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Respawn Command

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Im suggesting that "sm_respawn" be added to the premium admin package for jailbreak admin.

Not all admins have it. Plus,the reason why all premium admins should have sm_respawn is because alot of people get freekilled,and some people have LR's where CT's are respawned.

So it seems sm_respawn could be a useful command to all admins and not just a few.


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Guest rw.Sentenced

Or atleast give some of the L4/L5's respawn.

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Yeah L4 and L5 respawn command would be nice.

Its kinda bullshit if someone not even in the clan has more admin power than you.

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I'm gonna say more abuse for JB admins to do. Keep it to the managers and their buds. Sure, someone gets freekilled, tell them to suck it up and deal with it. I would probably freekill them just for complaining about getting freekilled.

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Guest Waffle

How about you just don't get killed? No need for respawn if you don't even die.

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Guest Horny©at

sketch, you don't understand how useful this command really is. I honestly have never ever seen you play in jailbreak as long as some other admins so I wouldn't expect you to understand that this command is possibly the best command on jailbreak and the most useful. Not that many managers are on jailbreak. If I was able to use this command on jb, I would use it for good. Why the hell would I or anyone abuse it?

I agree with triv and skotti one this one. It would help more than hurt. I never understood why this command was restricted in the first place.

---------- Post added at 09:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 AM ----------

How about you just don't get killed? No need for respawn if you don't even die.

When I see you on jailbreak on the terrorist team and I'm on ct, I'm gonna try my hardest to show you how easy it is *not to get killed* with my m4. Let's see how good you are at dodging bullets.

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Klark was saying last night bringing inthat premium plus admin package didnt he? where you have timebomb, lowgrav, respawn and couple more which is basiclly a staff admin but that I cant remember. But If this does come in it will be abused alot by admins that dont even know the rules, it should only be like sold or given to trusted players that play alot and should have something like admin requirements before you buy it or something.

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There are already bad enough admins out there with other commands. There are only a few people with respawn right now, and though we could add more, it better not be to any old person like Ghost, etc.

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I'm gonna say more abuse for JB admins to do. Keep it to the managers and their buds. Sure, someone gets freekilled, tell them to suck it up and deal with it. I would probably freekill them just for complaining about getting freekilled.

Lol thats sketch for ya.

---------- Post added at 11:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 AM ----------

We should find some admin who are really great admins on JB server and who go on almost everyday. Those type of people should get the respawn command.

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lolz, this was like me asking for, and asking only for the teamswitch command on wcs1

seriously, that's the ONLY command i want

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Do you know how bad things could go if we hand commands out like bomb, gravity and respawn as well as sm_who?

Bomb is just fucking bad abuse, it went wrong when we handed it out to a couple of people, handing it out to 12 year old kids with credit cards will make it worse.

Gravity fucks up a client's game. The player has to rejoin the server, because even the normal gravity setting fucks shit up.

Respawn was only handed to a few people, it is still handed to only a few people. The people who have it don't abuse it, and when we had it temporarily open to the public, it was abused.

sm_who is a way for a retarded admin to blow up another admin's cover. People come in covers to help investigate shit, and retarded admins instigate shit instead by blowing up covers and being total douchebags.

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What mitch said...

There's enough admins with it as is. If there is massive freekill I will SOMETIMES respawn. But 3-4 kills isn't a need to respawn... Just either if the person is a regular that doesn't normally freekill, I'll slay and warn, and a new person is auto restricted assuming they don't know the rules... and if it's a massive freekill where there are only like 3-4 T's left standing, the round ends in like less than a minute anyways...

Sure it's helpful and fun.. But to be completly honest I wouldn't care if I had it or not.. It just brings more trouble into the server. And it would bring even more with everyone or even sG members having access... I almost always deny LR's that are like 'revive all ct's and do this' makes things take 5x longer than they should... The CT's are dead because they were stupid. They can stay dead... Giving it out, garunteed will lead to always at LEAST one admin accepting that every time it's asked.

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Guest Waffle

Mitch you told me 11 people had respawn! D:

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Hmmm... everyone has the who command on zm. but its not like 12 year olds go in there. thats the cool place.

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If you can't respawn on surf, it's because it's a skill map, not a deathmatch map. And if you can't spawn on bunnyhop, it's because there isn't enough spawn points. sm_respawn wouldn't work.

The first two come with premium (if I recall correctly)

This is what i got when i asked...

On JB i agree with mitch here

Sm_who = Bad

sm_respawn = Selected People

sm_timebomb/freezebomb/firebomb = MASSIVE ABUSE

sm_gravity = FUCKS everything up.

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We dont want death to be trivial in jb, because the server will turn to shit if the t's try and get themselves killed exploiting every rule expecting the admins to slay the cts and respawn you

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triv just wants it cuz he freekills alot :P jk, but yeah i agree to this, it should be given to a few more players that are always on jailbreak and to the ones that like know everyone as there isnt really enough or there arent any that can respawn in certain times of the server were alot of freekills and shit that happen and the ones that have it, they are like mainly on at the same time as the ones that also have respawn so should give it to those who would be in that time span wer noone can spawn, if you guys get my point lol. And hope that premium plus package wont come in.

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We dont want death to be trivial in jb, because the server will turn to shit if the t's try and get themselves killed exploiting every rule expecting the admins to slay the cts and respawn you

The server is already shit.

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Guest Waffle

I don't want respawn. As soon as you get it and people learn that you have it, fuck you're just a tool.

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I don't want respawn. As soon as you get it and people learn that you have it, fuck you're just a tool.

So much of this.

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