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Lesbian Dad

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  1. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from AntyCrix in BF4 can be this fun   
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from Count in iBUYPOWER   
    not a bad choice, though pre-builds take a away the fun of choosing your own parts and the even more fun part of building it.
    no sarcasm here.
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from water.exe in MERRY CHRISTMAS WHAT DID YOU GET?   
    nintendo sixty fouuurrrrr
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from Joscal in Vex's Official PSA on Why Not to Buy The Stanley Parable   
    well, there is the deceit of TSP, it doesn't really have a story. it's about embracing what the "game" offers to you as a player within its realm. Gone Home, Dear Esther etc. are all told from a perspective, both of which are VERY immersing to the player because they really don't have much else to offer. they are simple in their mechanics, complex in detail. whether or not you think TSP executes on those values, is completely different. in my apt comparison to the other titles like Gone Home, I see that exact same connection. blinding as it may be to a lot of people, I adore a lot of the experiences because they are an escape from the ordinary game. a story worth playing it. that's where the value you is. 
    call it whatever you want: art, a video story ... Journey has the same linear progression, the experience of a meaningful story with a blend of gorgeous visuals. TSP does not share those exact same features on the surface, but certainly exhibits them.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from water.exe in Vex's Official PSA on Why Not to Buy The Stanley Parable   
    well, there is the deceit of TSP, it doesn't really have a story. it's about embracing what the "game" offers to you as a player within its realm. Gone Home, Dear Esther etc. are all told from a perspective, both of which are VERY immersing to the player because they really don't have much else to offer. they are simple in their mechanics, complex in detail. whether or not you think TSP executes on those values, is completely different. in my apt comparison to the other titles like Gone Home, I see that exact same connection. blinding as it may be to a lot of people, I adore a lot of the experiences because they are an escape from the ordinary game. a story worth playing it. that's where the value you is. 
    call it whatever you want: art, a video story ... Journey has the same linear progression, the experience of a meaningful story with a blend of gorgeous visuals. TSP does not share those exact same features on the surface, but certainly exhibits them.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad reacted to water.exe in Vex's Official PSA on Why Not to Buy The Stanley Parable   
    Vex I'm pretty sure now you are just mad that this game didn't have anything you like. Also comparing this game to Journey is pretty fucking accurate I loved Journey in the sense that everything had to be found and when you randomly met someone else and they showed you all the neat secrets and scribbled in the sand you grew attached to the character and hes more than just a voiceless person wearing a robe hes a metaphor for you and just as quickly as you met your new friend he disappears in a sandstorm. Guns,extreme violence =/= top tier games. Games are an art and with art they must convey a story and some games do it better than others. Sure there will be people like you who bought Stanley Parable and didn't like it and that is fine but blindly telling others to not purchase something they may like is why your getting completely shit on in your own thread. Now had you made a thread to discuss Stanley Parable instead of saying "HUURRRR DURRRRR I DONT LIKE DONT BUY" maybe people would have respected your opinion on the game.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from water.exe in Vex's Official PSA on Why Not to Buy The Stanley Parable   
    so, it looks like we found yet another commentator on the types of games like Gone Home, Dear Esther, Journey, Heavy Rain ... even the old Lucas Arts adventure games kind of boil down to same thing and what I enjoy very much about ever single one of those games, including The Stanley Parable: the story and experience.
    you my friend are in the commentator group of: didn't like it and or didn't get it. which is totally fine. but, you should've known what you were getting into. the argument of not getting your money's worth works against you in this case, you did indeed get suckered. and I'm sorry you feel that way but, it comes with the territory.
    but, there's always Call of Duty.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from BeauutifulChaos in Vex's Official PSA on Why Not to Buy The Stanley Parable   
    so, it looks like we found yet another commentator on the types of games like Gone Home, Dear Esther, Journey, Heavy Rain ... even the old Lucas Arts adventure games kind of boil down to same thing and what I enjoy very much about ever single one of those games, including The Stanley Parable: the story and experience.
    you my friend are in the commentator group of: didn't like it and or didn't get it. which is totally fine. but, you should've known what you were getting into. the argument of not getting your money's worth works against you in this case, you did indeed get suckered. and I'm sorry you feel that way but, it comes with the territory.
    but, there's always Call of Duty.
  9. Downvote (-1)
    Lesbian Dad reacted to Vexium in Vex's Official PSA on Why Not to Buy The Stanley Parable   
    Don't play this game. It's a waste of money. You think it will be deep. Maybe in some parts it is - on a surface level. But ultimately, to save you time, here's the underlying message: games are really like real life, so go out and play in real life instead of following the computer's orders in a simulated environment.

    'Cept the reason you play videogames isn't to find one that is so downright dull that it is just like real life. And that's what The Stanley Parable really is. A steaming pile of utter garbage straight from the cesspools of mediocre game design and incompetent storytelling.

