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Just now, Beerman said:

Can this fucking idiot not read? @Gashbell. Not a single person in this thread said the government should be able to silence them. Just that they shouldn't expect not to get domed when doing the nazi salute. You're trying real hard to defend a group of nazis.


I don't even know where to start with that post... 

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Just now, Arctic Freeze said:

This pretty much sums up both far left/right logic 2f5573a7fbc9dbd8e5d3d8a1c18d671c.jpg

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"Obama. The Enemy Within" "far right logic"


Got a nice bias going on there faggot. 

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"Obama. The Enemy Within" "far right logic"


Got a nice bias going on there faggot. 

Clearly you didn't read what I said if you are directing faggot and bias at me. Your comment was good for a roll of the eyes and a chuckle though.


I have to give a hand to Trump though instead of just condemning one side he condemned both sides like most rational people have done. Any violence towards another person is wrong. Only when attacked first should you defend yourself.


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Just now, Arctic Freeze said:

Clearly you didn't read what I said if you are directing faggot and bias at me. Your comment was good for a roll of the eyes and a chuckle though.


I have to give a hand to Trump though instead of just condemning one side he condemned both sides like most rational people have done. Any violence towards another person is wrong. Only when attacked first should you defend yourself.


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No it's pretty par for the course. In every thread you're in you never make a valid point. One side was calling for the end of interracial relationships and the death of a society of jews. The other hates the ones calling for the end of interracial relationships and the death of a society of jews. I see the need to blatantly condemn the bigots in this scenario. 

When a person has just plowed through a crowd with a car, it's not the time to go "Well ya know some of the other protesters were pretty mean too." 

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No it's pretty par for the course. In every thread you're in you never make a valid point. One side was calling for the end of interracial relationships and the death of a society of jews. The other hates the ones calling for the end of interracial relationships and the death of a society of jews. I see the need to blatantly condemn the bigots in this scenario. 


When a person has just plowed through a crowd with a car, it's not the time to go "Well ya know some of the other protesters were pretty mean too." 

Cause the "good" side has never committed violence before or bigotry. This gives me even a longer roll of the eyes and a loud chuckle. Beerman I think you need to reevaluate both sides. The horseshoe theory works with the far left and right. Both sides are crazy bigoted morons. The only rational ones are those inbetween who condemn both violence and bigotry from the far left/right bigots.



Both sides have committed violence and bigotry in the form of free speech. Neither side is 100% "good" or "bad".

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Just now, Arctic Freeze said:

Cause the "good" side has never committed violence before or bigotry. This gives me even a longer roll of the eyes and a loud chuckle. Beerman I think you need to reevaluate both sides. The horseshoe theory works with the far left and right. Both sides are crazy bigoted morons. The only rational ones are those inbetween who condemn both violence and bigotry from the far left/right bigots.

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No shit dude. But last weekend the bigger bigots and violent people were the Nazis. Nobody is saying the antifa is a group of swell lads. Nobody said that so don't act like anybody is making that point. The fact that you want so badly to equate the two as equal though is really telling to the type of person you are. One side of this is miles more vile and evil. 

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Just now, Arctic Freeze said:

Cause the "good" side has never committed violence before or bigotry. This gives me even a longer roll of the eyes and a loud chuckle. Beerman I think you need to reevaluate both sides. The horseshoe theory works with the far left and right. Both sides are crazy bigoted morons. The only rational ones are those inbetween who condemn both violence and bigotry from the far left/right bigots.


One only has to look to the racists to see if Trump handled the situation appropriately...


He did not do a good job.

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One only has to look to the racists to see if Trump handled the situation appropriately...


He did not do a good job.

100% agree he didn't do it correctly but what he did do correctly was condemn both sides for their violence. He didn't out right say the neo-Nazi's or antifas like he should have but Eh. He was voted in not for his brains but because he was the "screw in the cogs" or however that saying goes.


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Just remember kids. Here in sGs forums you are a bias faggot for having a different opinion


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Just now, Arctic Freeze said:

He was voted in not for his brains but because he was the "screw in the cogs" or however that saying goes.


So you admit you voted for a guy who's not intelligent and instead to basically mess up things. LUL you realise this makes you look stupid to right ?

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Just now, Arctic Freeze said:

100% agree he didn't do it correctly


He not only couldn't do the easiest thing in the world -- the very easiest -- a leader can do, but he also made the situation worse by being wishy-washy.


To stand by his decision to blame "many sides" is foolish.

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So you admit you voted for a guy who's not intelligent and instead to basically mess up things. LUL you realise this makes you look stupid to right ?

No I personally voted for him because he wanted to let the Generals who know what they are doing actually do their job instead of playing politics. 

My statement was a generalization of why people voted for him.

If you really must know I believe a requirement for presidency and Secretary of Defense should be Military service. We've had 2 big Presidents who were draft dodgers Trump and Clinton (of course Clinton was pardoned because if having a President as a friend is a way around laws apparently.)


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3 hours ago, Jodas said:

What is your source for this guy arming antifa and shit? I have never heard of him.

