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Ginger Girl & Relationship Advice

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Hey guys,


So a few weeks ago I swiped right on this cute ginger girl on Tinder. She's really cute, really smart, really funny, she has a great smile. Just a whole lot of things that are good about her. However she lives around an hour away or so from where I live. We are also both very busy, so we haven't meet face to face  yet. We have done multiple many hour face-times with each other, and talk and send messages nearly every day so far. However we are going to meet each in two weeks when I drop off some friends at a train station where she lives. And we are going to "hang out".


With some background info, now here is where truth comes out. I'm really bad at starting relationships. I can flirt like a fucking pro, but am awful past the flirting stage. How exactly do I proceed past and start a healthy fulfilling (possibly) long term relationship? Any help anyone can supply would be very much appreciated, because once again I don't know how to have a good relationship. Any more info can be supplied if needed. 

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Asking a gaming community for dating advice LUL

But for real, just take it easy, relax, be yourself, and just ask questions and listen and try to crack some jokes maybe.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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11 minutes ago, Sean said:

Asking a gaming community for dating advice LUL

But for real, just take it easy, relax, be yourself, and just ask questions and listen and try to crack some jokes maybe.


Not to mention online. If the internet has taught us anything it's that chicks like dick pics

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24 minutes ago, Burgham said:

Hey guys,


So a few weeks ago I swiped right on this cute ginger girl on Tinder. She's really cute, really smart, really funny, she has a great smile. Just a whole lot of things that are good about her. However she lives around an hour away or so from where I live. We are also both very busy, so we haven't meet face to face  yet. We have done multiple many hour face-times with each other, and talk and send messages nearly every day so far. However we are going to meet each in two weeks when I drop off some friends at a train station where she lives. And we are going to "hang out".


With some background info, now here is where truth comes out. I'm really bad at starting relationships. I can flirt like a fucking pro, but am awful past the flirting stage. How exactly do I proceed past and start a healthy fulfilling (possibly) long term relationship? Any help anyone can supply would be very much appreciated, because once again I don't know how to have a good relationship. Any more info can be supplied if needed. 


Honestly, there's no right way to do a relationship. It just happens. How the relationship will turn out will depend on how sincere you are. As long as you understand that you're in a relationship (once you're there) and it'll require work and it wont be ALL good, then things will progress. No point in setting milestones because everyone definition and rate of "progress" is different.


Don't compare yourself or her to other couples, its not the same and it never will be, so don't hold what you have in comparison to others.


In terms of starting one, I find that being straight up is the best. When you "hang out", whatever that means, if you like her, ask her on a date. Once you go on a few dates and like what you see, tell her that. If you feel like you know each other enough to start going steady, TELL HER THAT. Communication is key, I don't like subtle hints because I'm as stupid as a rock, so I don't pick up on cues like that.


My most recent relationship had a girl that was touching me constantly on a couch and I wasn't getting it. She literally had to say "Nick, you know I like you right?"


I did not.

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Be yourself. The fact that she continues to talk to you and face time you good brother. No need to change when in person.

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17 minutes ago, Burgham said:

@Rootbeer past just flirting to a certain point would be nice. 


bro thats what i MEAN! You never stop flirting and taking her out on dates cause that's all ya gotta do. Keep that spark A L I V E.

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2 hours ago, Rootbeer said:
2 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

never stop flirting and taking her out on dates cause that's all ya gotta do. Keep that spark A L I V E.


@Rootbeer That's what you meant. Okay, yeah. I mean I will compliment her whenever we talk, but I don't really see that as flirting anymore, as it is just part of the relationship at that point. I always thought of flirting as something  you do before a relationship and then it's just apart of the relationship when you actually become something.

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3 hours ago, Burgham said:

@Sean I mean some people here have girlfriends/wives, so some of them have relationship experience?

