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Cross fire r9 290x and the future of 4k Resolution gaming

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Now I know a lot of you aren't into amd, saying that it's not up to snuff. But the benchmarks are just astounding. I would hazard to say 244hrtz monitors are coming this way and in a big way. It's reasonable to say we could have 4k resolution being a standard in the next 5 years IF it's affordable enough.




Albeit at 10% more then buying a single GTX titan, the performance is quite astounding. One could buy two TITANs and say "gg lewl feggets" but it's pretty damn expensive and in that price range I don't think anyone gives a poop about affordability. I just want some feedback on how you think the market is going to go. I know that gtx 770s (or 780s) have had their prices axed and thats understandable, supply and demand.. no one wants to supply if the demand sucks dick. 


Also I realize that the 780 TI is coming out. 


Lets see some discussion on this!

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All I know is I spent £950 ($1500-$1600) >.<  on a single GTX690 last year, of which I could have purchased two 780's now for a similar price. 

But still, I am happy with what I bought :D

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i payed 700€ for my GTX590 2 years ago and I don't regret it. It can still run all games on ultra but it just gets a bit hot.

Edited by Master Chief

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Thats the interesting thing, I have a old ASUS ROG g72. Has a gtx 260m and runs bf3 okay but it's 5 years old. 


Makes me think that I want to make one build I can upgrade upon

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Since AMD is finally catching up in the GPU market I will say this again. Firstly when upgrading always purchase the single most expensive GPU you can at the time you can always Xfire or SLI it later down the road. Secondly 240hz monitor isn't needed as once you get to 60fps/hz very few people will see the difference past that. 4k resolution won't be a standard within the next 5 years but i see 1440p becoming the next big thing. Until prices/manufacturing/supply improves 4k resolution will be strictly enthusiast level because of the cost. Also its kind of sad that AMDs next big GPU in Xfire is only 10% then a single Nvidia Titan and unless AMD revises something they will hit the physical wall limit of the speeds they can have standard on their cards.

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Firstly when upgrading always purchase the single most expensive GPU you can at the time you can always Xfire or SLI it later down the road.

Bullshit, never buy more than you'll use.


Secondly 240hz monitor isn't needed as once you get to 60fps/hz very few people will see the difference past that.

Also bullshit, Linus did a test on this. Your average everyday gamer won't always notice it right away, but as you become accustomed to 120hz/144hz, it's painful to drop back to 60hz.



Also its kind of sad that AMDs next big GPU in Xfire is only 10% then a single Nvidia Titan and unless AMD revises something they will hit the physical wall limit of the speeds they can have standard on their cards.

Dude, third strike,  you probably should've stayed banned, especially after this post. Have you been living under a rock? Mantle could make all of that IRRELEVANT if BF4 does it correctly and it becomes adopted. Major benchmark skewing aside, Mantle is a potential game changer for PC programming and could give AMD the market dominance it has never really had.


Jesus christ, can somebody ban this kid from Tech Center?

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Yea on the last section he couldn't be more wrong unless he forcefully threw the rest of the results away.

Seeing as CF 290x destroys the titan at 2560x1600.

Not to mention tomshardware did a review on this card as well and a single r9 290x can beat a titan at large resolutions.(4k)

Lastly, the 290x is primarily a competitor for the 780. Not the titan.

Edited by Joscal

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Evilhunter32, on 31 Oct 2013 - 5:01 PM, said:snapback.png

Firstly when upgrading always purchase the single most expensive GPU you can at the time you can always Xfire or SLI it later down the road.

Bullshit, never buy more than you'll use.


Your a fucking moron for believing as a gamer you will never use the full potential of a single gpu compared to 2 gpus

Evilhunter32, on 31 Oct 2013 - 5:01 PM, said:snapback.png

Secondly 240hz monitor isn't needed as once you get to 60fps/hz very few people will see the difference past that.

Also bullshit, Linus did a test on this. Your average everyday gamer won't always notice it right away, but as you become accustomed to 120hz/144hz, it's painful to drop back to 60hz.


Never even quoted 120/144hz i aimed my remark solely at 240 I guess you need glasses or you really like to cherry pick comments.


Evilhunter32, on 31 Oct 2013 - 5:01 PM, said:snapback.png

Also its kind of sad that AMDs next big GPU in Xfire is only 10% then a single Nvidia Titan and unless AMD revises something they will hit the physical wall limit of the speeds they can have standard on their cards.

Dude, third strike,  you probably should've stayed banned, especially after this post. Have you been living under a rock? Mantle could make all of that IRRELEVANT if BF4 does it correctly and it becomes adopted. Major benchmark skewing aside, Mantle is a potential game changer for PC programming and could give AMD the market dominance it has never really had.


Jesus christ, can somebody ban this kid from Tech Center?


AMDs next flagship card the 290x only 10% better than Nvidias Flagship keep in mind kiddies that it has to be a crossfire setup to be better.


Also at Joscal, I still stand by my points CF 290x(I dont give a shit if it is ment to compete with the 780) it is viewed as AMDs next flagship card and the fact that benchmarks are putting it only 10% over the titan in a crossfire setup is pathetic. Also the 780Ti had its specs leaked and even that card is better than the 290x. Like I said AMD has come a long way but they need to revise the way they are making their cards if they want to take over. Also I expect mantle to play a bigger part in the console market(since all 3 consoles use amd graphics) and doubt AMD Mantle will be as big as a change as they made the investors conference believe. Nice smoke and mirrors but everyone is taking AMDs word for face value considering how many "game changing" things they have said. I don't know why Mofl gets so butthurt over me criticizing AMD.

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Where in the hell are you getting 10% from. Mindsprings post? He means 10% more expensive.

Also I even stated that a single 290x beats the titan on some games.

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Joscal read this. I would "HOPE" that with 8 months being out that the Titan would have some challenge from a new video card but when it still can go toe to toe and in most cases slightly better it is rather said considering this card is ment to be the contender against 780.


Also Joscal im pretty sure the 10% isnt price as 560 compared to 999 it would need to be much bigger than 10% cost.

Edited by Evilhunter32

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Toe to toe isn't a challenge?

Additionally I didn't expect the 290x to compete with the titan at all.

I don't see AMD releasing a card that costs a thousand bucks just to out perform the titan.

When the 290x costs as much as the titan then you can cry about lack of a challenge.

And if you want to go there look at the 290x cf. Which is in the price range of titan. Soundly beats a titan for that price range.


Edited by Joscal

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Unless AMD or Nvidia has solved the secrets of microstuttering with CF/SLI 2 cards will theoretically have more power than 1 but will suffer from the setup. Your not disproving my point but not proving it either. Your argument "well 2 cards are just as good this 1." my argument "why get 2 cards that will have more problems together and just get the 1 card then?" your rebuttal "your a fucking faggot moron yoloswag420blazeitnoscope"  me " sigh "

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Seeing as I can't find the latency tests at this point doesn't help.

But if you can't see that spending half as much for a card that is on par with the titan is good then you cannot be helped.

So no, I'm talking about price per performance for these high end cards.

And depending on the latency tests, the argument would be two cards that are better than, not just as good as.

Lastly, I suggest actually reading the article next time.

Edited by Joscal

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I am actually quite impressed with myself. 




 Also it's not their "flagship" it's their latest build..the 7790 is comparable to the titan as well..


Sometimes I out troll even myself 

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