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Posts posted by lotmoshr

  1. First of all, GOOD WORK RIGHT HERE. Really, endless thanks for bringing this server back.


    Ditto on the return of the media player. Though maybe with something like an auto message in chat that, whenever a song starts playing, tells people how to use stopsound or mute the media player altogether. The chorus of people complaining on mic about the music being ear rape can be worse than the actual ear rape. I have no idea how that could be rigged up though.


    !trainfuck and !ach (at least I think it was !ach) would complete the nostalgia circle but aren't necessary (ie don't rush).


    Also, body bombs yo.


    Also #2, jw is kakariko village in the list of maps? 

  2. Just now, *star* said:

    eh most people don't understand that everything i say is usually a joke. my life is a meme, so everything i say is a meme. I understand why it does sound hostile, but really, i'm not trying to be. That's just how i sound when i talk, and i'm sincerely sorry for the disrespect, lot. 


    I dont get why you're gunna sit here and act like this gmod server is protected from getting dosed, considering my experience when it comes to computers and the information i could achieve means that someone who even had a bit more of skill than i do, could really fuck up the server. 


    i also dont get why we need to talk about this anymore. Can we just leave it at what it is instead of talking about it on other threads? That would be the adult thing to do. 

    Thanks for the apology at least.

  3. 2 hours ago, turbulance said:

    eh they could be right about what they are saying I am going to wait on the investigating. The only thing I didn't like is the all the shit talking and attacking that went a long with all the stories.

    Sorry man. All I can say is I was already in a bad mood and she decided to start calling me names for no reason. She claims the whole bitchass etc thing was a joke but her tone didn't suggest that. I've done my best to be polite to her, but she always responds to everything in a rude tone and with hostility. When she complains about every little rule or custom on the server I try my best to be civil and explain but she always just replies with more rudeness and "that's fucking stupid". I'm pretty much known at this point for tolerating too much shit from trolls and yesterday I just wasn't in the mood of having it, so yeah I went off in that thread, it's not something I do often but when it does come out it comes out hard.

  4. Just now, Rune said:


    " I used to be a sever owner, and if there aren't admins on that's how you get dosed"



    The two of them telling everyone about the servers they own/have owned has become a meme they say it so much lmfao


    @Junzou yeah man and I'm never online, ignore the fact that I'm usually on every day 8:30pmish-3amish EST which is towards the end/after the hours they play on, ignore the fact that I purposely choose whichever server has less admins on to keep things balanced, they never see me so I'm  obviously never there 

  5. I think you've misunderstood. I meant "so ban" to refer to the whole paragraph, including the part you didn't quote. Looking back I can see how you'd take it to think it was only because of the arguing but that's not how I meant it, just late at night and I'm already autistic to begin with so wording things isn't my best talent right now.

    Anyways if they want to shorten his ban it's not the end of the world to me. 


  6. Agreed. Too many pewdiepie fans thinking that screaming their heads off is the way to make us laugh. Its just annoying, though .-.

  7. In the summer, staying up until 3am was fine... But now I'm in my senior year of highschool, so my grades actually matter. I have to get up at 6am so I don't miss my bus and because of like 8 million sleeping disorders, it takes me at least two hours to fall asleep. So I'd only be getting one hour of sleep. Lots of SOs/admins are in the same or similar boat as me.

    Like other people have said, all you can really do here is buy admin. Or, fix your sleeping schedule ya crazy bastard.

    What we need to do is find some Aussie who can somehow get our server and make em an SO.

    Also, street justice is a really bad way to deal with things. All it does is create confusion and even more RDM. Better to just report them on the forums.

  8. My detective skills were on point on custom the other day.

    I was a traitor.

    Really happy about this.

    Ha ha but no guess what lot you get to get jihaded a minute in

    Wait, the killer was innocent??

    How do inno com home and make hte jihad?

