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Posts posted by Ivanns

  1. Just so you know this isn't directed at anyone in particular, just a reminder that an event should happen and hopefully it can establish a consistent population of at least 5-6 players which will attract other players. In the past I have been one of the people trying to populate the server when it has 1-3 people on but I realized that it is a losing strategy. I would get up to around 12-15 players on most days from the time I started and it would only last for couple of hours. After people will slowly start leaving and the server will die again. That was during around mid July to mid August, which is definitely a busier season than September since as you mentioned school started. 


    The reason why an event, even at this time in September, could be successful is because it serves as advertisement for the server. Regulars from other servers such as Jailbreak, Warcraft, or ZE come and try out the event, making the population rise. With the rise of the server's population more randoms join the server and TTT regulars are hopefully established. When the event ends, population once again declines but since there are now regulars, the server can sustain itself. Obviously an event is not a full proof plan to get the server population up but it is the best chance.  

  2. Alright real talk topic. Whoever is in charge of making events on staff, stop making events for Warcraft or ZE servers which are full 24/7 anyway. At the start of August I have been told that a TTTGO event should be coming up soon. Its mid September now. If you guys want to keep this server dead as it is, might as well remove it from the server box. Lets at least make a TTTGO event and hope that it repopulates the server.



  3. So this guy thinks we can't recruit to our own clan on our own servers? Pls...


    Also it is clearly stated in the rules that unauthorized advertising isn't allowed.

    Advertising - Advertising including, but not limited to links to other clans/servers not authorized by a Joint Chief of Staff is not allowed.


    The tards these days.. lol


    I can't believe Bulldog held out and tolerated his stupidity. Props to you Bulldog. I can't be bothered to be civil with people who completely disrespect someone when talking to them or about them. 

  4. Based on the laws where I live in Ontario, Canada, he's right.


    Anywhere men are allowed with their shirts off, women are also allowed with their shirts off.

    If anyone restricts that or makes it unequal in any way, they can be brought to court.


    A big example is on beaches and at water parks. Women are allowed to be topless because men are as well.


    I hope I get to see some of those topless women at Wonderland when Splashworks open up. Kappa

  5. A for fun team surely will work in this community but a professional level team is highly unlikely. To compete on the level of even tier 2 pro teams, you need dedication of at least 10 hours a day, 7 days a week, at least 6k MMR which will showcase that you know enough about the game and possess the skill required and most importantly you need to have the willingness to always strive to improve even at the lowest points. I hate to burst your bubble but I don't see a Counter Strike based community achieving these feats. 


    TL DR Fun team is okay but professional team is unlikely.

  6. Sorry for slacking. I'll try to get everything done by end of Sunday at the latest. Also no more submissions after this since my time is getting more and more busy. Current people who are still need to be done:











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