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  1. Downvote (-1)
    Fate got a reaction from KGameLover1 in Staff Leaks   
  2. Downvote (-1)
    Fate got a reaction from fatb0y in Staff Leaks   
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Fate got a reaction from Dyscivist in The day Ruffles came   
    Lays are shitty chips.
    Kettle or bust.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Fate got a reaction from Dyscivist in This is awesome   
    I wish they'd make a horror game that fucked with perception like this.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Fate got a reaction from TehBlade in This is awesome   
    I wish they'd make a horror game that fucked with perception like this.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Fate got a reaction from MOFLSTOMP in This is awesome   
    I wish they'd make a horror game that fucked with perception like this.
  7. Downvote (-1)
    Fate reacted to Q_Q Cheesecake in /!\ ALERT: THERE IS A CAT IN MY ROOM   
  8. Downvote (-1)
    Fate reacted to UltimateOreo in /!\ ALERT: THERE IS A CAT IN MY ROOM   
  9. Upvote (+1)
    Fate reacted to jbandito in Good gaming laptops   
    I never said he could make a laptop
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Fate reacted to iTechAlot in Best Prank ever   
    This has to be one of the greatest pranks ever.

  11. Downvote (-1)
    Fate reacted to TheDentist in Ahahaha   
    Facebook? Time to waste your life and freetime away and start surfing reddit. You'd have seen that a week ago
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Fate got a reaction from xmen in Funny Game Glitches that we may or may not have seen   
    recently saw this, contains major spoilers regarding heavy rain, but still pretty funny
  13. Upvote (+1)
  14. Upvote (+1)
    Fate reacted to Carl Sagan in LoL VS Dota 2 - And some Dota 2 keys if you want one   
    league of legends has been and always will be a shit game
  15. Upvote (+1)
    Fate got a reaction from Frosted Butts in Funny Game Glitches that we may or may not have seen   
    recently saw this, contains major spoilers regarding heavy rain, but still pretty funny
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Fate got a reaction from Oreo in LoL VS Dota 2 - And some Dota 2 keys if you want one   
    +rep for following your beliefs.
    I am simply contributing to the thread content, if you are upset about said content, then I suggest you disregard this thread completely.
    Considering that this is a LoL VS Dota 2 thread and all.
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Fate got a reaction from drunkula in LoL VS Dota 2 - And some Dota 2 keys if you want one   
    Lee Sin
    Graves (Hardly)
    Hecarim (two gap closers, his ult and his charge.)
    Jarvan IV (Also knocks up)
    Master Yi
    Nocturne (Ult)
    Pantheon (+ his ult)
    Riven (Very short range however)
    Tryndamere (Not only that, the already short cooldown is reduced every time you crit)
    Xin Zhao
    I might have missed a few.
    The only two heroes I have not played are nautilus and zyra. 99% sure nautilus has a gap closer.
    Do you even play league of legends?
    League has no body blocking because it considered "anti-fun" by the head staff, as in dota 2 where a teammates bad positioning can block you from getting away or toward an opponent. This also applies to enemies ganking lanes. Try to body block with heroes in league and the models mesh together
    Clunky? Turn speed is an important mechanic, take that away and melee heroes get kited to fuck and back by ranged, as league has no turn speed.
    General delay for all commands issued. It's called Cast Animation. If you don't like it play rubick and steal spells. Bam, no more cast animation.
    Except it doesnt.
    This is because of the lack of value the creeps have.
    Taken from the league of legends wiki, LOL HIDING ELEMENTS OF YOUR GAME.
    I sure love being level 17 and respawning in 40 seconds
    Experience split when two or more champions are present increased; situations with two or more champions splitting experience now earn 30.4% more total experience than solo, up from 26.1%.
    granting enough experience for stragglers to keep up with the game, regardless if they are capable of controlling their own lane. Seems more and more apparent to me that you don't even know the mechanics of your precious game that you're so keen on defending.

