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Alt Right Terrorism

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You hope an entire university loses funding because an anarchist group rioted at a protest?

Or if it truly was students, you're going to punish the entire university? Including the Republican chapter that even tried to host Milo in the first place? Seems pretty fucking unfair to the rest who didn't protest or riot Ed

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1 hour ago, Beerman said:

You hope an entire university loses funding because an anarchist group rioted at a protest?


Or if it truly was students, you're going to punish the entire university? Including the Republican chapter that even tried to host Milo in the first place? Seems pretty fucking unfair to the rest who didn't protest or riot Ed


School had/has the ability to remove the problem children, except they didn't. None of the students received any punishments and a group of people who just wanted to discuss their views and beliefs were silenced. This obviously hurts people who had nothing to do with it and I agree that sucks, but I guess I believe that it will teach students that they can't just silence people that have different views, that is a stretch though. At the very least I hope schools around the US realize they need to handle these situations better and not just give in to the cry babies which results in people being silenced, or in the case of what happened at berkeley people being assaulted for having a different opinions.

I guess I'm more thrilled that this is actually getting attention and not just being brushed under the rug, but I agree it is unfair for the people who didn't participate.

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There are over 38,000 students attending Berkeley and it's apparently a reasonable idea to punish the entire university because perhaps a few dozen black block anarchists we don't even know were students rioted? Strange how Trump is getting worked up over one his ilk not being able to speak at Berkeley and set out to eliminate neo-Nazis and white supremacists from the Counter Terrorism initiative immediately after it was revealed it was an alt-righter that was responsible for the Quebec City mosque shooting.

It's so blatantly obvious Trump and his supporters are acting so vehemently petty to California and its institutions because they voted 2:1 against Trump and ruined his popular vote percentage by nearly three million.

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This would be a different situation if the university itself refused to allow him to speak. But the university agreed to host him and let him speak.

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School had/has the ability to remove the problem children, except they didn't. None of the students received any punishments and a group of people who just wanted to discuss their views and beliefs were silenced. This obviously hurts people who had nothing to do with it and I agree that sucks, but I guess I believe that it will teach students that they can't just silence people that have different views, that is a stretch though. At the very least I hope schools around the US realize they need to handle these situations better and not just give in to the cry babies which results in people being silenced, or in the case of what happened at berkeley people being assaulted for having a different opinions.

I guess I'm more thrilled that this is actually getting attention and not just being brushed under the rug, but I agree it is unfair for the people who didn't participate.

What problem children? It was literally an anarchist group with people in their mid twenties

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1 hour ago, Beerman said:

What problem children? It was literally an anarchist group with people in their mid twenties

Was not supposed to be taken in the literal sense, was meant to point out these adults were acting like children.

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Was not supposed to be taken in the literal sense, was meant to point out these adults were acting like children.

Yeah, because it was a literal anarchist group that started the riots. It's all masked people in basic black outfits with backpacks. They were just talking about it on Fox

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27 minutes ago, Beerman said:

Yeah, because it was a literal anarchist group that started the riots. It's all masked people in basic black outfits with backpacks. They were just talking about it on Fox

Whether they were students or not, it's sad that the police didn't arrest anyone during this horrible event for all the damage they were causing, not to mention their attacks too.


Edit: Like what Eddy said, I'd be real surprised though if none of the rioters are current students.

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12 minutes ago, Beerman said:

Yeah, because it was a literal anarchist group that started the riots. It's all masked people in basic black outfits with backpacks. They were just talking about it on Fox

Yes, I think everyone who has been paying attention to this story knows this. To think none of the students on campus participated though is pretty naive.

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Yes, I think everyone who has been paying attention to this story knows this. To think none of the students on campus participated though is pretty naive.

even better, a smaller of students who MAY have participated in the actual rioting, which would not include passive witnesses, should not be punished because the president is salty.

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We should all be mourning for those who were massacred at Bowling Green at the hands of the Ferguson protestor who was bought and paid for by George Soros.


