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Doodle Six

Democratic and Republican Nominations

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59 minutes ago, BananaPeelz said:

The problem is that Trump switches his policy positions pretty regularly. Romney was criticized pretty hard in 2012 for being a "flip-flopper" and Trump does it much more regularly than him. I'll address some of his latest positions though. He's stated that if he's elected he'll slash funding for the Department of Education and the EPA and has said that climate change is a hoax. Unfortunately climate change is a very real problem and I would hate to have a President that opposes any form of progress on mitigating our impact on the earth. I don't think I need to go into very much detail about why cutting education spending is a bad idea. I'm personally in support of the Iran nuclear deal and diplomacy with the nation, Trump has stated his opposition to it and wants to levy more sanctions on the nation. What is alarming is the Islamophobic policies that he advocates. He's advocated the surveillance of mosques, the closing of some mosques, the ban on Muslim immigration, and he neither confirms or denies his support for a national Muslim registry. The dude plans on deporting 11 million people (and he's said that should only take two years), and forcing Mexico to pay billions of dollars for a wall. I dearly hope you don't need someone to spell out how moronic this immigration policy is.

The most troubling part of Trump's campaign, which you've refused to acknowledge, is how divisive his rhetoric is. His statements that he saw thousands of people cheering when they saw the World Trade Center come crashing down (which are false) feed into fear and this idea that Muslims are seeking to destroy America. When he says things like the Mexican government encourages its criminals to illegally immigrate to the U.S. (also false), he encourages the idea that American crime is a result of Mexicans coming here, feeding racist ideology. By lying and stating that 84% of whites are killed by blacks and only 16% by whites he's quite obviously promoting racism. His misogyny is rather well documented, he's called women "disgusting animals", told a contestant on the Celebrity Apprentice that it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees, and then there's the statements about Megyn Kelly being on her period. He repeatedly tells outrageous lies and refuses to back down from them and many of his comments feed off the fear of the American people, whether it's about crime, economic instability, or terrorism.

I may not agree with everything you've said, but thank you for providing an actual argument. 

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On 3/1/2016 at 7:06 PM, Name said:

people taking carl seriously


About seriously as Ben Carson.

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8 hours ago, fontaine said:

The way super Tuesday is turning out, it seems more likely there will be a Trump/Hillary race. Ugh.


I will be very surprised if a third party candidate doesn't run. Historically, Republicans have been strongly values-minded when selecting a candidate, but recent surveys show that Republicans are now split about whether they want a candidate who can "get it done" or one who "shares their values". People who want a "get it done" president are voting Trump, whereas values-minded people are voting either Cruz or Rubio. Basically, whoever wins the nomination is going to disappoint half of their party. The same is true for the Democrats. Young, values-minded people are voting Sanders because they see Clinton as deceitful and corrupt. Whereas established Democrats see Hillary as an experienced, strong leader and Sanders as too extreme. With so many disenfranchised voters, a third party would have a decent chance methinks.


I would also be surprised if the Republican party doesn't end up splitting if Trump wins. There are a lot of establishment Republicans who are absolutely appalled by the idea of Trump.



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8 minutes ago, Musicfreak said:

I was under the impression you wanted Hillary?


No. I was saying Hillary is better than Bernie if it came down to it. But I can't stand Trump or Cruz either. My vote was with Rubio but I don't think he will get the nomination.

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2 minutes ago, fontaine said:


No. I was saying Hillary is better than Bernie if it came down to it. But I can't stand Trump or Cruz either. My vote was with Rubio but I don't think he will get the nomination.

After Chris Christie made him look like a robot and the results of Super Tuesday, I doubt he gets it either. I was surprised at the amount of delegates Cruz got, I still think Donald will ultimately get the nom but I do find that a bit disconcerting. I genuinely think Cruz is the absolute worst out of both parties, he is one straight reptilian motherfucker.

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It's actually looking like Cruz and Rubio will put up just enough of a fight to stop Trump from getting 50 percent of delegates. A brokered convention is possible and that honestly could mean Rubio or Romney getting it. Trump would be the literal death of the republican party . Rooting for Bernie but if he dosen't win ill swallow my morals and vote Hillary to avoid a trump or cruz international disaster

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On 1/19/2016 at 9:24 PM, Dr. NarwhalsNumbNuts IV said:

The recruits this election are quite shit. 0/10 voting no on all Kappa




Fuck Trump, Clinton, Rubio, and Cruz.


If I had to pick, I'd vote either O'Malley or Sanders. Both are leagues less toxic than any other of the shit Republicans this election and I don't trust Clinton at all. 

I agree for the most part. As I see it, we're entirely fucked, reasons being for the corresponding candidates-


Trump- No explanation really necessary, basically nothing but bullshit you'd write on an essay to avoid actual effort, basically funds himself and his voters in a false campaign. I wouldn't be suprised if he initiated a 2nd Muslim/Mexican Holocaust.


