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Posts posted by Noire

  1. Ex-staff badge

    I don't have a link... But I used to be staff and even helped write the rules for wcs (not sure how many are still enforced, I know at least he racewhoring rule is

    Also used to have #1 rank on the server until the crash of stats, which was before 2011... Long before

  2. I moved to Taiwan for two years and came back to finish school

    Sort of an easy semester so I decided to play cs:go and was surprised you guys had a wcs:mod working for it.

    Kind of another reason I left. I remembered there was an update and it didn't work for source so I just gave up there.

    Btw, what language is CS:GO written in? Took two comp sci courses and kind of want to learn whatever language GO is in

    Well then i know how u play now :D

    Yeah, so don't expect me to do well for awhile until I find where all the good spots are ha ha



    It's not my fault~!

    My HD sucks ass if I move too fast

    (Probably fix it soon... By then I'll have a new excuse)

    Welcome back Noire! What servers you play?

    Just this one

    Pretty sure he's asking for his war3 levels to be transferred.

    And this

    oh, pretty sure the war3 engineers decided long ago there wouldn't be any transferring of levels, but I'll check with skitt to make sure.

    I'm sure he can make an exception for an ex-staff/old race script writer...

    (Please skitt?)

  4. I drive a slow car so I never have to worry about racing people

    I don't need a car to race, merely to get me from point A to point B. I don't understand kids that find it cool to race. I'll pass.

    But yeah, you were let off the hook pretty easily. I was on my friend's car while this chick was tripping on E in the back seat. He punched 160 on the freeway and was pulled over by the cops just after I told him that he would inevitably be pulled over. He has a $3000 fine and is going to lose his license.

    Think he'll ever drive that fast again?

    Similar thing happens with this girl who was driving me around one day. I told her if she doesn't calm down she will get a ticket and she replied with, "Oh, I never get a ticket"

    later that day she got pulled over for speeding when I was still in the car....

  5. I saw this anime titled Noir and I thought the name sounded cool and since I took a year of french at high school, I knew what it meant. When I tried to play an iRo, Noir was taken so to keep the name I made it feminine by adding an E. Kind of like it better with the e since my first, middle, and last name are all 5 letters.

    Space Cowboy was inspired by the song "The Joker" by the Steve Miller Band. When WCS2 came out, I thought to change my name since no one was able to pronounce my name correctly. I went by The Joker, Midnight Toker, then finally stopped at Space Cowboy.

    My middle name is Scott. I go by Scotty in real life.

    My gf of middle/jr high school started spelling my name in different ways and Skotti was the most different, but people still knew how to say it.

    Kewl, my first name is Scott and I got by Scotty as well.

  6. most people who play magic come from yugioh

    sportsteen I meant most people that were playing yugioh convert over to playing magic not that magic made there game after yugioh...

    No you tried saying that the majority of Magic players started playing Magic after playing Yugioh. I was just pointing out that Magic was around before Yugioh and was popular long before Yugioh.

    I've never played Yugioh before, but I've watched the cartoon for awhile... until they start throwing in random episodes and i was left thinking... wtf is going on

  7. I play. I also started using the new style they play with using commanders.

    It's killed some of my decks with the new layout since you can only have one of each non basic land cards, but for some decks it made it insane.

    Currently my two favorites are my sliver deck (Silver lord as the commander) and my wizard deck (Commander is a wizard that taps to draw three cards)

  8. Well if thats the case I misunderstood, however I do get your point there. Its basically the same thing as people thinking certain wines are better. Like there was tests done on people who called themselves Wine tasters, and they put cheap 5 dollar wine into the bottle of a very old, expensive wine, and the vice versa, and they all said the 5 dollar wine in the expensive bottle tasted much better (they didnt know it was actually cheap ass wine that is) and basically, if someone thinks something will taste/feel better, it will to them. Also like how anything you cook yourself tastes better.

    ...also getting extra high is always fun.

    For me, I can't tell the difference from expensive wine and cheap wine, I can only tell you if I like them or not.

    For pot for me though it's different. The smell, the taste, the high are all a little different. Granted a lot of them get you as high as the next, sometimes the high will have a different feeling. I was real picky about the stuff I used to buy and would smell and examine at least 10 different kinds of buds before I decided which ones I would buy, but I never restricted myself to thinking the best is the more expensive. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there that can tell the difference between good wine and cheap wine, plus a lot of people who think they can tell the difference. I think the same goes with pot.

    Alright, but I never understand this part: Why do you people start smoking weed in the first place? Aside from stress, why do you want to smoke it? Could they have not found a better alternative to your problems, or are drugs the first solution?

    EDIT: And why do you have to smoke an illegal drug? We can discuss whether it should be legalized or not in another thread, but let's face reality here: The drug is illegal. Why would people drive themselves to get it--and smoke it--if it risks them being caught and jailed, even if the chances are minor to nil?

    In some places it's not an illegal drug, which is reality.


    Ahh... my favorite way to "medicate"

    vaporizing > all other methods


    Bag on the left is what my friend and I smoked yesterday, what's on the right is what we're going to smoke now.

    is it just me or is the bag on the left empty? (you are your friend had fun smoking nothing?)

    I smoke because I can. Not because I want to or need to. The simple fact is, I can. It's a FANTASTIC feeling! Personally, it allows me to think about one thing with all of my energy rather than hundreds. In all of the times I have smoked, I have come up with more ideas than when I have been sober.

    Oh, let me tell you why marijuana is illegal. There are two reasons our GOVERNMENT says.

    1: It cannot be taxed as easily as tobacco can. Pot can almost literally be grown in any environment. You might get crappy ass bud, but you can do it.

    2: It's a "gateway" drug. I call BULLSHIT on that because the only people who use it as a "gateway" drug are those whose lives suck so much that they can't allow themselves to live without it.

    Don't forget the propaganda like Reefer Madness that lead people to believe it's a really harmful drug

    I never said drinking was better for you lol, just has more culture behind it and doesn't involve having to be a paranoid basket-case while you are doing it. I'm Scottish, my blood is comprised of Scotch and Beer.

    Edit: Also 2-3 times cheaper than weed, 100% legal.

    Edit2: Doesn't leave a scent trail for some 50 ft. for everyone and their assholes to say "*Sniff*...Weed."

    I don't know what you mean 2-3 times cheaper than weed... you must be a light weight... When you drink do you only drink one can of beer or something? Most people hardly smoke 1/3 of a gram each time they get high. Plus I've spent a lot more at a club drinking alcohol than I did smoke pot before I went to a club.

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