Frederick Douglas is supposed to give a speech about it in one of the inner cities after buying new gaslights with Kellyanne Conway for the White House.

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Lol a Canuck terrorist with some balls to fight back against a Trojan horse invasion invited by conman PM Trudeau (ok the victims perhaps were naturalized Canadian citizens, but the motive was based on tepid reaction to Trudeau's unconditional policy regarding refugees). That's rare especially since it's from the cowardly French part of Canada full of capitulating weaklings.


Oh well, I have this controversial view about right-wing extremists and their violent radicalism where I believe that the government needs to listen to the will of such people by not bringing in these non-European outsiders or doing things to disregard their ethnic, religious, or cultural interests or they will face more hate crimes happening to innocent people. It sucks that the left wants to do it to Muslims or black lives matter protestors, saying we need to appease their anarchistic or terroristic means for achieving their ends (e.g., liberal media pundits saying we need to stop being Islamophobic or face Islamist terrorism from ISIL), but when the opposite happens it's like the productive white patriots get treated like shit even though I personally believe their interests are more relevant and they are far less dangerous than the Islamic or BLM anarchist extremists. We are told, for instance, by the left that the white people and government need to listen to the demands of black Marxists and Muslim extremists or they will face more crime or terrorism. 


Well, why can't white male Christians exert their interests, especially patriotic populists? They have a right like everyone else to refuse these invaders or have to be forced to defend themselves like how this Hungarian woman honorably and heroically defended her homeland from these Syrian hordes. Hell, if you don't want such hate crimes, then refrain from pissing right-wing patriots off.


(that's all I will say on this issue as it's a very heated controversial topic and my view is already controversial as being nativist and xenophobic nationalistic populist)



All I'm saying is that, no I don't defend this cold-blooded murder and I outright condemn and chastise this act of senseless violence committed by this lone wolf, but the people who should be blamed as the cause of such are not right-wing populist ideologues who set this guy off or necessarily him per se, but I rather blame the elitist governmental sentiments of the cuckolding Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for acting against the will of the Canadian québécois people who don't want any of these Syrians coming in, especially all the terrorism and rapings they do in Western Europe in the EU States which had welcomed them with open arms (thanks to the likes of Merkel and camp).

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40 minutes ago, Travesty said:

@Dr. Vojislav Seselj Has there been any senseless violence yet in Canada from the refugees? I haven't heard anything yet.


No, not yet. It's fairly recent. But, time and time again it has happened especially in Europe.


But the main issue in principle is that the nation is doing them a favor, and that they need a sort of de facto sort of apartheid like how Bibi Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin had done so well as far as Syrian refugees are concerned. That's at least why, in part, they aren't risking losses of life from the ISIS extremists: because they hardly of ever accept them, and if they do, they have to have no rights or political representation and they also have to be closely watched and monitored.

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11 minutes ago, Dr. Vojislav Seselj said:


No, not yet. It's fairly recent. But, time and time again it has happened especially in Europe.


But the main issue in principle is that the nation is doing them a favor, and that they need a sort of de facto sort of apartheid like how Bibi Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin had done so well as far as Syrian refugees are concerned. That's at least why, in part, they aren't risking losses of life from the ISIS extremists: because they hardly of ever accept them, and if they do, they have to have no rights or political representation and they also have to be closely watched and monitored.


This is just history repeating itself.


When immigrants fled to the Americas, employers often took advantage of the immigrants. Men were generally paid less than other workers, and women less than men. Social tensions were also part of the immigrant experience. Often stereotyped and discriminated against, many immigrants suffered verbal and physical abuse because they were "different." While large-scale immigration created many social tensions, it also produced a new vitality in the cities and states in which the immigrants settled. The newcomers helped transform American society and culture, demonstrating that diversity, as well as unity, is a source of national strength.


