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The Doctor Zed

Level 4
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  1. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to The Real Xlite in Petition to rename sG to "Saved Gamers"   
    These are Christian servers, any one to say otherwise is a sinner, and will be cast into hell to burn for eternity, plaise dah lawd halalujah.
  2. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Windmill in Tesla Supercharger   
  3. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Noodle in Post the car you are currently driving   
    Here's a pic of my car...
    Oh wait... I don't own one.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Noodle in North Korea ends peace pacts with South   
    Oh, that's cute.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Oreo in North Korea ends peace pacts with South   
    It also said it would pre-emptively strike us with a nuke because it feels we're going to nuke them first. We'll probably shoot the nuke down if they do indeed fire one but then they'll probably get destroyed afterwards. It's just tougher bluffing, they're getting desperate.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Reaper0470 in Deadpool trailer   
    Ya this game seems like it's gonna be a big FU to deadpool fans everywhere.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Windmill in Jbanito Abuse [RESOLVED]   
    Freezing and blinking someone who is "buttmad" is obviously just going to provoke more buttmangling.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Iherdcows in Jbanito Abuse [RESOLVED]   
    No side has giving any real proof, so im just going to resolve this before it gets out of hand.
    Jbandito, if he is spamming then you warn, kick. Don't use your admin to make things worse.
    Prosak, Don't be a complete doucher. The more troll, the more chance of this happening.
  9. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to ChosenOne2000 in Post Your Funny Screenshots   
    black people....
    On topic: Please stop spamming to get to 100 posts. This will negatively affect your votes in recruitment. Spamming posts can result in infractions and bans. You're new here so I'm just giving you a FYI and a verbal warning.
  10. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Spell in Post Your Funny Screenshots   
    ... Disappointed.
    also, if you wanted to truly seem like you are not just spam posting to 100 you would have not made 17 different fucking posts with 1 picture each, rather post them all in 1 post and have the thumb-nailed rather than full blown screenshots.
    Edit: Made the # of posts accurate, I severely underestimated his spamming abilities, was 70% higher than what i estimated.
  11. Downvote (-1)
    The Doctor Zed got a reaction from Deadpool in My mothers passing. :'(   
    Deserved, get fucked, lol. Be cool guys lmao.
    But as it's been said patrick, the Internet is not the place for this...you should get out of here and spend time with the rest of your family. And in my experience counselors only make things worse, I can't say the same for you but try to approach it from a logical point of view if you can, people who mess with the way you think can really mess things up.
  12. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Dojima in Watch this video while you're high on something   
    I don't want to OD.
  13. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Dyscivist in Watch this video while you're high on something   
    Dohj, you need to just take a hit of the dank for once in your goddamn life.
  14. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed got a reaction from Amp in Post the car you are currently driving   
    My 1987 Nissan 300zx

  15. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Dyscivist in Vaginal Penetration   
  16. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Dyscivist in Vaginal Penetration   
    Okay, well, guys, feel free to continue repping my initial post as thought it were a picture of a penis entering a vagina.
  17. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to HoeStomper in Being banned made me a better man   
    On my journey while I was banned changed my life in many ways, I feel as if I am a new man. The three days of my suspension I made a new change in life, I became a Supreme Court Judge on my spare time, while fishing the Northern Atlantic Ocean for "Wicked Tuna". My journey did not stop there as I was over ran by Somali pirates, taken captive by their leader Abdikarim. I was held in a cell for 18 hours which seemed like weeks all I could think about was my best friend Sketch, I have no idea why they let me go but I was stripped naked and walking down the roads in this shit hole town. I walked for about 25 minutes till I said "Aint no one got time for that" and broke in this bitches house and stole some clothes. At first she wouldn't comply but I gave her a mushroom stamp right on her face and she was knocked out cold. After that I found a makeshift raft of some sort like Elián González floated to Merica on. But I made a few changed them dumb Cuban-Mexicans couldn't think of to make the thing not fall apart and get eaten by sharks "Rope".