Also having new flags isn't really an argument for them being fake nazis seeing as a lot of nazis only buy them right before the protest. They don't keep them at home, they don't want their friends to know most of the time.

You've never heard of him because he is apart of the problem. He's a liberal billionaire with too much power and money, and most likely will never be touched. People of that caliber can't be unless brought down by other billionaire's. Where people can connect him to these hate groups is the funding through "organizations and Non-profits" he supports / owns. I encourage you to look into him a little bit, he's a dangerous guy and has been influencing a lot of hate and corruption for a very long time.

I agree its not solid evidence as per the new flags / gear for these people to connect it, but its on the table when Soros funds Antifa and their gear. Honestly I think if someone is that far of an extremist to go to an actual rally. They would have their own worn flags, these people don't care about friends knowing, all of their friends are extremist. They clearly are happy to support their reject views and present them to society. It wouldn't surprise me if a good amount of them were probes.


Here's some pages that I think contain some very good information and sources regarding Soros. ( The reddit one's aren't the best, just trying to give as much information for you )




Hope that helps with any questions.


42 minutes ago, Beerman said:

Can this fucking idiot not read? @Gashbell. Not a single person in this thread said the government should be able to silence them. Just that they shouldn't expect not to get domed when doing the nazi salute. You're trying real hard to defend a group of nazis.

Sometimes I'm not the best at reading, however it looks like you can't either. I also never said anything about the government silencing anyone? I was defending the 1st Amendment you ignorant fuck.


Sure, a group of people can go to an extremist rally and protest them peacefully to overpower their speaking and such, nothing wrong with that and in their rights. Can they incite and use violence to shut them up? No, not without suffering the consequences. The police should have stopped anything from happening so there would have been no violence in the first place, but by them doing nothing and letting Anti-fa come in with weapons beating the shit out of them for preaching there extremities, you are silencing them. Arrest and charges should have been made. The police are to blame the most here.

The law and our rights doesn't care what our emotions are or what we think in these situations. There are set rules on what we can and can't do.


Do I wish these extremist didn't exist and could just be killed off? Yes.

Do I think their rights were fully protected? No.

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@Gashbell why are you bringing up the the law when it comes to freedom of speech if you're not implying that we are suggesting it's okay for the law to silence freedom of speech. Aside from that, who the fuck are you? Just find this thread on google to start pulling info from the propaganda circlejerk the_donald? 


The police shouldn't have to risk their own safety for either of those moronic groups.

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Sometimes I'm not the best at reading, however it looks like you can't either. I also never said anything about the government silencing anyone? I was defending the 1st Amendment you ignorant fuck.
Sure, a group of people can go to an extremist rally and protest them peacefully to overpower their speaking and such, nothing wrong with that and in their rights. Can they incite and use violence to shut them up? No, not without suffering the consequences. The police should have stopped anything from happening so there would have been no violence in the first place, but by them doing nothing and letting Anti-fa come in with weapons beating the shit out of them for preaching there extremities, you are silencing them. Arrest and charges should have been made. The police are to blame the most here.
The law and our rights doesn't care what our emotions are or what we think in these situations. There are set rules on what we can and can't do.
Do I wish these extremist didn't exist and could just be killed off? Yes.
Do I think their rights were fully protected? No.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Violence and silencing doesn't fix the problems but causes more. When the left silenced Milo when he was set to speak at a college they gave the far right more power. When you take someone's voice they become a martyr. When you attack someone or kill someone they become a martyr. You give more fuel to the fire and that's the problem. The whole "they shouldn't be allowed to say this racist bigotry" is fueling their power.

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Just now, Arctic Freeze said:

Couldn't have said it better myself. Violence and silencing doesn't fix the problems but causes more. When the left silenced Milo when he was set to speak at a college they gave the far right more power. When you take someone's voice they become a martyr. When you attack someone or kill someone they become a martyr. You give more fuel to the fire and that's the problem. The whole "they shouldn't be allowed to say this racist bigotry" is fueling their power.

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Who said they shouldnt be allowed? You guys are literally making up statements again.


And it goes both ways. You try to argue and suppress somebody's fucked viewpoint = becoming a martyr. You allow them a platform to express a fucked viewpoint = people are it is validation and join; noise gets louder. There isn't a right way to how to deal with it. Only with societal change and condemnation will these viewpoints be snuffed out. They live in echochambers where others agree with them so they view themselves as correct. Nobody is saying the government should be the one forcing these changes. 

Two people who aren't in the community come in throwing Facebook memes and links from the_donald. Who are you people. 

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Who said they shouldnt be allowed? You guys are literally making up statements again.
Two people who aren't in the community come in throwing Facebook memes and links from the_donald. Who are you people. 
Lol yes because War3 sub means nothing. My 100s of hours on war3 mean nothing. In general people have said they don't want them spouting their racist bigotry. Instead of being a cunt and an ignorant fool like normal take your head out of your Ass.

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Just now, Arctic Freeze said:

Lol yes because War3 sub means nothing. My 100s of hours on war3 mean nothing. In general people have said they don't want them spouting their racist bigotry. Instead of being a cunt and an ignorant fool like normal take your head out of your Ass.