Transitioning from a purely online relationship to interacting IRL can be weird. Don't be a fucking weirdo, def give her a hug when you see her. After the typical "you look even more amazing in person than underneath my cum in the photos" transition into whatever you guys have planned to do. Movie, food, or blankey Handy. Other than that just let the emotions run and have some fun. If something happens something happens, just don't be too clingy.

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To be honest I always found facetiming more awkward than meeting in person. 


You good fam. Just keep doing what you're doing. 

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10 minutes ago, Beerman said:

"you look even more amazing in person..."

@Beerman When we first facetimed after a few days of talking that was the first thing I said to her. I also said she had a beautiful voice. 

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If she likes you enough to meet with you after all this time clearly you guys have a connection of some sort. Explore that and share some laughs with her. You'll bang it out the park man. Just enjoy yourself and make the best of meeting with her.


It doesn't have to be anything magical either. Just have a good time so much so that she wants to hang out again. 

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2 minutes ago, Burgham said:

@Travesty This mean sex?


Negative lol. If I were to take a guess, I'd say it's more in the metaphorical sense for you, my good man.


But hey... Maybe with the sweet caress of twilight, there's magic everywhere and with all this romantic atmosphere, disaster's in the air! Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings. The world, for once, in perfect harmony with all its living things. 


So many things to tell her. But how to make her see? The truth about my past? Impossible! She'd turn away from me. He's holding back, he's hiding. But what, I can't decide. Why won't he be the king I know he is. The king I see inside. 

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1 hour ago, Travesty said:

To be honest I always found facetiming more awkward than meeting in person. 


You good fam. Just keep doing what you're doing. 

Nah man. Skype dates and Skype sex A+

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5 hours ago, Burgham said:

Hey guys,


So a few weeks ago I swiped right on this cute ginger girl on Tinder.


As you can see from the graph, she is both hot, ginger, and a Tinder girl. Don't expect too much.


Keep your expectations in check. Just because she's talking to you doesn't mean it'll stay that way. Meaning, don't put your eggs all in this one basket. Be kind, polite, yourself, as it's lasted this long on a screen, she should expect nothing less in person. I recommend the ole coffee first, then movies route. Have a buddy know where you are, when you're going to be there, and when you get back. Girl or otherwise, it could get crazy and you may need an extraction. Have a check in where you text your friend, "Everything is going great!" or if it's not, have him call you 20 minutes or so into the date when you return from the "bathroom". Keep in mind you are meeting a girl from the Internet, it could be great, it could be weird, it could be dangerous. Keep smart, have fun, be safe. 

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I've gone on a few tinder dates, which I then preceded to screw up. Let me tell you what NOT to do:

  1. Take too long to make a move, this girl is from tinder, remember that, I get it'll be nerve racking, but just try and have some form of intimate contact with her within 2-3 dates. I get it, it's scary, and this doesn't mean pounce on her boobs, it means try and kiss her or hold her hand, something in that range
  2. Be a different guy than she met on tinder, trust me, I used a catfish as my tinder name because I thought it'd be funny, and never expected to go on a tinder date, just kinda troll, needless to say, my name was Willy on tinder, met the girl irl, she called me willy, and I couldn't stop laughing, ruined the whole thing
  3. Keep the same vibe going on, it's going to be a bit weird at first, so follow something that you did online, example, tease her about something you were doing on tinder
  4. PLEASE READ THE SIGNS SHE GIVES YOU, ex. if you think she wants you to make a move, do it, if she seems squeamish, leave and don't make it weird, just be happy you got a learning experience
  5. Golden Rule, It's not gay in a three way, be a decent human being, the most unattractive thing is to be mean to the waiter at a restaurant, or go on some crazy rant about something weird, treat her with respect, treat yourself with respect, and everyone that you encounter on the date, being nice is not unattractive, being a suck-up is.

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Gingers have no souls thus no relationships i say end it now


Just kidding but honestly just be yourself don't do anything out of the ordinary you want a girl that likes you for you not who you act as so your life isn't a show 24/7

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