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Posts posted by Taboo

  1. Am I the only one in this community that only sleeps 4 hours on average?


    If you have overcome it I'd like to know how.

    nope, I also sleep 4~ hours, but I take a 2 hour nap later in the day (which doesn't really help)

  2. I know, I just thought that they since they were on separate topics, I might as well do 2 separate posts. Probably makes more sense to edit though. 

    it's annoying to others but since this is the anime forum so i doubt anyone cares here

  3. I bought it a few days ago and I have about 20~ hours on it so far (40-50%~ into the game)

    If anyone was considering to purchase it or not, do it. If you have a nintendo 3ds with spare cash and you like old school final fantasy (like pre 10), you'll probably love this game.

    The combat system is a remastered version of older FF games like Final Fantasy 5, but you can sort of combine 2 classes together (so one hero can use Black Magic as a main job, and then White magic as a sub-job although it will be weaker)

    The combat is also very much high risk high reward style because of the Brave and Default system which will become very natural to you with time. The normal mobs are no joke either since they can possibly KO your entire team of 4 in one turn if you make a mistake.

    A lot of bosses are Humans that use a certain jobs like Monk or White Mage. You start off as a Freelancer (aka novice pretty much) but as you kill them, you'll gain their job as a reward for you to use (there's a fuckload too).

    The ost is also really good, composed by REVO, and I believe the opening song is sung by by Linked Horizon (the composer and band who did Attack on Titan's opening themes)


    The story is about crystals (what a surprise) that sustain the world with life and darkness begins to corrupt them and you pretty much go and save them lol, not much to really summarize but that's the gist of it. There's a lot of character interaction between your party, along with sub quests and other stuff. Also you can change the voice language to Japanese instead of english if you prefer it that way.

    You also get to fly/sail an air/seaship around the world.

    If you already have the game and want to add me, just pm me for my friend code.
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