    Checked logs

    0:10: Faggot (traitor) bought a jihad

    0:11: Faggot (traitor) dropped a jihad

    0:50: Nerd (innocent) killed several thousand people with jihad

    Death scene from another report at the time showed Faggot and Nerd next to each other at 0:10

    Faggot and Nerd are friends on Steam

    Faggot and Nerd have been trolling idiots over the mic together

    ez ban ez life

    Names have been changed to protect my memory that can't do the memory

  9. I'm pretty sure there is already an automated chat announcement, and every time you die it asks if you were RDMed. (Unless T on Inno)

    Despite this I still get people yelling that they were rdmed, without even bothering to make a report.

    There's also always some guy who's totally quiet, doesn't make a single report, and then out of nowhere blows up in admin chat going "I WAS RDMED THREE ROUNDS AGO WHY HAVENT YOU BANNED THE GUY YET DO YOUR JOB OMG!!!!!!!"

    Sent from my Digital2 Platinum using Tapatalk

  10. There's kids that don't know what SO is, just knowing 'Admin' and 'Mod', so they think I'm a fake admin or something or that I don't have any authority whatsoever so they'll talk shit and call the SOs bad

    Player: are there admins on

    Other Player: check tab duh

    Player: *checks tab*

    Player: *sees multiple SOs*

    Player: there's no admins we can rdm

  11. I didn't get a demo of it unfortunately, but the other day this happened and it was hilarious:

    Am traitor

    Shot an inno who was near death, point blank with a shotgun

    Inno took no damage

    Inno shot me

    I took no damage

    Inno suddenly flew backwards, dead, I was the killer

    G fuckin g

  12. I would say it shouldn't be KOSable but if we're going to warn or slay about it then a line should be added to the motd. "Ignore KOSes written on walls", something like that.

    As DarkPredator said, an actual KOS is through chat usually, someone who's being shot at or running from a traitor or something wouldn't take time to spell it out on the wall with a crowbar.

    Additionally, if we let wall KOSes be legit KOSes, then people could use it as a way to RDM. Person X writes "KOS Person Y" on the wall, both are inno. Person Y gets killed, but nobody saw who wrote it on the wall. So, Person X just effectively called an rdm kos on Person Y and is now going to get away with it.

    If staff agree with me, I am serious about adding something to the motd, this has been a recurring issue lately.

  13. And hilarity ensued.


    So the other day I banned two guys on vanilla TTT for rdm or trolling or something, I don't really remember exactly what. Then, of course, since this is vanilla TTT I wake up to 193 comments from these two fucktards being salty because they got banned. Their plan backfired though because instead of being angry I'm actually laughing my ass off at this.

    You can go to my Steam and look at them all yourself if you want, I'm keeping all of them for future lols.

    Here are some of the intelligence exuding highlights:

    • "fuck me harder pls i love it baby pls marry me lets run away fuck the childrens"
      -ur mom getting fucked by ur dog
    • u will be the best admin in the world
      -ur dad........never
    • "If idiots grew on trees, my pu$$y would be a tree garden xd" -Ur Mom, 2015
    • ur mom write a poem and send it to me so now I share wit u

      "i am stuopid bitch"

      -ur mom
    • canada is like weed cuz is a stupid thing HAHAHAHA XDDDD sister proud evryday
    • ur mom is ur boyfriend
    • penis poop dick nigger lover shit keyboard dick dick dick ur mom and ur sister horny in KFC
    • hahahaha 666 satan is ur dad hjahahaahahaahaha h666
    • you: " Oh im an admin so I do what i want ahhaha"
      me: "no pls dont ban me"
      you: "hahaha no im a fag admin so i ban u"

  14. I've had a pretty good idea knocking around my head for a bit too.

    I have some experience in scripting and I think I could make a script that would let me be a T every round.

    Think about it.

    I've actually been on a custom server once where you could buy a T round in the point shop for 3000 points. Only problem that came out of it is some rounds people would all agree to buy a T round and then suddenly there's 26 traitors and one inno....

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