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Posts posted by thorgot

  1. Distortion fixes and tweaks:

    • Fixed bug where the timer giving you blinks would stack every round you survive until you were getting them faster than you could use them.
    • Fixed bug allowing you to blink with the hostage if you mashed ultimate.
    • Lowered duration images would stick around by 1s
    • Lowered ability damage from 10/20/30 to 10/15/20.
    • Restricted health.

    Xian tweaks:

    • Reduced evasion from 33% to 25%
    • Increased ultimate cooldown from 4s to 5s.
    • Restricted regen and claw.

  2. So can we get this implemented pronto? Or is it hard to do? I'm down for names idea.

    It's not hard but it's probably a few days of work. There's no easy way to get map times from gameme, so this will need a new database table and we'll probably have to write a script to insert existing times into the database. Then we'll have to modify the vanilla sourcemod map vote plugin to show bonus xp in the nominate and vote menus. The actual bonus xp, amusingly, will be the easiest part.


    I wouldn't expect anything until after the event, but you never know when free time pops up unexpectedly.

  3. I don't know how it is coded, but currently regenerating armor creates a helmet when it reaches 100 (e.g. wizard, I believe ranger would do this as well if the helmet was simply removed first round).

    Good point, I probably would have forgotten that one.

  4. Thread does bring to mind the question of why our buy time is so long. We have a good 1-2 minutes of buytime of our 3 minute rounds -- there really is no reason for that besides promoting stagnant gameplay. I know some people who camp spawn just for the fact that they can spray with their m4a1-s's more often if they do so.

    I could add an artificial buy time of say 20 seconds that gets reset if you respawn. That would solve the ammo problem too.




    on topic - I agree with removing free head armor first round. It's incredibly frustrating to double dink someone on round 1 with a p2k and not kill them just because they were playing Ranger or Musician/Jukebox. Classes that get free armor can still the helmet for $350 but if it were possible to add a clause to not give helmet to all the races that give free armor that would be nice. Either that or we can increase starting cash to $1k so everyone can have a helmet if they want it, but I think this was denied in the past because someone (thorgot?) wanted pistol rounds to actually feel like pistol rounds.

    Yes, helmet and armor are separate values.

  5. Is "crit" generalized or is there a difference between gunshots and crit nades? This is Ghoul's chance!

    Crit is a general skill which 26 races deal damage with. Orc does "criticalnade" and "criticalstrike" damage due to having been written before the general extra damage function was added.


    The races which currently do crit damage are Priest, Blademaster, Machinegunner, Soul Stealer, Dante, Night Elf, Alistair, SWAT, Glockness, Smoke, Persnickety, Soul Spectre, Trekts, Dread Knight, Luna, Kozu, Cannibal, Shadow Lurker, Adventurer, Shopkeeper, Swag7, New Game Plus, Gargoyle, Altana, Marine and Cultist. I will post this list in the event thread too.

    • You can now view the top players for a skill!
    • Search for a skill by typing skillstats <skill name> or select a skill in a player's skill stats.
    • You can sort the top skill stats by kills, damage, and deaths. Once the event starts you'll be able to sort by event kills and event damage as well.


    Some fun things to try: skillstats stone form, skillstats flashbang, skillstats crit

  6. One of the problems with balancing war3 is deeply rooted against weapon balance changes valve makes. Most of the time we are at the mercy of that and will have to deal with it for a short duration. Now I'm not a engineer to make this call but this is my assumption that we wont be changing every race affected by weapon balance changes by valve.

    He raises a good point about head armor round 1 and rebuying non-HE grenades, though. The pistol issue is a part of the CSGO meta of pistols being incredibly strong. While it's likely those pistols will be nerfed somewhat, I still think it's worth removing automatic round 1 head armor to get a more pistol-round-like pistol round. And we can also fix the grenade issue which comes about because of the long buy time (which is for people who respawn).

  7. Bounty Collector - Is Bounty Collector for the server plugin bounty? That's not a war3 plugin so it would require a bunch of work to allow war3 to modify things like bounty values.


    Bounty Board - The race uses the scout so is presumably going to be long range most of the time, but gets ESP for the prey when they are nearby? That doesn't seem like it will work together very well. Also, any ESP for a gun race needs careful thought. Even 500 units will give you an outline to shoot in the head through walls. We need a weaker ESP that is just a sprite so you don't know exactly where to shoot for a headshot.


    Smoke Bomb - There's no way to selectively choose who sees a smoke so you'll have to rethink this one. Also, this seems identical to Smoke's damage skill.


    Pistol Whip - I assume this is close range? What's to stop you from stunning your enemy and then shooting them in the head while they are immobile and unable to shoot for 1.25 seconds? Or did you mean bash only?


    Poison Trap - visible to enemies or no? Can they be stacked or do they have to be a minimum distance from each other?


    Scouting Hawk - I like this ultimate.

    • Fixed Pyro ultimate getting stuck. Some grenades may be glitchy and may just stick into the wall, but that's better than not having missiles for the rest of the round.

    Pyro will now be able to attack instantly after receiving a grenade. This will still interrupt attacks in progress but if you click again you will immediately attack.


    I've been saying like 2 years ago, to just about every single engi and staff member, that we need to either incentivize playing different maps or increase the map limit so that you can't play the same map every 2 maps.


    Some ideas I was thinking of were:

    • play consecutively 6 different maps and for the 7th map, all cash gained will now be doubled( includes kills, defuses, even the money admins give out)
    • Map of the day: increase in either cash flow, reduce the shopmenu item prices on that map by 50%, maybe some double xp on the map of the day.

    Do you guys like this or no? What problems do you see in something like this? I'm interested to see what you guys think. I personally believe if something like this were implemented on the server, map diversity and general server quality would go up.


    The problem is that people like to play the maps you know and leave if they don't recognize the map. If you force people to avoid maps they like, they won't play.


    That said, having another map each day that gives some bonus like 50% extra xp would balance the maps people love with playing something new. I like that idea.




    Yea, I never understood why is it that we took crack house out but not deadwood or himeji and all that other shit.


    or apache B rush map :<

    Disabled all three of those. Anything else?


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