Clinton- Basically has been lying throughout the entirety of her employment, she has been lying and cheating her way to funds and promotions that she really hasn't deserved. This promotion would be her ultimatum, and I can safely guess that what would happen after wouldn't be what she promised in the debates/ speeches


Cruz- I can't really say much about this one as I haven't really been watching his speeches, but from what I heard he isn't a very good candidate. 


I'd probably be okay with O'Malley, Rubio, or Sanders if I also had to choose, although Sander's plans aren't going to end well due to the aftermath of riots caused by te upper-upperclass, granted it even passed the senate. 

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1 hour ago, PhoenixRising said:

I'd probably be okay with O'Malley, Rubio, or Sanders if I also had to choose, although Sander's plans aren't going to end well due to the aftermath of riots caused by te upper-upperclass, granted it even passed the senate. 

O'Malley's been out for a couple of months now... 


Sanders is the best candidate in my opinion. Rubio has 0 political achievements or successes besides his current position and tends to fall in the Trump trap, that is, taking the bait when Trump tries to trigger someone. I swear, the Republican side is debating and talking shit about each other more than we do. They bicker more than two squeakers on JB and the admins aren't doing shit about it because it's funny. 


The most startling thing here is that Trump is winning states left and right. My (white) friends joke about him winning the White House and how they're moving to Canada hahahaha, but I and minorities across the nation are genuinely concerned for our safety and place in the States. This is very real and very troublesome.

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You have tried, the media has tried, the republican party has tried, and all have failed to stump the trump. Trump will remain unstumpable, win the white house, and make America great again. 

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18 minutes ago, Musicfreak said:

You have tried, the media has tried, the republican party has tried, and all have failed to stump the trump. Trump will remain unstumpable, win the white house, and make America great again. 


I honestly can't tell whether or not you're trolling with all of this.

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Do people really want a reality tv star with multiple failed marriages, whose success is in running fucking hotels and the like, who has insulted roughly half the worlds population directly, who is made fun of across the planet, who throws temper tantrums on live tv, and who paints himself orange, as president?

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5 minutes ago, Ordinarygamer96 said:

Do people really want a reality tv star with multiple failed marriages, whose success is in running fucking hotels and the like, who has insulted roughly half the worlds population directly, who is made fun of across the planet, who throws temper tantrums on live tv, and who paints himself orange, as president?




Giddy Up Cowboy

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Donald Drumpf makes members of his Orlando crowd raise their right hands and swear to vote in the primary. 



Heil Trump

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18 minutes ago, Dakka said:



Considering he himself was very poor I think people need to actually think about what he meant, He was not just referring to poverty itself but also opportunity and a poor white has a way better chance of getting out of that than a poor african american. People just wanted to make fun of him over this without considering his own personal relation to the subject. He even later clarified he was referring to the different treatment in society of poor blacks versus poor whites. He made a valid point if you thought about it for a second.

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I like how the comments in that video are unironically spamming that this makes Bernie a complete racist and that the only alternative is Trump, who is totally not racist for retweeting Neo-Nazis and other White Nationalists on a daily basis.

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The media and both republican/democratic establishment are pushing the rhetoric that Trump is a bad candidate in as many ways as they can.  The ironic thing is that each attack doesn't really dent the support he has but rather you can make the argument it strengthens his lead.  For example the whole David Duke/KKK "issue" the weekend before Super Tuesday.  


Here is a video in which the newscasters are implying Trump and supporters are all racists, but when they cut to the video its a black guy saying "We gotta stop with the racist stuff... nobody paying Duke no mind".  Then they try to dance around the fact they just contradicted their rhetoric and after a few moments get back to the labeling of Trump as a racist, and hater of "undocumented immigrants" (illegal aliens) and Muslims.



Both Sanders and Clinton have been attacking Trump indirectly at debates because they have come to accept he is going to be the Republican nominee.  At republican debates he has been focused on the most by both  moderators and attacks by the other remaining candidates.  The GOP has even brought out Mitt Romney in a failed attempt to stump Trump. 


Both Sanders and Trump's campaigns are built on anti-establishment principles, but Trump is getting all the media attention because he says edgy stuff and is winning, whereas unless a lot changes, Clinton is going to the Democrat nominee.  Even Cruz is a more radical conservative and he is getting a lot more support than typical GOP nominees like Rubio and Kasich.  He even has support after this: 


At this rate even if it came down to a brokered convention, which I highly doubt the only person who could be eligible for the nomination would be Cruz because you need a majority of delegates in 8 states.  If the GOP changed the rules at that point it would be laughable because they made Trump promise to be loyal to the eventual GOP nominee last year.




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