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Great work Moose.


To add on to the abuse bit, if you're on a map with power-ups(special grenades/bombs) please try to be careful in not removing extra abilities from Ts like always.

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As soon as you made the area health command I knew you were destined for great things. You've made me proud son. BibleThump

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Hey Moose, idk if it's possible but could you add commands like sm_ninja or sm_sonic that will automatically do the commands for lr's that require more than 1 command? 

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Thx Moose <3

but //BROKEN
-Fly command seems to be broken, it is only self targeting (mark confirmed), and it said i don't have access but i could still give to to myself. If you attempt to target anyone it will just set it to yourself
-!rules, plain just doesn't pop up anymore, and the forums version is transparent.
-paidmins with ct 999, I believe this was fixed because me and another admin caught it and i guess he already reported it.
-beacon toggle removes previously set color
-warden badge changes T skin to CT apron removal (i like to see this as a feature, if this gets fixed then a command to change a T to look like a CT would be cool) this also removes CT's custom skin if they resign warden
-R8 8/8 gr8 m8 can't be given more/less ammo (want to give it as a 1 shot r8 only LR)
-The known weapon placement bug (idk if you wanted to take a crack at it or not, or if we just need new models)

-!LR menu that either explains to people that it is custom LR and there isn't a menu or have the menu with basic LRs and/or auto beacon for common FD's so that no one forgets.
-Or warden menu that has a auto next round beacon for FD ppl.
-Jihad fd, phoneix fd, and Elsa fd commands so that the T who has it can type it himself instead of typing to admin chat for the admins to do it themselves (these LR's being timebomb, firebomb, and freezebomb respectively)
-Moon walk FD (.5x speed and .5x gravity)
-hcninja (hardcore nin fd, reg gravity but they have 3-5 smokes to kill someone)
-gravity command shows it resulting value like the way long jump does. So everyone knows what the gravity is set to.

**-sethealth defaults to 100 when given a target but no value

**-Regen command that heals ppl over time (we could then have a burning FD with 5 regen/s while you lose 5hp/s because of burn)

**-sethealth or ahealth in an area around your crosshair (like @aim with area) and possilbely the same for color or just have it targetable to a T so an admin CT can give HP without baiting.

**-DMG logs for freeshooting and freenades (instead of asking "WHO THREW THAT??")

-kinda hate how much people ask for ninja/sonic FD (ITS TOO MUCH) and this update will probably make it worse.


**EDITED anything with ** is new

Edited by Revöker

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Thanks for your input revolver.


I already knew about the fly thing, I have the fix in place, just have to put it on the server. 


The motd will be next on my list. I agree, it's a pretty important thing to have working on JB.


MOTD was broken in the most recent update dealing with the R8, and we have to wait until a fix is released (The error is on valves side, not ours).

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Add a chat print for last ct so that admins don't have to do it. I'd do it but since you are doing stuff

I like it, I'll put it together.


Little Idea, how about instead of /color player 255 255 255 255 and all that jazz that takes up time, we just get /color player (blue, green, black, red)

I probably won't do this anytime soon. I'm all for making life easier, but as is that would take away the ability to give people different shades and mixes of colors. However, I could (and possibly will, to make you lazy folks happy) add a /red <player> command, which would be the same as typing /color player 255 0 0 255, as well as /blue, /green, etc.


Also, updated a few things.

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