    Fun Fact: Cleanse and Quick Silver Sash do not remove the healing debuff from ignite.
    Lol, so play passively and defensively and make the game even more boring.
    Tangos heal 115 health over 16 seconds and require you to eat a tree. A 3 stack of tangos cost 90 gold
    Health Potions in league of legends heal 150 health over 15 seconds and cost 35 gold, buying three of them would cost 105 gold
    You even graduate high-school, kid?
    Having no mana or having an energy pool allows you use your abilities every time they are off cooldown.
    It helps balance the game.
    omg xD you're so hardcore
    People use smart-casting in competitive league games.
    They nerfed the forest, it is shit now.
    Slows down the game.
    400 gold potion that lasts till you die, 125 gold sight wards(compared to dota 2's 200 gold for 2 true sight wards), dota has this too
    They do. You'd probably instantly unpause and whine about it like all the other trashy pubs in dota 2.
    Clearly you are ignorant as to how you get your league of legends patches.
    Dota 2 also has cosmetics, and allow you use specific parts of sets that you like. They are also more profesionally done.
    u wot m8
    It reinforces my previous opinion that the majority of the playerbase are children that can't handle idle banter.
    they review every ban. the fuck you talkin bout?
    keep sucking that riot D man
    welcome to a casual's game
    you seem very intent on defending the core mechanics of this so called "casual" game, if you play it casually what is the issue?
    plenty of viable builds, you just don't bother building anything "new" because you're used to the norm.
    I build what works, and what works in league of legends is lacking in variety.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Fate got a reaction from drunkula in LoL VS Dota 2 - And some Dota 2 keys if you want one   
    I used to be a long time and very consist league of legends player until I discovered Dota 2. I have over 1200 games played in league and around 850 games played in Dota 2. It is quite apparent to me which is the better game.
    Problems with League
    Rune Pages - Part of their Free to Play trap, gives you an edge over newer players that did not invest in Runepages.
    Mastery Pages - Another pointless part of the game, creates the illusion of creativity
    Uncreative Heroes - Over half of their hero cast has some sort of gap closer
    No body blocking
    No denying
    Gold value of heroes that have died consecutively is reduced greatly and reset upon getting a kill. (I think the lowest it gets is 40 gold, that is less than two creeps
    No gold loss on death
    Death timers are extremely short, should you wipe an entire team while they are near your ancient, expect them to all be up before you can even hit the tower
    Summoner spells, some are completely fucking useless - FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH, EVERYBODY FLASH FLASH FLASH.
    No town portal scrolls. - What? Just lost a 2v2? Enjoy having no tower because it takes an entire 30 seconds to walk to midlane to bottom lane.
    Creep value is extremely low - Adding to the already slow as fuck gameplay, creeps are only worth a mere 17-22 gold per kill.
    Free town portals back to base
    The way exp is distributed, something that is 6 levels behind will always manage to catch up due to the way exp works in league.
    Potions can be used in combat, and cannot be used if you have full health. Unnecessary hand holding.
    Items - Very limited selection of items, offensive items include defensive stats, one build fits all with the occasional replacement of an item to make way for Banshees Veil if a high burst hero gets fed such as LeBlanc
    Almost non-existant mana costs on 90% of heroes
    Heroes that have no mana pool or use energy - Fucking stupid.
    Can't draw on Map.
    Removal of STR, AGI and INT stats
    Forest is not beneficial gold-wise, but exp wise they can sometimes keep up with midlane
    Infinite wards
    No smoke, no dust of appearance
    Can't pause for disconnected players
    Peer 2 Peer networking
    In-game recolors and model changes cost around 5-10 dollars
    Instead of paying with real money, you are forced to buy "points" and then again, only in specific amounts.
    Disgusting lack of skillshots that take actual skill, all the skill shots move with blazing speed compared to the slow as fuck heroes
    Cannot view hero skills by selecting a hero while in-game
    Inhibitors respawn
    No in-game voice chat
    All talk is now disabled by default
    Player run ban system (LAZY AS FUCK)
    Calls the forest a jungle, when it is clearly a fucking forest (Dota 2 has this problem as well)

