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Serif The Sheriff

New troll race

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Ok, so the new Troll race is freaking ridiculous and strong, anyone who thinks it isn't is dumb. Anyways, since the main argument to not put Longjump on KJ has been that it makes the race too op, look at Troll and then tell me KJ is too OP with LJ. GIVE KJ LJ!

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It is strong. You can also deal with it by using Frost Giant, Night Elf, Altana, or Dreadknight. I would imagine Keldon Warlord might work wonders too to disable his invulnerability? The only thing Troll might need is Necklace restricted, since I don't know if it does.


Give KJ LJ? No. Please no.

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Well what I know of Troll so far is that it has strong regen, a strong invuln with lowish cooldown, high mobility, and high invis which is a very strong combination of skills. I don't actually think the race is super OP because I had no problem countering it with NE, but my point is that we have a lot of really strong knife races that are way out of KJ's league because KJ doesn't have LJ like it should have by default and there are more and more people on the server who think it should have it. Although I know that's kind of up to the ENG and staff or whatever. But not only is Troll a strong race, you were on when FuFu was playing eariler tonight and FuFu knows he is bad at knife races and even said he was bad at knife races, yet when he hopped on Troll he was raping people that weren't on a counter-race or just aren't great players in general. Even some of the people who hopped onto NE after I did were still getting killed by him because when they tried to entangle he would just use his ult and prevent himself from taking damage, then once the entangle ran out he would just jump away taking minimal damage, or if he happened to take a decent amount of damage it wasn't very long at all before he healed it back and had his ult back up and ready to charge in again. The reason NE is a decent counter to it isn't because of entangle, it's because of entangle being paired with Trueshot which goes through evasion and invuln, so even though you aren't doing a whole lot of damage, you can still somewhat damage a Troll after entangling, which isn't something Dread of Altana can do if the Troll ults when you root it. Molecule is a race I see a lot of people go to when they want to counter knife races, but as far as I know, Trolls ult cancels out Molecules return damage and if that's the case then that is one knife counter that is now no longer a counter when the person playing Troll just sits back and waits for their ult to charge before they go in to fight, and that same thing makes NE, Altana, and Dread less effective counters. I have no idea how Frost fares against it since I haven't seen a Frost go up against a Troll and haven't tried it myself. The past few days that I have been back on the server, at least once or twice a day I hear people complain about how strong Troll is and until your post here, Bugs, I haven't heard anyone put up an argument against it being too strong. I saw a mediocre player on NE get whooped by a bad player on Troll which seems a little off lol. But that is all I have to say about the matter for now, although I'd like to see other people's input and if more people than you and skitt think that the race is fine the way it is and it's not too strong then I will hush up about it. But seriously, KJ should get LJ

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"My opinion is better than yours, everyone else is retarded"


good way to try to fix your issue buddy

"I'm going to hop into this thread and call you out for something you didn't actually do just because I don't know you or understand what you're doing"


This post wasn't a matter of me thinking my opinion matters most, it was a more joking post because I really want KJ to get Lj and am looking for any reason possible to get it to happen even though I know it probably won't. But way to add to the thread buddy lol

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becuz it can buy it? honestly, ive never played kj and thought i really need long jump. cuz u shud be buying it. the race is weak without it, but once u get lj, its easy mode. i never have a problem affording long jump every round on speedcastle, but thats the only map i play kj on so

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becuz it can buy it? honestly, ive never played kj and thought i really need long jump. cuz u shud be buying it. the race is weak without it, but once u get lj, its easy mode. i never have a problem affording long jump every round on speedcastle, but thats the only map i play kj on so

Well lot's of races can buy it... what you just said is the exact reason it needs it, it's shit without lj. If longjump was coded into the race you can change how powerful, therefore how OP, the longjump actually is. 

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Brb putting a 1% power longjump on KJ

Seriously though, KJ doesn't even need a very powerful LJ at all, because when it's High grav is paired with LJ it makes the LJ a lot stronger. So if you restricted lj as an item on KJ and gave it a Lj that was a little weaker than the buyable one that would be good enough

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Seriously though, KJ doesn't even need a very powerful LJ at all, because when it's High grav is paired with LJ it makes the LJ a lot stronger. So if you restricted lj as an item on KJ and gave it a Lj that was a little weaker than the buyable one that would be good enough


last time I gave a race a buff as an expertise that you requested you didn't even bother getting it.


I mean level 300 isn't THAT hard to get to.

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last time I gave a race a buff as an expertise that you requested you didn't even bother getting it.


I mean level 300 isn't THAT hard to get to.

Lol, I am still working on that expertise! That is pretty much all I have been doing since you added it, but I did take another month long break from the game which hasn't helped. But I am still working on that and if you don't believe just hop on the server for like 2 seconds because everyone hates me always playing that race. You made me the happest WC3 player in existence when you added that expertise. But I would still love for KJ to get LJ and then I would be satisfied for life. Unless you also wanted to buff Elementals regen or it's ult just a tad because that would make me love that race more than NE which is something I think the whole server would enjoy

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Lol, I am still working on that expertise! That is pretty much all I have been doing since you added it, but I did take another month long break from the game which hasn't helped. But I am still working on that and if you don't believe just hop on the server for like 2 seconds because everyone hates me always playing that race. You made me the happest WC3 player in existence when you added that expertise. But I would still love for KJ to get LJ and then I would be satisfied for life. Unless you also wanted to buff Elementals regen or it's ult just a tad because that would make me love that race more than NE which is something I think the whole server would enjoy


make a vote.

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Troll needs nerfed


You shouldn't have to counter troll by playing the bullshit gun races


Nerf troll 2014


Nerf nelf 2014


Nerf altana 2014 (we did it boys)


Dreadknight is meh


Frost giant literally has nothing else going for it so go nuts


edit: buff flimflammer 2014

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Uh, troll is amazingly strong.

It gets bonus damage that easily oneshots people.

Its ultimate counters common knife counters and is on a low cooldown.

It can buy mask, increasing its longevity as well.


I mean, I've watched Troll go 20:0 easily and kill 6+ people per round

It's the strongest knife race currently.

Grim Reaper is pretty amazing too but is much more mortal.

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