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Posts posted by Moose

  1. yo why cant i sign up my friend he wants to play but doesnt have a forum account


    he has the required hours???? pls respond!


    There's no requirements for forum presence. Just 50 hours in game. Have him make an account and post.


    My friend is doing the same, here's his info - he needs his post approved before it'll show up I guess since it's his first post. 

  2. Cuz MM is great, giving a terrible player some high rank by playing the same map over and over.


    Go play a standard rotation map (dust, nuke, inferno, mirage etc) and then post a screenshot of you beating adren.

    Because you won't.



    Jeez dogs, stop hatin :P

    He has a point. You won't beat him in a map where he knows how to hold angles and such.


    On the other side, it was his choice to have vertigo in his matchmaking queue.


    Finally, Piero stop trying to boost your rank playing vertigo.

  3. So in JB right now I had a player telling me they're getting the same error that I got yesterday.


    I told them to try the two different ports, 15 and 16 and it didn't help them. Steam status seems to be ok.


    If it helps at all, there have been no Case or Weapon Skin drops in JB for the past 4 maps now.

    They did just update, and if you haven't been kicked out of game yet, you probably will be soon.


    PS. Buy up all the m4 howl's as they got in trouble for copyright issues and there will be no more.

  4. Clearly sG just likes to time their CS:GO events with the ESEA Lan finals :o

    Good thing nobody here are esea invite players.

    Wait brb recruiting shroud for my team...


    Soo... When are we picking teams/captains. I would like to be a captain this time.

  5. You've got quite a bit of good advice from people already. We're all gamers here, and some with more relationship experience than others.

    For me personally, my wife doesn't really like how much I game. She prefers I'd come downstairs and spend more time with her (I've cut back gaming substantially since being engaged/with school so it's not as bad anymore). But she also understands that after 6 hours at school, another 6 at work, and then countless hours spent doing homework, sometimes I need time to unwind and many times that is through gaming.

    It sucks as you obviously care a lot about her as she's your fiancée, but you also can't be miserable to make someone else happy. If she can't see that you have taken steps to make it better but you still need some of those things that you enjoy then it will just get worse. What happens when you're always around each other once you get married and can't get those one or two games in?

    You just need to sit down and talk without getting mad. Don't make ultimatums. Those rarely lead to a compromise of both people and someone ends up upset.

  6. I can see some problems with this. It will be harder for Ts to rebell in some ways. Like when cell doors open and you run infront of another cell wich has stacked Ts so your'e closer to the vent cell. That will be harder to do if all Ts have different skins because then you might be recognized as the T who ran when theyre in stack because and you'll get killed just because of that. What I mean is that it will be harder to rebell to later enter a stack and not be recognized as the rebeller. 


    But if you just add like just 3 different T skins that look a lot similar to the default one these problems wont too bad. 

    As shadow said, there's nobody in sG that works with csgo models.


    They would love to create their own models, but it's a lot of time and nobody has experience doing so. They're doing what they can with what they have.

  7. Go on a cruise to Vegas,cali,Bahamas,mexico for 1 year or would u want 100,000 dollars?

    please don't give me reasons to vote no...


    I know it's spam, but I'm already on the fence.

  8. Rather than figuring out the exact amount of missing data that I have had/am in need of proof, can I just have a general statement vouching that I have played 1500+ hours in sG servers?

  9. I didn't want to make an app just to have it closed, so I figured I'd post here to see what the consensus was on rank waivers.


    About a year ago I applied for VET, and had my app closed due to not accepting waivers at that time (The system had just been redone fairly recently). I've had quite a few staff/ex staff tell me to just go and apply for it again, and since I feel like I've stepped up my activity both on forums and servers it would be a good time.


    As a side note, I don't know if I'd really even need a waiver because my stats are so messed up. I know my CS hours aren't right, due to the fact that around the time SO's first came about and I was asked if I wanted to be one, I was around 1000 hours in sg source servers. On top of that I put in countless hours into Gary's Mod that Zach said there was no way of retrieving since it was long ago.


    For forum posts, I'm on daily, but I don't like to just post for the sake of post counts. If something actually interests me, or I have input that I think is of value I will post, but I also lost ~500 posts when the forums rolled back.


    Overall I feel like I meet the criteria of the rank, and plan to stay active putting in my 15ish hours a week that I've been doing lately. I'd love to put even more time and commitment into the community making it better, but getting closer to completing my major as well as working close to full time takes it's toll, so we'll see what the future holds.

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