    Positives of League
    Runs on toasters
    Does not require very much effort to learn
    Lower skill ceiling (Some people consider this a good thing)
    colorful graphics and art design that my 7 year-old brother finds appealing
    items aren't complicated, if you're ap build tanky ap if you're ad build tanky ad

    I can add more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.
    Just my opinions
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Fate got a reaction from Eek in Funny Game Glitches that we may or may not have seen   
    recently saw this, contains major spoilers regarding heavy rain, but still pretty funny
  20. Upvote (+1)
    Fate reacted to Flt. Lt. Space Bugs in LoL VS Dota 2 - And some Dota 2 keys if you want one   
    Trying to compare LoL and Dota 2 is like trying to compare Tekken and Street Fighter. Sure, they might be the same genre, but they are so undeniably different that arguing is fucking stupid. (P.S. I enjoy both games)
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Fate reacted to Oreo in LoL VS Dota 2 - And some Dota 2 keys if you want one   
    You seem mad and also seem as if you think LoL's gameplay should be a carbon copy of Dota. I'd also like to throw in the fact that league is more popular right now and that you're acting like a 12 year old Xbox kiddie would towards a PS3.
  22. Downvote (-1)
    Fate got a reaction from Toxygen in LoL VS Dota 2 - And some Dota 2 keys if you want one   
    Lee Sin
    Graves (Hardly)
    Hecarim (two gap closers, his ult and his charge.)
    Jarvan IV (Also knocks up)
    Master Yi
    Nocturne (Ult)
    Pantheon (+ his ult)
    Riven (Very short range however)
    Tryndamere (Not only that, the already short cooldown is reduced every time you crit)
    Xin Zhao
    I might have missed a few.
    The only two heroes I have not played are nautilus and zyra. 99% sure nautilus has a gap closer.
    Do you even play league of legends?
    League has no body blocking because it considered "anti-fun" by the head staff, as in dota 2 where a teammates bad positioning can block you from getting away or toward an opponent. This also applies to enemies ganking lanes. Try to body block with heroes in league and the models mesh together
    Clunky? Turn speed is an important mechanic, take that away and melee heroes get kited to fuck and back by ranged, as league has no turn speed.
    General delay for all commands issued. It's called Cast Animation. If you don't like it play rubick and steal spells. Bam, no more cast animation.
    Except it doesnt.
    This is because of the lack of value the creeps have.
    Taken from the league of legends wiki, LOL HIDING ELEMENTS OF YOUR GAME.
    I sure love being level 17 and respawning in 40 seconds
    Experience split when two or more champions are present increased; situations with two or more champions splitting experience now earn 30.4% more total experience than solo, up from 26.1%.
    granting enough experience for stragglers to keep up with the game, regardless if they are capable of controlling their own lane. Seems more and more apparent to me that you don't even know the mechanics of your precious game that you're so keen on defending.