I wonder what America would've looked like if the immigrants that came had no rights or political representation. I understand you want to remain a strong national security. But there can be both security and prosperity, by allowing refugees into your country as history has shown. Of course there will be complications but denying all from entering is overdramatic and senseless. A strong screening process is arguably the best way to take in refugees but it does by no means need to be "extreme", as the Trump admin likes to put it.


It's almost ironic that the first violence and killings to come from the refugees entering Canada is from a native-born Canadian.

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1 hour ago, Travesty said:


This is just history repeating itself.


When immigrants fled to the Americas, employers often took advantage of the immigrants. Men were generally paid less than other workers, and women less than men. Social tensions were also part of the immigrant experience. Often stereotyped and discriminated against, many immigrants suffered verbal and physical abuse because they were "different." While large-scale immigration created many social tensions, it also produced a new vitality in the cities and states in which the immigrants settled. The newcomers helped transform American society and culture, demonstrating that diversity, as well as unity, is a source of national strength.


I wonder what America would've looked like if the immigrants that came had no rights or political representation. I understand you want to remain a strong national security. But there can be both security and prosperity, by allowing refugees into your country as history has shown. Of course there will be complications but denying all from entering is overdramatic and senseless. A strong screening process is arguably the best way to take in refugees but it does by no means need to be "extreme", as the Trump admin likes to put it.


It's almost ironic that the first violence and killings to come from the refugees entering Canada is from a native-born Canadian.



Excellent points. As for security one common theme I have been seeing is that terrorist are not getting in but more so being "bred" (I guess). Normally it's "save the children" but it seems like the problem are the children... as bad as that sounds.


The biggest problems have come when you stick all those immigrant together. The ones who fled (the parents) are very thankful and are usually a value to society. However, the children grow up not fully understanding the horrors of the past but knowing they where torn from their homes. They learn about the old ways and traditions and religious rules and see them not being followed. Those kids grown up and while growing are preyed upon to help guide those questions and thoughts about the old life so that they turn radical.


I could be wrong but that seems to be a common story that happens and with the recent immigration we have not seen fully yet. We have seen some outright terrorist attacks because already radical terrorist did slip in due the sudden influx. However, those have been in countries without good vetting and just let everyone in. That is not the case with the US and has never been the case.


The problem we want to avoid is what happened in other countries in the past when the refugees where much smaller numbers and they stuck them all in project like communities all together.


First just looking back at our past with various "projects' in cities. Have those ever worked out? Why will it work with refugees? Putting minorities all together ended up with them killing each other and high crime in and around the projects. Islamic terrorists are not going to to kill each other so what you see is radical terrorism. They go other places to kill so all of the sudden the "project" problems are much more visible to the rich white man.


With the vetting the US does we won't have security concerns. That is unless we shove them all into one area. History has proven over and over that it doesn't work and you create a breeding ground for evil. The issue isn't with the refugees but with their kids. The US is a great place for refugees not only because of our diversity but our land size. We can spread them out so their kids don't grow up in a small community of all Islam and then start longing for the "old days" that they have no fucking clue about but are persuaded by the wrong individuals into radicalism.

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6 hours ago, Dr. Vojislav Seselj said:

the cuckolding Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for acting against the will of the Canadian québécois


I'd like to remind people even if Quebec is the Canadian Texas, Quebec isn't the only province in Canada, Trudeau needs to appeal to the entirety of Canada, not just the land of loud nationalists. Just cause Quebec doesn't like shit, doesn't mean parliament needs to bend over backwards to keep them smiling.


5 hours ago, Travesty said:

When immigrants fled to the Americas, employers often took advantage of the immigrants. Men were generally paid less than other workers, and women less than men. Social tensions were also part of the immigrant experience.


Unfortunately, not much has changed. My former girlfriend was an immigrant from Germany, her parents fleeing the genocide in Bosnia. Her parents always told me stories of what they were fleeing from, and how hard it was to come to America and I could only think about how horrible it would be to move to a country whose language you barely speak, in a suburb where you know no one at all, all the while desperately finding a job, anywhere, for any price. But to my shock, they couldn't be any more thankful. What I saw as a struggling time in their first years in America were their blessed first years from escaping war and "holy" genocide. When you leave a country that throws babies in the air for target practice because their mother was Muslim, I could understand why they were completely content with working 4 jobs between the both of them to keep an apartment.

