of it. All you are is drama 

    People like you keep our servers populated, everyone loves to laugh at someone elses expense
    EDIT: The bans were by eddy, turtlefrenzy, and catsarecrits, if you look closely you can almost see an inside joke, I got banned for one minute. it's not disciplinary action, Iv'e never been banned in a serious way.
    WAIT A MINUTE "P.S.   Sorry I was unable to get their steam ID's and any recording of it. unfortunately I assume that means nothing will happen but I figured it's worth bringing up just in case."
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to Mr. Coconut :3 in How is this guy LVL 3   
    silent shot for level 3 lol.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to ZachPL in Since no 07 runescape channel who plays??   
    They are adding legacy mode to EOC on monday
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot got a reaction from Mr. Coconut :3 in How is this guy LVL 3   
    I'm still not lvl3 
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to Elmo in How is this guy LVL 3   
    god damn coco causing trouble and shit
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to Rayne in My activity   
    Considering you weren't the one who asked for an explanation, I'd be surprised if you did find it difficult you smug cunt.
    Why would he need good luck to play the zombie escape server? Is that better hunny? 
  9. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to Eddy in Summer Poker Tourney   
    I even reminded you in the banner man!

  10. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot got a reaction from Kung? in Happy Birthday Jeff   
    Happy Birthday Buddy!!! 
  11. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot got a reaction from Bob Ross Zombie in The true reason for which brazil lost   
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot got a reaction from Jeff The Flying Shark in Happy Birthday Jeff   
    Happy Birthday Buddy!!! 
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to DarkPredator in A Simple Question   
    In our society men who are unable to find "bitches" to satisfy their needs are considered weak.
    Women are already considered so, so it doesn't matter.
  14. Upvote (+1)
  15. Upvote (+1)
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to Dojima in I feel old....   
    What're you talking about? You're in the video:

  17. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to UnknownLegend in I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD   
    I don't remember you.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to The Doctor Zed in North Korea threatens war on US over Kim Jong-un movie   
    So many drugs will be needed for me to forget this
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to centran in JCS Event!!!   
    I forgot about JP...
    If I am promoted I promise to bring back the Janitors Project. BOOM! Instant Win. Top that bitches!
  20. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to ChosenOne2000 in JCS Event!!!   
    I nominate myself and will implement the following business plan:
    -Everyone knows sG is full of Downs.
    -I will cure sG of Downs, while charging $140 an hour per patient.
    -I will give sG 33% of the profits
    With the profits I will...
    -Buy P2 two more pizzas for the severance package he CLEARLY deserves
    -Buy Junzou some stock in the Kraft Company
    -Buy Jason a new camera every 6 months
    -Buy Renji a penis pump AND a butt plug
    -Start a reality TV show called Drama Llamas. Season 1's cast is: Zeus, Beauutiful Chaos, and Josh.....OH THE PROFITS!
    -Start an sG scholarship for female gamers who AREN'T attention whores
    -Start an sG scholarship for male gamers who don't indulge female gamers who ARE attention whores
    -Provide an endowment for the teaching of arithmetic, because you fuckers can't add or subtract properly when voting in R&R 
    Vote for C12K!
    "I am not a crook!"
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to centran in JCS Event!!!   
    I nominate myself!
    As supreme leader of sG I promise to only use sG funds to purchase pizza once a week instead of 3 times which is the norm now. This will save us great money!
    Also, I am Italian which makes me inherently good with the monies. Acquiring the monies. Keeping the monies. And if need be retrieving the monies from those individuals that owes us the monies.
    Thank you and All Hail the Helix!
  22. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to BananaPeelz in JCS Event!!!   
    I will do absolutely nothing. I believe I'm a perfect fit
  23. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to Clamps in JCS Event!!!   
    <br /><br /><br />Still... Not even here a day.. I may have to verbally assault you soon.
  24. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to Sketchmaticx in tiny chat last night   
    i was out drinking and getting the worst service of my life at ihop
    fuck ihop
  25. Upvote (+1)
    Silent_Shot reacted to centran in shrektastic   
    but this is volume 2!
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