    Some people argue that this game is a work of art. Really? And what was artistically profound about it? The series of linear choices you made? The randomly generated changes when you completed an ending? The amount of metanarrative conceptualization and the hilarious ways in which you would waste your time trying to find entirely pointless developments that offered no insights?

    How about that ending that caused you to quit out of the game? Ooh boy, what an exciting ending. I'm sure that really got you going, eh. You got to walk around a museum and see what the game's creation really was like! Wow! Another brilliant narrative development.

    How about the time you followed a line for multiple playthroughs and the same boring, hackneyed idea was drilled into your retinas for close to 30 minutes?

    But, sure. Maybe that's art. Maybe. For some really hipster kids who don't understand what the word 'art' implies (hint: effort and creativity). Maybe you think wandering around a Halflife 2 mod's simulated version of an office with no gameplay mechanics is fun. Maybe you think Minecraft and Portal references are the peak of ironic allusions to consumerism in the digital world.

    Even then, The Stanley Parable is a worthless pile of dung, not fit for the cost nor the measley time it takes to play. By the way, the game lasts about... oh... 20 minutes per playthrough. And at best, you'll play it for 5 hours to find the endings you want by diverging on certain sets of linear paths (and yes, they are highly linear - not complex at all) to find the 10 or so endings the game offers.

    No, no countless narrative structures. No endless divulging explanations into games, into existence, into the power of choice. Just several rather typified remarks on life, society, and the digital age we live in. You'd find more entertainment in an Ayn Rand novel.

    Now, before you critique my critique, I have played through every ending and literally every variant of decision-making in the game. And that only took 3 hours. Most of the longer plots have interesting commentaries mixed into the heaping feces-filled drivel spouted, but those moments lasted less than 30 seconds and then I would return to the futile hell that is this so-called game. Overall, I could not be more dissatisfied with my purchase.

    What really gets me is how this game was presented - this is where some credit is due. It was marketed in such a clever way, as if it held some deep purpose or meaning, and then it literally quite honestly admits that it doesn't have that significance in the game. The narrator then proceeds to subtly mock you on your purchase decisions, all the while critiquing you as being the kind of addicted-to-computers-and-technology person that needs to get outside.

    And maybe the game is clever in that sense. It forces you to be so disgusted with its own pitiful mediocrity that you actually want to go outside rather than play it. It makes you feel sorry that you completed the game in almost every ending, as if to say, "why would you ruin the little, terrible machine I've created?" In fact, I think I'm paraphrasing the narrator pretty acurately there.

    The saving grace is the voice acting, but even that can't change the lack of ingenuity and utter stupidity that is The Stanley Parable.

    Congratulations if you already bought The Stanley Parable. You were suckered in just like I was, and you have officially fallen into the consumer trap that the game figuratively represents.
    TL;DR You're a moron if you buy The Stanley Parable, and the game basically tells you as much.
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from JMaFia in Godzilla   
    So this flew by me. Trailer in article (don't think I can embed, not anywhere else I can find.)

  11. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from BeauutifulChaos in SIJ and sG merger   
    that might actually work. weirder things have happened here.
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from porknchili in Age really brings perspective.   
    looking at what FF has become, Five and Six are pretty cool.
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from Firefighter_DK in New top doge   
  14. Downvote (-1)
    Lesbian Dad reacted to water.exe in New top doge   
    Wow such Joke. Much mean. Terrible Pick.
  15. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from Gamer4125 in Convince me   
    sounds like you're wasting your time. 
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from camelFun in Official Call of Duty®: Ghosts Gameplay Launch Trailer   
    rap music again? also, thought I saw some footage from the movie Gravity.
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad reacted to diabeticdaniel in Stepping Down   
    So with school starting again and me taking 18 hours of engineering classes, I have no time for games anymore. I haven't really done much since summer ended, and I know I won't be able to do anything other than during Christmas break or summer. I enjoyed playing on the servers with everyone, from JB back at the beginning to WCS1 to ZE most recently, you guys gave me something to do to waste all of my life. 
    Peace out, bitches.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad reacted to Fat Black Woman in Kim Kardashian Reveals herself #NoFilter   
    "news & debate"
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from camelFun in Godzilla   
    So this flew by me. Trailer in article (don't think I can embed, not anywhere else I can find.)

  20. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from porknchili in Godzilla   
    So this flew by me. Trailer in article (don't think I can embed, not anywhere else I can find.)

  21. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from Wintergreen in Godzilla   
    So this flew by me. Trailer in article (don't think I can embed, not anywhere else I can find.)

  22. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from water.exe in Godzilla   
    So this flew by me. Trailer in article (don't think I can embed, not anywhere else I can find.)

  23. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from Gonepostal2000 in Godzilla   
    So this flew by me. Trailer in article (don't think I can embed, not anywhere else I can find.)

  24. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from Mufasa in This is how Moflstomp RDMs people   
    I should a make a video strictly about RDMS. oh wait, I think I did already. time for part 2.
  25. Upvote (+1)
    Lesbian Dad got a reaction from JMaFia in I love Fall   
    this need not be in spam
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