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52 minutes ago, Sith said:


I'd like to remind people even if Quebec is the Canadian Texas, Quebec isn't the only province in Canada, Trudeau needs to appeal to the entirety of Canada, not just the land of loud nationalists. Just cause Quebec doesn't like shit, doesn't mean parliament needs to bend over backwards to keep them smiling.



Unfortunately, not much has changed. My former girlfriend was an immigrant from Germany, her parents fleeing the genocide in Bosnia. Her parents always told me stories of what they were fleeing from, and how hard it was to come to America and I could only think about how horrible it would be to move to a country whose language you barely speak, in a suburb where you know no one at all, all the while desperately finding a job, anywhere, for any price. But to my shock, they couldn't be any more thankful. What I saw as a struggling time in their first years in America were their blessed first years from escaping war and "holy" genocide. When you leave a country that throws babies in the air for target practice because their mother was Muslim, I could understand why they were completely content with working 4 jobs between the both of them to keep an apartment.

All I'm saying is that I don't really blame them if they start doing the hate crimes on Muslims similar to that video I posted of the Hungarian woman kicking refugees down. The faults that this will be going on as a phenomenon will be blamed on Trudeau for still ignoring the popular will and sentiment of the crazy bantering québécois nationalists and that's just how I'm gonna view it. These foreigners shouldn't have the same equal rights as the people who are native there.


On an aside note, you mean the "genocide" and holoHOAX where they lied of a Muslim mass rape and murder by taking the graves of the Muslims by taking tombstones in Srebrenica dated thirteen years nearly prior to the war in the 90s? Funny how they were backed financially from Osama bin Laden, the pigfucker (may he rest in piss) Alija Izetbegovic and war criminal Islamist-Nazi Naser Oric. Furthermore, a lot of those bodies were those of dead Serbs too, ironically doesn't help out too well to kowtow to NATO to do a carpetbombing holocaust like what the Nazis did to the Serbs in WWII.


anyways, I'll leave it on that note and I'm not going to comment any further.

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1 hour ago, Dr. Vojislav Seselj said:

All I'm saying is that I don't really blame them if they start doing the hate crimes on Muslims similar to that video I posted of the Hungarian woman kicking refugees down. The faults that this will be going on as a phenomenon will be blamed on Trudeau for still ignoring the popular will and sentiment of the crazy bantering québécois nationalists and that's just how I'm gonna view it. These foreigners shouldn't have the same equal rights as the people who are native there.


On an aside note, you mean the "genocide" and holoHOAX where they lied of a Muslim mass rape and murder by taking the graves of the Muslims by taking tombstones in Srebrenica dated thirteen years nearly prior to the war in the 90s? Funny how they were backed financially from Osama bin Laden, the pigfucker (may he rest in piss) Alija Izetbegovic and war criminal Islamist-Nazi Naser Oric. Furthermore, a lot of those bodies were those of dead Serbs too, ironically doesn't help out too well to kowtow to NATO to do a carpetbombing holocaust like what the Nazis did to the Serbs in WWII.


anyways, I'll leave it on that note and I'm not going to comment any further.

You really are a sack of shit aren't you

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8 hours ago, centran said:

That is unless we shove them all into one area, tell them how much we hate them and their families, have our police avoid the area as much as possible, and force them to turn inward to people in their community that want to take advantage of the fact that no one else wants them. History has proven over and over that it doesn't work and you create a breeding ground for evil when you shove a bunch of people into an area and ignore them, or actively try to suppress their upward mobility. The issue isn't with the refugees but with their kids. The US is a great place for refugees not only because of our diversity but our land size. We can spread them out so their kids don't grow up in a small community of all Islam so they grow up disconnected from their culture, in completely whitewashed towns and then start longing for the "old days" that they have no fucking clue about but are persuaded by the wrong individuals into radicalism (you got this part right!).


