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Respawn Command

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There are already bad enough admins out there with other commands. There are only a few people with respawn right now, and though we could add more, it better not be to any old person like Ghost, etc.

Blobby he perma banned now because of his nob use of admining and his numerous number of freekills and offences like vent camping and shit :)

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Yeah L4 and L5 respawn command would be nice.

Its kinda bullshit if someone not even in the clan has more admin power than you.

$$$ brah. get some.

or atleast give it to sG Mbrs and trusted non-sG admins only

What about non-trusted members? (AKA, see above)

I'm gonna say more abuse for JB admins to do. Keep it to the managers and their buds. Sure, someone gets freekilled, tell them to suck it up and deal with it. I would probably freekill them just for complaining about getting freekilled.

This. I cannot go on the server without hearing people bitching and moaning about freekilling, etc. and then they start railing on admins for not doing their jobs/aboose, etc.

The only fun time to go on the server any more is the middle of the night (after 12/1am) - that's when the chill people (AKA 18+ and nonfaggots) are online...

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The only fun time to go on the server any more is the middle of the night (after 12/1am) - that's when the chill people (AKA 18+ and nonfaggots) are online...

This. I only love jailbreak when its late at night and nobody is bitching and moaning,and theres just the right amount of people. Not too much,not too little.

But yeah some L3+ Respawn command would be cool.......lol

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figures theres a new type of admin when i already bought premium and dont have the cash for it again :/

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figures theres a new type of admin when i already bought premium and dont have the cash for it again :/

correction, you just need the new package ontop of that :D (assuming you already have the 1st package of course)

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People shouldn' t respawn freekilled T's. Even though it's rule breaking. It's easy way, when it happens, to wipe out a few T's. On the other hand, a Last Request for all CT respawn would be in need for this admin power. When I first bought my admin, I talked to CoinStar as to why most admins didn't have this power. He said and I quote, "The Admins that have this power, bought the 20 dollar package. It came as a part of this 20 dollar package. We don't have the 20 dollar package anymore. I am waiting for the ones that still do, very few people, for their 20 dollar admin to expire. Once this happens, we consider adding it to the Premium 15 dollar admin. We may only just let staff admins use it in the future. It is undecided." End quote. I'm guessing once their twenty-dollar admin runs out, we will probably get the command. Who knows, not up to me.

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but.. like i said, only should go to sG members, and / or Trusted non sG members only.

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but.. like i said, only should go to sG members, and / or Trusted non sG members only.

pfft, no1 trusts me, and I has it.

Example of usefulnesski:

Last night we had a shitfuckton of RETARDED CTs in JB. There were dozens. literally. of rounds where multiple Ts were freekilled. several times in a row people were freekilled by idiots who didn't understand the orders. most of the time it was right near the beginning of the round, so I ended up doing a few respawns to sorta "reset" the round for the Ts...and by the end of the night had 3 CTs restricted for consistently failing hardcore (instead of respawning moar.)

Also, since it was like, 2am, we had the late night crew on, so they didn't act like retards and try to take advantage of respawns.

<3 Lazz/dys/inthebutt/Tubbbbblez

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well.. if they kept freekilling over and over after you tell them to stop and read the motd, that calls for a temp. ban. or a !ct 20. but theyl probably do it again after the restriction..

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