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  1. Upvote (+1)
    Sith reacted to Sandy in #Staff is bad :(   
    are you autistic?
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Sith reacted to Swed in #Staff is bad :(   
    Quality Shitpost
    Got sG members riled up
    Had no intention of achieving its goals
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Sith reacted to DMODW in #Staff is bad :(   
    Oh boy! I thought this was in the complaint department without even looking! I can leave this lenny face here now! 

    ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)

    This is all.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Sith reacted to Ironic in #Staff is bad :(   
    Oh no, please, anything but that!
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Sith reacted to Yunki in #Staff is bad :(   
    We have reviewed your complaint and have decided to reassign Ironic from a Staff member to a Server Officer
    Thanks for the report
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Sith reacted to DrummingScrub in No longer admin   
    I never tried to make a shitpost, just tried to inform people who actually care, and who are apart of the gmod players that I will no longer be an admin.
  7. Downvote (-1)
    Sith reacted to Hei in No longer admin   
    Never was even in sg. Ez 
  8. Downvote (-1)
    Sith reacted to Eeiu in No longer admin   
    how do i even reply to this shit
  9. Upvote (+1)
    Sith reacted to Moose in No longer admin   
    Mom saw the credit card charges.
  10. Downvote (-1)
    Sith reacted to Dylan in No longer admin   
  11. Upvote (+1)
    Sith reacted to Clamps in Suggested Plugin   
    Yeah that wouldn't make it any better on JB or War3 where hearing (footsteps or orders) is kind of a big deal. 
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Sith got a reaction from Hay0ger.Tonee in Getting gud at TTT...   
    The TTT equivalent to kill-whoring
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Sith got a reaction from Jodas in Getting gud at TTT...   
    The TTT equivalent to kill-whoring
  14. Upvote (+1)
    Sith reacted to Jodas in Vanilla Shenanigans 3: The directors cut   
    "I am the admin you pancake" 10/10 
  15. Upvote (+1)
    Sith got a reaction from Sandy in Vanilla Shenanigans 3: The directors cut   
    Time for the long awaited... VANILLA SHENANIGANS 3!



    Please notice the amount of times gnomes hit the defender with a HUGE.

    Guess you really need that ungag then, huh?

    This kid should never talk to the authorities. Never. Not even with a lawyer.

  16. Upvote (+1)
    Sith got a reaction from Jodas in Vanilla Shenanigans 3: The directors cut   
    Time for the long awaited... VANILLA SHENANIGANS 3!



    Please notice the amount of times gnomes hit the defender with a HUGE.

    Guess you really need that ungag then, huh?

    This kid should never talk to the authorities. Never. Not even with a lawyer.

  17. Upvote (+1)
    Sith got a reaction from iafunky in Vanilla Shenanigans 3: The directors cut   
    Time for the long awaited... VANILLA SHENANIGANS 3!



    Please notice the amount of times gnomes hit the defender with a HUGE.

    Guess you really need that ungag then, huh?

    This kid should never talk to the authorities. Never. Not even with a lawyer.

  18. Upvote (+1)
    Sith got a reaction from Cody in Vanilla Shenanigans 3: The directors cut   
    Time for the long awaited... VANILLA SHENANIGANS 3!



    Please notice the amount of times gnomes hit the defender with a HUGE.

    Guess you really need that ungag then, huh?

    This kid should never talk to the authorities. Never. Not even with a lawyer.

  19. Upvote (+1)
    Sith got a reaction from Jeff The Flying Shark in Vanilla Shenanigans 3: The directors cut   
    Time for the long awaited... VANILLA SHENANIGANS 3!



    Please notice the amount of times gnomes hit the defender with a HUGE.

    Guess you really need that ungag then, huh?

    This kid should never talk to the authorities. Never. Not even with a lawyer.

  20. Upvote (+1)
    Sith reacted to Ironic in Vanilla Shenanigans 3: The directors cut   
    GMod TTT for life!!!
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Sith got a reaction from Ironic in Vanilla Shenanigans 3: The directors cut   
    Time for the long awaited... VANILLA SHENANIGANS 3!



    Please notice the amount of times gnomes hit the defender with a HUGE.

    Guess you really need that ungag then, huh?

    This kid should never talk to the authorities. Never. Not even with a lawyer.

  22. Upvote (+1)
    Sith got a reaction from Avenger in Vanilla Shenanigans 3: The directors cut   
    Time for the long awaited... VANILLA SHENANIGANS 3!



    Please notice the amount of times gnomes hit the defender with a HUGE.

    Guess you really need that ungag then, huh?

    This kid should never talk to the authorities. Never. Not even with a lawyer.

