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Posts posted by OBrian

  1. Ever since the tf2 server was changed from Prop Hunt to Rotation it has been pretty much empty.

    A few people have said that Prop Hunt gets boring real fast but at least with Prop Hunt it had some people in it while Rotation rarely ever has anyone on.

    I suggest we either change it back to Prop Hunt or make a event for tf2 to get the server populated.

    Come on, tf2 is free. We should have no problem filling up the server.

    TF2 kinda dead at this point, would need to get some dedicated admins/players to get the server populated. Even then we just get outclassed by all the other giant community's like Skial.

  2. Ok so before yesterday, I always thought of Mitch as a very kind and pleasant person to play online games with, until I got League!

    He's like a fucking Asian Adam Sandler.

    Adam Sandler lives in the town next to me (Auburn, NH), seen him a few times in a red 68 Camarro.

  3. So me and my friend Jared are getting really annoyed with solo/duo queue and constantly getting matched with straight down syndrome noobs. So we decided lets just make a team and do ranked 5's. Looking for anyone interested, preferably Silver-Gold. Be able to play at least 3 roles.

  4. China has NK on a leash. The US and China are basically intertwined. They both owe each other a huge debt and they both rely on each other for their imports and exports.

    NK would probably stomped on China if they tried anything stupid against the US.

    China is actually pretty fed up with them.

    Glad to know that if they do attack us, Me and Aero will be the first to go :(.

    They would more likely send a nuke to hit California over New York

    The few nukes they have left cant currently hit the US, and even if they could, if they started anything with us, their treaty with China would be over. North Korea can't even feed its people, I don't think they can fund research into longer rockets able to carry a nuclear warhead.

    They are just open threats like they have been for years.

    Their biggest nuke would blow up a block of New York, that's not much.

    You underestimate nukes.

    Dat radiation is a bitch.

    The blast doesnt really matter much tbh.

    You were saying about the blast?


  5. Wonder where they would set it. To be honest a post apocalyptic europe would be awesome but they'll probably go out to Cali I guess.

    It's most likely going to be in the Boston area, as Bethesda has been scouting the area for a while, but don't quote me on this though.

    Lovely. Another game to be disappointed with. Live in the Boston area and I was quite displeased with how inaccurate the city looked in AC3. Hopefully Bethesda will blow my mind and create something amazing.

    Y u have to quote it on oblivion, which was probably the worst TES game I've played.

    I'm assuming you've never played Skyrim then. Oblivion is the best Bethesda game I've played. People like Morrowind and FO2, but they're just too old for me to attempt playing. They may be good; they may not.

    To this day my absolute favorite RPG's are Morrowind and Kotor. If you can't get past the graphics on morrowind download one of the high res texture mods to make it look more like Oblivion. The gameplay and story are well worth it, easily 100+ hours of quests in that game. Its got more quests then Skyrim and Oblivion combined, for example, the Thieves Guild is roughly 40-50 quests long.

    As per FO4, I hope they strive to make it a little more unique this time. The problem I had with the series is that I felt FO3 was the same thing as Oblivion just a different setting, the GUI and everything seemed just way too similar. Alas I hope the story in FO4 sucks me in more then the previous titles in the series. FO2 was still dope though.

  6. The one of Mitch is spot on, the others are amazing as well!

    Now I'm wanting one like everyone else! If you ever have the time, I'll do some nude poses.

    I will draw you like my french prostitutes...

    I demand you draw me in some form of George Washington pose. Now I'll just need a row boat

  7. uhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm... what was the build?

    I'm wondering as well, doesn't really seem possible to get THAT much speed and be as tanky as he was at the end of the video. Like only way I see him being that fast would be with boots of mobility, ghost and a few PD's.

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