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Posts posted by Clamps

  1. 9 minutes ago, Junzou said:


    Literally just had an image in his last post for like 30 minutes before he edited it to add some bullshit text, doesn't look like he was banned for it.



    Confirmed, he just said in WC3 nothing happened to him.  10/10, would abuse and then shit on someone in the CD again.

    Let me make this perfectly clear since apparently you want to question my decisions yet again. I'm not punishing someone for fucking up once. Its called human error and everyone (including you Sir Reports A Lot) makes them. I've spoken with Triv and he knows goddamn well that he's used his free pass and any further fuck ups will be dealt with accordingly. 



    Why dont you harness your superior bitching abilities and go write Yelp reviews or something. 

  2. On 7/19/2016 at 4:53 AM, C4_ said:

    Any answer would be greatly appreciated. <3

    The only answer and help you need is this.


    Stop being a fucking idiot. I've heard more than I needed to already about you and I don't play ZE very often. You're a toxic piece of shit with a superiority complex. Here's a news flash for you. You're not special, you're not cool, no one gives a damn what your opinion is, and you'll be gone from this community very soon if you continue to be a little douchebag. Stop giving the SO's and admins shit, stop harassing other users, and play the fucking game. Or enjoy finding another community to pollute when you inevitably fuck up again.


    Hope this helped <3(not really). 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Swed said:


    How can Vege be expected to resolve this issue in server if the player he's dealing with is belligerent? Further more, Vege has no control over who posts in the CD and Moose shouldn't discipline him for the actions of others.

    Did I miss something? Where did Moose discipline anyone? 


    Did you take your meds today? 



    Edit: Fucking Moose with the stealth edit... 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Breeze^.^ said:

    So am i perma banned from sg or not?

    I can actually feel my IQ dropping reading this. 


    To quote myself: 


    So here's whats going to happen. You're being banned for a week for avoiding punishment. Your alt is being perma CT'd as well. If you're spotted on another alt before your ban is up, the ban will be doubled and the clock will reset. 


    Clear enough? 

  5. 25 minutes ago, exoarcher said:

    Now that i can aggree with you on but the other HUGE benifit from the plugin is on their site, they shoutout servers who request songs. and they have a server list that we can get publicity from. 


    Yeah that wouldn't make it any better on JB or War3 where hearing (footsteps or orders) is kind of a big deal. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Mark from Facebook said:

    With all due respect, I don't know what happened behind the scenes with the C4 stuff that lead to him getting unbanned

    But won't unbanning him just give him more motivation to be a shitter because now he knows he's being targeted and there was no real consequence for his actions?


    I've honestly lost count of the number of toxic idiots that think they're somehow more clever than all the idiots before them and can be little shitbags and get away with it. Unbanning him will give him all the tools he'll need to dig his own grave and earn the perma that he'll truly deserve. 


    This isn't some new concept we've never dealt with before, and it won't be the last one either. They all have the same eventual ending, though. 

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