  23. Upvote (+1)
    Sith got a reaction from Yunki in Random Warden Selection   
    Was on during this, can confirm, SO's weren't doing their jobs. Step it up
  24. Upvote (+1)
    Sith reacted to DMODW in A proper step by step guide into playing TTT better.   
    So! You're not very good at trouble in terrorist town? You feel belittled when you miss your shot, dumbfounded when you are killed while typing? 
    well no matter, cause with this handy dandy topic. we can all become better TTT players! 

    Our first order is to bind those keys! 
    Binding your keys is an important process, you may not have time to type/speak, you may not get the message across clearly, you may end up.. DEAD.
    so why bind your keys? in short form.
    it's useful, press that z button 2-3 times and suddenly people see that "R1S3T0P0W3R Is A Traitor!" 
    I've taken the liberty in adding these commands below
    "ttt_radio traitor" 
    "ttt_radio suspect"
    "ttt_radio see" 
    "ttt_radio yes (or no)"
    "ttt_radio see" and so on and so forth. don't know how to bind? No problem! you open console (`) (the button next to one commonly on a keyboard) 
    enter into the console bind (desired key) "ttt_radio traitor" and wallah, your keys have now been binded! 

    so, how does one be a good inno? 
    well that's easy! avoid trouble!
    you are inno, you don't need to hang out with the bad boys, you prove yourself if possible, and then you vanish! no harm in hiding, you may win the round for your team!

    specific maps have "instawins" such as ttt_minecraft_b5 where you can gather 8 diamond blocks to win! take advantage!
    Now for the fun part. how do you win as a traitor? well. I have an answer for you! 

    what you need is them fancy tools them traitors get in the C menu. I personally LOVE C4 and radars, map awareness is key, and if you know your surroundings, you can be sneakier. now that being said, you may not always be the sneakiest. never fear! a one shot headshot is here! grab a rifle, hide away, snipe away, commonly the commotion of death drives surrounding innos to kill one another on sus! take advantage! 
    using your new fancy binds, you can call false kos' (but don't do that if you're an inno that's a dick move!) call kos's on someone, anyone, and watch magic happen! you may cover your tracks by calling out someone else for the false kos, but this method is proven to get you killed! 
    plant a c4 before you die! <3 

    and last but certainly least, the Detective, The man of the hour, the big blue!
    how to play big blue? map awareness, buy that radar, know your surroundings, when someone is killed, dna scan the body, that is important and i'm sure we all know why! (law and order svu has taught me the ways of the dna!) you can easily weed out a traitor (not always the traitor) by a simple dna scanner, don't buy anything that looks fancy or buffs the health of others, they can fend for yourself, and that ump? who needs it! 

    you buy yourself a nice fancy vest, helps with that damage you know? and you are likely to live longer! so long as you are careful, a good detective is one that the traitors will always want to kill, for these are the rules of traitor combat! 

    choice of weapons? sniper / deag for accurate one hit kils, if you are inacurate (like me! ) you get yourself a shotgun, it's strong, kills people, is proven to be overpowerred, take advantage! 
    mac 10? who needs it? huge? who needs it!? pistol/glock who needs em! 

    the most important rule of TTT is. PEOPLE want to kill you, dont you wanna live? try your hardest to live! 
    stay away from the danger! be the danger! or detect the danger! 

    feel free to post tips and tricks and events of which you used your cunning knowledge to outsmart your foes! 

  25. Upvote (+1)
    Sith got a reaction from Ironic in Change some Admin commands request.   
    haha nothing better than people who don't play or administrate Gmod to tell people who play and administrate Gmod how to deal with issues on server's that they fucking play and administrate on a daily basis, amirite?
    People pay 10 bucks a month (most of the time) for paidmin and in return, have the opportunity to access commands that others don't. They receive a unique power that only sG members possess. With great power comes great responsiblitiy, blah blah. To make things short, Gmod has had its fair share of good and bad paidmins and they both have access to most of the commands that SO's do. You do not pay 10 dollars a month to fuck with the server, you're signing up to be a paidmin, not a justified RDM'er. If you wanna pay 10 bucks and don't wanna admin, we have donor for that. If you want paidmin, then you're gonna be held to standards. Not to say any of our current paidmins fall short of these standards, they don't. But we have had some who have (Pink*, Thotwalk).
    As far as I'm aware of, removing command power is not an individual thing Rune, it's through a group. So I think that if we were to remove it from one paidmin, it'd be removed from all paidmins.
    Imo, paidmins should be given the bare minimum to administrate the server (slay, aslay, kick, mute, gag, sban, sbanid, warn, bring, (noclip is a maybe, considering thotwalk)). Let's leave the fun stuff to SO's and Staff that didn't throw money in our faces to get a quick laugh and gained enough trust in the community to be responsible with those commands.
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