    Fun Fact: Cleanse and Quick Silver Sash do not remove the healing debuff from ignite.
    Lol, so play passively and defensively and make the game even more boring.
    Tangos heal 115 health over 16 seconds and require you to eat a tree. A 3 stack of tangos cost 90 gold
    Health Potions in league of legends heal 150 health over 15 seconds and cost 35 gold, buying three of them would cost 105 gold
    You even graduate high-school, kid?
    Having no mana or having an energy pool allows you use your abilities every time they are off cooldown.
    It helps balance the game.
    omg xD you're so hardcore
    People use smart-casting in competitive league games.
    They nerfed the forest, it is shit now.
    Slows down the game.
    400 gold potion that lasts till you die, 125 gold sight wards(compared to dota 2's 200 gold for 2 true sight wards), dota has this too
    They do. You'd probably instantly unpause and whine about it like all the other trashy pubs in dota 2.
    Clearly you are ignorant as to how you get your league of legends patches.
    Dota 2 also has cosmetics, and allow you use specific parts of sets that you like. They are also more profesionally done.
    u wot m8
    It reinforces my previous opinion that the majority of the playerbase are children that can't handle idle banter.
    they review every ban. the fuck you talkin bout?
    keep sucking that riot D man
    welcome to a casual's game
    you seem very intent on defending the core mechanics of this so called "casual" game, if you play it casually what is the issue?
    plenty of viable builds, you just don't bother building anything "new" because you're used to the norm.
    I build what works, and what works in league of legends is lacking in variety.
  23. Downvote (-1)
    Fate got a reaction from Ryziou in LoL VS Dota 2 - And some Dota 2 keys if you want one   
    I used to be a long time and very consist league of legends player until I discovered Dota 2. I have over 1200 games played in league and around 850 games played in Dota 2. It is quite apparent to me which is the better game.
    Problems with League
    Rune Pages - Part of their Free to Play trap, gives you an edge over newer players that did not invest in Runepages.
    Mastery Pages - Another pointless part of the game, creates the illusion of creativity
    Uncreative Heroes - Over half of their hero cast has some sort of gap closer
    No body blocking
    No denying
    Gold value of heroes that have died consecutively is reduced greatly and reset upon getting a kill. (I think the lowest it gets is 40 gold, that is less than two creeps
    No gold loss on death
    Death timers are extremely short, should you wipe an entire team while they are near your ancient, expect them to all be up before you can even hit the tower
    Summoner spells, some are completely fucking useless - FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH, EVERYBODY FLASH FLASH FLASH.
    No town portal scrolls. - What? Just lost a 2v2? Enjoy having no tower because it takes an entire 30 seconds to walk to midlane to bottom lane.
    Creep value is extremely low - Adding to the already slow as fuck gameplay, creeps are only worth a mere 17-22 gold per kill.
    Free town portals back to base
    The way exp is distributed, something that is 6 levels behind will always manage to catch up due to the way exp works in league.
    Potions can be used in combat, and cannot be used if you have full health. Unnecessary hand holding.
    Items - Very limited selection of items, offensive items include defensive stats, one build fits all with the occasional replacement of an item to make way for Banshees Veil if a high burst hero gets fed such as LeBlanc
    Almost non-existant mana costs on 90% of heroes
    Heroes that have no mana pool or use energy - Fucking stupid.
    Can't draw on Map.
    Removal of STR, AGI and INT stats
    Forest is not beneficial gold-wise, but exp wise they can sometimes keep up with midlane
    Infinite wards
    No smoke, no dust of appearance
    Can't pause for disconnected players
    Peer 2 Peer networking
    In-game recolors and model changes cost around 5-10 dollars
    Instead of paying with real money, you are forced to buy "points" and then again, only in specific amounts.
    Disgusting lack of skillshots that take actual skill, all the skill shots move with blazing speed compared to the slow as fuck heroes
    Cannot view hero skills by selecting a hero while in-game
    Inhibitors respawn
    No in-game voice chat
    All talk is now disabled by default
    Player run ban system (LAZY AS FUCK)
    Calls the forest a jungle, when it is clearly a fucking forest (Dota 2 has this problem as well)

    Positives of League
    Runs on toasters
    Does not require very much effort to learn
    Lower skill ceiling (Some people consider this a good thing)
    colorful graphics and art design that my 7 year-old brother finds appealing
    items aren't complicated, if you're ap build tanky ap if you're ad build tanky ad

    I can add more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.
    Just my opinions
  24. Downvote (-1)
    Fate reacted to Groov in Guess what   
    LoL > Dota 2
  25. Upvote (+1)
    Fate got a reaction from Goldentongue in Dubstep is corrupting our youth   
    I think he had fun making the video.
    Jesus fucking christ lighten up.
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