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Kinesiology or film media production...

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On a serious note; you sure these are the two you want to go into? Have you already explored other options? If so, just research both profession for employment %, pay, etc or you could always pick what you enjoy more.

Edited by Oreo

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Kinesiology isn't something you can hang your hat on. OT's and PT's who want an easier route to grad school usually major in Kinesiology. If OT or PT is your goal, I'd take this path. Film? Whatever. Its your parent's dime...

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I don't have a passion for anything at this point! I'm just in college because it's paid for with my scholarships. I don't plan to go to grad school, I don't want to major in something like business communications and wind up in corporate America, I don't think I could ever major in any one thing that I'd want to do the rest of my life ya know? Those two things just kinda interest me..

The only difference is kin is harder with labs and stuff and since I don't know what I want I feel like I should just do the easiest thing.. But I don't wanna end up changing my mind later on and wanting to do some normal career like PT but have all these credits in film or dance.. It's a struggle

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If you do kines, might wanna do grad school for it too. If you don't want to do it because you feel it will be hard with labs don't even try it.

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I don't have a passion for anything at this point! I'm just in college because it's paid for with my scholarships. I don't plan to go to grad school, I don't want to major in something like business communications and wind up in corporate America, I don't think I could ever major in any one thing that I'd want to do the rest of my life ya know? Those two things just kinda interest me..

The only difference is kin is harder with labs and stuff and since I don't know what I want I feel like I should just do the easiest thing.. But I don't wanna end up changing my mind later on and wanting to do some normal career like PT but have all these credits in film or dance.. It's a struggle



Try to find something you do enjoy or connect some of your qualities to careers. Do you enjoy working with people? In what way?  Do you enjoy how films are created? What goes in in producing? There are tons of questions you need to ask yourself and answer that should help you find what career you would like.

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When I was in high school, I had no interest in college. When I was in undergrad, I had no interest in grad school. What I'm saying is don't box yourself in, especially with a major that REALLY requires grad school to be truly utilized properly.

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Are you telling me to take kinesiology or not?


You may need to figure it out for yourself, I'm surprised you asked the trolliverse for help. 

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Don't go with something you aren't willing to put the work into. I suggest you try to go in undeclared or take a major which doesn't have any super special general education requirements. Take standard classes and then maybe 1 or 2 classes specialized in the areas you're interested in. If you like them, go with that major and if not switch it up. Good luck!

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go into voice acting and become a hot videogame voice actor, from there you will get free shit from all the gamer girls and guys.

but seriously just do what you enjoy the most and from there you will find success 

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