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  1. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from Revöker for a bug, Plugin that gives you your skins doesn't work on weapons spawned by templates   
    As this has been the preferred method for maps to spawn guns for a while (because prespawned guns use up entities and game_player_equip causes more lag), it would be nice if the plugin were fixed to skin these weapons too.
    This is easily reproduced: on maps like dojo and undertale press one of the buttons in armory and observe your unskinned weapon. Press a button on clouds (game_player_equip) or avalanche (prespawned guns) and observe your skinned weapon.
  2. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to Smash for a bug, List of Smoke bugs   
    If you respawn you spawn with no smoke and immiedatly gain one from Smoke Grenades, causing it to go on cooldown.
    Trickster Assassin while a barrel is immune to esp(probably not just smokes ESP, haven't had a chance to test it.)
    If you have no other smoke grenades and get another one while planting the bomb you will stop planting(probably can't be fixed, but is a bit annoying.)
  3. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from Moose for a bug, Spray sound removed   
    Valve removed the spray sound (spray cases incoming??) while updating the gun sounds, so when you spray your spray it is silent.
    This guy on alliedmods uploaded sprayer.wav so we can have the beautiful "psssh" sound back: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=2454922&postcount=119
  4. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot reacted to Yunki for a bug, !checkban not working for admins   
    Admins used to be able to !checkban other players to see information regarding their CT ban, now when you !checkban someone it disregards the name you put after the command and just tells you whether or not you are CT banned.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from Revöker for a bug, sm_mute bugs   
    Unmuting people muted by default (terrorists, dead people) doesn't display a message in chat. This leads to immediate confusion for the player, the admin and everybody else as to whether or not they are unmuted. Muting and gagging people defaults to 30 minutes, but they get unmuted at the start of the round. Either the messages/defaults should be fixed or they should remain muted. I've heard that muting someone twice unmutes them.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from Moose for a bug, SOs have 99 MVP stars instead of 90   
    After a recent update, SOs show up with 99 stars on the scoreboard instead of 90 like they used to. This makes it harder to tell SOs and Staff apart at a glance.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from Moose for a bug, sm_ct reason is garbled if it contains an apostrophe   
    If you restrict someone with a reason which contains an apostrophe the reason becomes garbled and usually gets cut off due to the limited reason length.
    For example, if you were to run
    sm_ct thorgot 20 didn't respect mah authoritah
    The reason would become something like
    didn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t r
    This has something to do with the way it is escaping the apostrophe. I would suggest to just strip apostrophes from the reason because fixing the way it escapes apostrophes would probably be more difficult.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from Moose for a bug, sm_strip message bug   
    I can't remember exactly what the bug is, but I know that stripping one person's weapon_knife strips it but displays a message saying they don't have one. I believe a message is correctly displayed if you don't specify the weapon to be stripped.
  9. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from Moose for a bug, sm_mute bugs   
    Unmuting people muted by default (terrorists, dead people) doesn't display a message in chat. This leads to immediate confusion for the player, the admin and everybody else as to whether or not they are unmuted. Muting and gagging people defaults to 30 minutes, but they get unmuted at the start of the round. Either the messages/defaults should be fixed or they should remain muted. I've heard that muting someone twice unmutes them.
  10. Upvote (+1)
    thorgot got a reaction from xmen for a bug, Map file downloader adds nonexistent files to the download table   
    When you connect to the server, a sourcemod plugin on the server tells you to try to download a txt file with the map's description, a dds file with the map's radar, etc. However, for many maps some or all of these files don't exist. Since each request takes a fraction of a second to try to connect to the fastdl to download the nonexistent file, this can add up to a second or more of time wasted every time people connect. It also looks more unprofessional to have error messages for missing files every time someone connects.
    Please check for each file's existence on the server and only add it to the download table if it is real.
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