Edited for clarity.  This must be why you rarely make serious posts in the forums.

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3 hours ago, Dr. Vojislav Seselj said:

I don't really blame them if they start doing the hate crimes on Muslims


3 hours ago, Dr. Vojislav Seselj said:

phenomenon will be blamed on Trudeau for still ignoring the popular will and sentiment of the crazy bantering québécois nationalists


I'm just gonna put those up there cause there's really no reason for anyone to ever take the time to tell you why you're wrong and a terrible being, its literally just obscene.


3 hours ago, Dr. Vojislav Seselj said:

These foreigners shouldn't have the same equal rights as the people who are native there.


I agree, foreigners shouldn't have the same equal rights as the native people. That's why First Nation natives aren't discriminated against, regulated to live on ghetto reservations, and were entitled to free schooling as any other Canadian citizen. Oh. Wait. We're not talking about Natives here, we're just talking about the people who look like us and speak like us, haha sorry I almost forgot.


3 hours ago, Dr. Vojislav Seselj said:

On an aside note, you mean the "genocide" and holoHOAX where they lied of a Muslim mass rape and murder by taking the graves of the Muslims by taking tombstones in Srebrenica dated thirteen years nearly prior to the war in the 90s? Funny how they were backed financially from Osama bin Laden, the pigfucker (may he rest in piss) Alija Izetbegovic and war criminal Islamist-Nazi Naser Oric. Furthermore, a lot of those bodies were those of dead Serbs too, ironically doesn't help out too well to kowtow to NATO to do a carpetbombing holocaust like what the Nazis did to the Serbs in WWII.


I'm going to be up front, all I know of the genocide is what my girlfriend and her parents told me. But it was a genocide, to say anything else is fucking shameful and revolting. Yes, casualties were taken from both sides of course, some of my girlfriends family friends were Serbs that they loved just as much as any of their Bosnian friends. I don't understand where you can think someone can lie about a mass genocide full of rape and murder? Who are you to say that those people didn't witness horrors that you can't comprehend? I know I can't, I don't have that right. I have no right to tell someone who has come from miles of houses turned to rubble and bodies too numerous to bury and say that they didn't suffer enough to deserve compassion. The rest of your comment is mind-boggling to say the least. I hope you find some help whether it be some a kinder person than me or God, cause hell knows I sure as hell won't.




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3 hours ago, Dr. Vojislav Seselj said:

All I'm saying is that I don't really blame them if they start doing the hate crimes on Muslims similar to that video I posted of the Hungarian woman kicking refugees down.

Most people here know I'm definitely way more conservative than liberal, but God this is just wrong on so many levels. If you really believe this, then man I'm sorry for you.

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24 minutes ago, Ironic said:

Most people here know I'm definitely way more conservative than liberal, but God this is just wrong on so many levels. If you really believe this, then man I'm sorry for you.

Bear in mind he's one of the guys who said he's excited about trump now.  This is the kind of filth that got emboldened now internationally 

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27 minutes ago, Ordinarygamer96 said:

Bear in mind he's one of the guys who said he's excited about trump now.  This is the kind of filth that got emboldened now internationally 

Not every Trump supporter is like Seselj though. Keep that in mind. Sure, there are terrible Trump supporters out there, but there are also terrible Liberals making riots and beating up Trump supporters just because they have different views. There's bad people on both sides of the playing field. 

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4 minutes ago, Ironic said:

Not every Trump supporter is like Seselj though. Keep that in mind. Sure, there are terrible Trump supporters out there, but there are also terrible Liberals making riots and beating up Trump supporters just because they have different views. There's bad people on both sides of the playing field. 


It's almost like we lump individuals together into a whole group and assign the worst qualities to the entire group based on our own biases.

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