    After my arrival back in the states It was Saturday evening in Florida. I decided that my night would be spent fucking bitches, gettin money "like always". Living it up in Daytona Beach for the night was what I needed to get my head on straight and ready for my life back on sG forums, I felt as if my wild ride of a ban / vacation was over until...... I found myself on a huge weed plantation with this slut I picked up at a bar, turns out she was involved in the drug trade. After realizing what deep shit I got myself in I thought I made a quiet escape, no the SWAT team shows up and starts firing rounds off at the illegal immigrants that took an honest American mans job. I was once again captured and put in a holding cell until questioning, after explaining to the police several times in the "story above" they let me go....
    It was Sunday morning, I was excited but yet exhausted on knowing my ban would be lifted soon. I made a hastily retreat back to my residents trying to miss any encounters with trouble. Later that night I made it back 2 hours before I was unbanned, I was more excited that a fat kid in a candy store with a credit card that had a $10000 daily limit on it. It was now my time to relive my sG forum life..... All is normal now.
    Thank you Sketch for being sG's biggest douche bag with your flabby army and un toned core I just have one question for you.....
    Do you even LIFT??
  18. Downvote (-1)
    The Doctor Zed got a reaction from Tristan. in My mothers passing. :'(   
    Deserved, get fucked, lol. Be cool guys lmao.
    But as it's been said patrick, the Internet is not the place for this...you should get out of here and spend time with the rest of your family. And in my experience counselors only make things worse, I can't say the same for you but try to approach it from a logical point of view if you can, people who mess with the way you think can really mess things up.
  19. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to Tortoise in I love this man   
    you're welcome, and happy birthday.
  20. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted in SO Changes   
    Transparency and cock monglers... whatever the fuck it was originally
  21. Downvote (-1)
    The Doctor Zed reacted to SpecialBrownies in Congrats to the new sG members   
    As much as I love to see the influx of new members, I personally think it's a bit too easy to get in. Basically everyone of those recruits are from JB.
    -3 From TTT (Coldfuse, Xlite, Kit Cat)
    -1 From WCS (Timeassassin)
    -9 From JB (Everyone Else)
    Due to these statistics I have come up with a cunning 4 step way to join sG to this date in time
    Steps to Join sG:
    1. Play JB for awhile
    2. Sign up on forums and get 100 posts
    3. Apply
    4. Profit
    News just in: In order to join sG all you have to do is play JB, show that you aren't completely retarded, meet all the requirements and apply.
    Also in regards to the people who got denied, mainly Weekill. Two words. Complete, bullshit. This is in my point of view. Disagree or agree with it, I don't care. I'm not a fan of most of the people who got accepted and I'm damn pissed about Weekill not getting in. As Tex said, I'm calling bandwagon bullshit. All recruitment is, is a bandwagon.
    Inb4 shit storm
  22. Downvote (-1)
    The Doctor Zed got a reaction from fatb0y in My mothers passing. :'(   
    Deserved, get fucked, lol. Be cool guys lmao.
    But as it's been said patrick, the Internet is not the place for this...you should get out of here and spend time with the rest of your family. And in my experience counselors only make things worse, I can't say the same for you but try to approach it from a logical point of view if you can, people who mess with the way you think can really mess things up.
  23. Upvote (+1)
    The Doctor Zed got a reaction from Prosak in Best video game ever made?   
    007 Goldeneye for N64
  24. Downvote (-1)
    The Doctor Zed got a reaction from Will.Alaska in Videogames as Art   
    XD, nice reply
  25. Downvote (-1)
    The Doctor Zed got a reaction from fatb0y in Videogames as Art   
    I also should clarify, that once it does become about the grind, just churning out another ctrl-c, ctrl-v, CoD. It does cease to become art, even in the loosest definition, in my opinion anyway. So I do agree there, but a Mona Lisa #2 #3 #4 and Mona Lisa: Black Ops, would also cease to become art.
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