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That's completely different than promoting for the government to restrict free speech, which nobody has said. 


The whole group was chanting fuck you faggot and it's a shock when somebody gets rocked in the jaw? Please. Don't use the police like your mother preventing you from being beat up  

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Just now, Beerman said:

@Gashbell why are you bringing up the the law when it comes to freedom of speech if you're not implying that we are suggesting it's okay for the law to silence freedom of speech. Aside from that, who the fuck are you? Just find this thread on google to start pulling info from the propaganda circlejerk the_donald? 


The police shouldn't have to risk their own safety for either of those moronic groups.

You caught me! I'm a bot sent out by the almighty T_D to spread my propaganda to all!

Get a grip dude... I don't think you are mature enough to enter the serious discussion threads.


I've been playing on the Warcraft server for years... I only started looking into the forums more recently in the last year or so. Does this discredit anything I say? No.



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Sorry @Gashbell your posts from brietbart must have confused me. Every time a political topic gets posted, people who are never party of the community(not just one server) hop on to only talk about politics like arctic for example. 

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3 hours ago, Ironic said:

I agree with what Donald Trump said in the fact that there's wrong in both parties as far as what's been going on lately. This isn't a "one side of the party is causing all the problems". Getting mad at these "white supremists/Nazis" and then wanting to fight them, tear down these statues, and etc. isn't helping anything or as a lot of leftists like to say helping "stop the hate". It's doing the exact opposite. I'm not saying we should ignore what's been going on and ignore these people who claim to be white supremists and nazis, but the way a lot of people have been reacting to them, isn't going to help out the situation.

Dude I know you work for Trump now, but that whole "both parties are wrong" is fucking bullshit. We literally fought a war, largely full of the people that share the same ideology as the Nazis/White Nationalists/Antifi/ect. Explain to me how the left is wrong. Keep in mind that this is the extreme right. Anyone who isn't a Nazi is wrong and against them in their eyes. There's nowhere else to go but left on the spectrum. 

Tearing down statues is a great thing. we aren't changing or erasing history by removing them. Fucking Germany has not one statue of Hitler and we still remember him pretty well. You don't need to celebrate your heritage if it comes at other people's pain and suffering. The alt right's rhetoric is exactly the same as ISIS. Stop calling them the alt right, they're fucking Nazis. Alt right makes it easier for people to discuss and argue with, when we really should be calling it what it is. 

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Just now, Beerman said:

Sorry @Gashbell your posts from brietbart must have confused me. Every time a political topic gets posted, people who are never party of the community(not just one server) hop on to only talk about politics like arctic for example. 

As I said, the reddit post was just kinda there to give a little more information, albeit some of those articles aren't good and can't be sourced well.

I do not follow politics to a T, and only started doing my own research into things like everyone else who wasn't apart of politics in the last year or so.


T_D is a meme center, I agree with you there and can see people instantly discrediting it. However if you look past the memes, look passed the LOOK AT HILLARY ( even though she really is a corrupt piece of shit ) post, there is some quality information being posted and people actually looking into some things and doing their own research.

There sidebar has ALOT of great sourced material regarding Wikileaks and calling out faults or twisted articles as well.


I have no loyalty to any side, I simply look into things from my perspective and form an opinion, whether I'm wrong or I'm right, its my own opinion and not anyone elses.

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2 hours ago, Arctic Freeze said:

This pretty much sums up both far left/right logic 2f5573a7fbc9dbd8e5d3d8a1c18d671c.jpg

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You're really not that sharp are you...

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Sorry [mention=46673]Gashbell[/mention] your posts from brietbart must have confused me. Every time a political topic gets posted, people who are never party of the community(not just one server) hop on to only talk about politics like arctic for example. 

Cause having a life, job, friends and only playing one or two servers when JB is shit invalidates an opinion. I'm sorry all high mighty Beerman you are so right! Like I said get your head out of your Ass. 

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You're really not that sharp are you...


No that isn't with that post is. It's a blame game with the far right/left all the time. Both sides attack each other none stop through verbal attacks and physical when really what they are doing doesn't help the situation at all. It wasn't a "Hey we should blame Obama for all the violence before." That's just stupidity. Condemn the violent BLM. Condemn the Nazis. Condemn the radical Islamics and Christians. They are all bigots. If you want change do it peacefully. Don't attack others when someone calls you a faggots because that proves their point. They want you to attack them. So don't attack them.


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Just now, Arctic Freeze said:

Cause having a life, job, friends and only playing one or two servers when JB is shit invalidates an opinion. I'm sorry all high mighty Beerman you are so right! Like I said get your head out of your Ass.

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No what isn't with that post is it's a blame game with the far right/left all the time. Both sides attack each other none stop through verbal attacks and physical when really what they are doing doesn't help the situation at all. It wasn't a "Hey we should blame Obama for all the violence before." That's just stupidity.

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I'm commenting on the way you're coming across, whatever 'logic' you think may be behind what you are saying is invalidated by the way you're acting.


Flaming somebody for an opinion in a topic named "free speech"... bit ironic really isn't it?

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